Dairy of a scared women- endometrium 15.90mm age 34

mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

Hello beauties, I’m 34 years young mommy of 4. Here is a journal of my journey through finding out answers, hopefully this helps someone later down the line with answers or with some sort of comfort in the most frightening moments of your life. I pray that your outcome is wonderful and cancer free. <3!!


2/9/22- ultrasound for my PCOS nothing to expect but regular ultrasound like the one last year which came back just fine. They found 3 small Polyps back in 3/21 but said they weren’t anything to worry about because they were very tiny. I REALLY REALLY REALLY!!!! Was lazy to go to this appointment normally I’m fine about going to get ultrasounds but idk this time I was so lazy almost called to cancel a billion of times. Nonetheless I went and they lady was asking way more questions than the last time I feel like she was more thorough. 

2/15/22 - Doctor met with me to give me follow up on my ultrasound and blood work. Blood work came back I’m pre diabetic I’m over weight and have PCOS ( I expected that) I had lost a lot of weight last year so my a1c was regular but gained weight again so I knew my a1c would be a little up. Anyways Ultrasound shows that I have a thick endometrium I don’t know how thick. I have  polyps, fibroids (3) are small in size, nabothonian cyst, it was noted that my uterus is heterogeneous and enlarged and slightly bulky. Doctor is recommending a EMB and I have that scheduled for the 4th of March.  I tried to tell my husband what the doctor said about everything but it was hard with the kids yelling and him being stressed about other things. 

2/16/22- I did some research overnight, my doctor just said she wanted to be proactive she said yesterday and this was the reason we needed an EMB. She never said that the reason they do a EMB was because they were testing for abnormal cells that maybe CANCER. I am now VERY curious on what’s going to happen. I have had a colposcopy done after an abnormal Pap smear back in 2014, but I had no other symptoms or evidence to show I would have been at a higher risk for cancer of the cervix so I wasn’t too surprised when the results came back normal. Just have to wait and see I guess.  I decided I was going to go to the doctors office to ask for a copy of the ultrasound because the app for the office doesn’t show me the comments. I talked more to my husband and he said he didn’t realize what it meant or he didn’t hear me. The kids were yelling and it was at a bad time I told him. So he knows now.

(later in the day) I went down to the office they gave me the results I read a lot about how your endometrium is thick if it’s over 11mm I think it was for premenopausal women. I’m 34, 4 kids. I have had my tubes tied. Anyways here’s what the paperwork says I wanted the ultrasound for BOTH times but they only gave me the newest one so I figured I would ask again day of biopsy to avoid a trip back to the office.

This is what they said for this time on 2/9/22: 

Uterus: enlarged/ slightly bulky.heterogeneous probably adenomyosis vascular. Probable small subserosal fibroid seen anterior, mid-rt 1.6x0.8x1.0cm 

EC-slightly thick. Heterogeneous 

Cervix: nabothain cyst

 Bilateral múltiple ovarian follicles seen, largest is simple on the rt ov: 1.3x 1.2x 1.2cm 

Probable pcos May be seen, there are no obvious ovarian cyst seen today. Bilateral enlarged ovaries seen 

Clu de sac: mild amount of free fluid seen. Mild free fluid seen anterior to rt ovary 




Height-5.71 cm

Volume 214.55cm 

Endometrium thickness-15.90mm

2/17/22- I found a cancer forum for uterine/ endometrium cancer.(this one) I had found another one but it was for the UK I wasn’t aware and they wouldn’t let me post anything. This time around I’m more nervous because I’m experiencing more things that point more bad than good. I have had irregular periods since I was 16, and diagnosed with PCOS. heavy periods, fibroids spotting in between periods and months without my period. I emotionally feel so sad,but I have nobody to confide in. I want to tell my friends and family but they are all going through things and people normally just say the same thing, pray about it and you’ll be fine. Easier said than done. I’m scared I’m expecting the worse but praying to God for better. I just want to curl up and just not get up until the day of the biopsy but as a wife and a mother of 4 and we have his mom living with us, it’s just not possible.  


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  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    Hello, mstar310,

    Welcome. You have a lot going on! And valid concerns and fears. You are doing all the right things for yourself so feel good about that. Many of us had issues with telling family/friends and some uneasy issues with people who did not know how to respond, some out of fear, some out of ignorance, but still left us unsupported. I hope we can help in that department! As others have said before, the vast majority of issues are not cancer, but there is always a small chance it is and given your history you are wise to investigate. I assume that the EMB is a biopsy? Yes, I would advocate for the hysteroscopy D&C, if possible, which is using a lighted camera like a colonoscopy so they can visualize the uterus and sample, vs. a blind biopsy. It is an outpatient procedure and requires anesthesia, so that is something to consider. Good luck and let us know how you are doing.


  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Hi Denise,

    reading your response in my car as I’m waiting to take a test for school. I almost broke into tears! Yes it’s very overwhelming but people like you are definitely a ray of sunshine! Thank you for your help on clarifying the procedure I think while I have a few moments to sore seating here I’m going to call my doctors office. The way you describe it makes so much more sense! Thanks so much I truly appreciate your input. I just feel like I’m going in blind and am so grateful to have found this site to help me feel so not alone. My husband I think is more afraid when he hears me talk to my mother in law about it. So maybe you are right people just don’t know how to react. Will post again if I can get them to change my procedure if not will post for an update soon. :)!

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member


    I remember back when I was trying to get dx, to say it was difficult emotionally is the understatement of the year. We face each step not knowing what we don't know, scared, sometimes alone, and people throw medical terminology at us that we could not possibly understand or understand the ramifications. It all takes more time than we would like, so prepare yourself for each step as you go along the path to get a final dx. One foot in front of the other until you get your dx and keep reminding yourself that the odds are in your favor. The learning curve advances like osmosis. i.e., I never studied birds but I know a lot about them now because my husband tells me about them. LOL. Keep in touch and remember we are here for you.


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    I agree with Denise! Advocate for the D and C, so they can really get a thorough look around. I suggest my technique; look your doctor square in the eye and say, "I prefer a D and C, given my issues," and see what he/she says. As an older woman, I learned a long time ago that sometimes the best approach is an assertive one, especially with medical people.

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    2-17 -22

    4:45 I called for an update but I was on a lunch break so I’ll have to try and ring them tomorrow


    so I have goods news :)! I have decided to just worry about it once I get my results back. This way I don’t mentally stress myself out. I will post another update after my biopsy is done. With my insurance I will have to most likely do a biopsy first then ask for dnc but I’m going to ask to be sure today later on. Anyways hope everyone has an amazing day. I’m going hiking this morning so I’m excited.

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    2/20/22 Day one of my menstrual 😖😩😣😓 was like killer. I decided to document it for my appointment on the 4th. Does anyone know why they tell you come Back in 2/3 weeks i was wondering if it’s cause they wanted to see your Endometrium cells after you have had a cycle? Anways a side from that my aunt WHOS 61… sorry dunno why my phones capping my words, anyways my aunt is making an appointment because she is having extremely heavy bleeding. She’s post menopausal and It was her sister who passed of cancer of the uterus, which made me at a higher risk. So im worried for her and curious because this would definitely increase my chances or something being wrong. Well I have had a long weekend and am very exhausted I will update in a week. Enjoy the holiday tomorrow :)!

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    It's so good to document everything! keep us posted on you and your aunt. Sending a big, cheery hug to you!

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member


    You are off to a great start acting as your own BEST advocate. Let us know about your biopsy when you are able. I agree with the Scarlett O'Hara 'I will worry about it tomorrow method'. Another wise lady on this site suggested it and it has made all the difference in my anxiety level!

    My best thoughts directed your way and your Aunt.

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    2/27/22- hey all hope everyone is fine, I am nearly ending my Aunt Flo and it’s been all kinds of roller coasters lol. I am anxious to get my biopsy done. I did AncestryDNA about a year ago and found long lost family. A sister from that side said she had a hysterectomy done because of fibroids that were just too much to handle. She also mentioned she had cancer of her thyroid. She’s doing amazingly well now. So I know not every story is happy but it gives me a little less anxiety. Anyways I’ll update again on Friday. I was going to call my doctors office to see if they can switch the day to an earlier day but I think I wanna wait a bit til maybe a good 3 days after my period so I think by Friday I should be square. Okay have a good day T-T-Y-L

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    Hope the biopsy goes smoothly. Let us know the outcome.

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Thank you so much for your kindness:)! I will update soon, the days seem to be going by slow so I got busy. Keep you all posted :)!

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member


    This is it…. Waiting anxiously for my biopsy in the waiting room. I came alone but my husband dropped me off. I’m probably scaring myself more than anything based on what everyone has said about the chances of it even being cancer. I am really at this point more afraid of the pain of it. To anyone reading this later on that’s going through this, I read to take Tylenol and a coke so I took Tylenol and espresso instead since I don’t drink soda. I hope that works I’ll post an update when I’m done wish me luck 😩😩😩😩🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited March 2022 #14

    Consent form signed waiting now In the room with the robe on sweating bricks!! 😓😓lol

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    I hope that by now the procedure is over and since you've had children, that the process wasn't too uncomfortable.

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    All done, waiting for results now it hurt but not as bad yes, because I had kids. She had to go back in so a total of two times to get samples. I told her my doctor didn’t tell me much about the procedure. She said they will call me if I get back abnormal results. I recorded the whole thing on voice recorder just so I can listen back. She basically said it’s gonna come back nothing or hyperplasia or pre cancer or cancer cells. I’m not in much pain other than regular cramps but a little stabbing. In two weeks I’ll get my results but she said that I’ll have them on my patient portal so if they get to me sooner than she does 100% I’ll update as soon as I know anything. So I’m betting on nothing for good vibes! Lol 😝 hope you guys all have a great night .

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    thanks love, yes wasn’t too bad and lasted only literally 3 and half mins we took more time talking rather than doing the procedure. Will keep you all posted.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member

    One step done - now comes the the hard part - waiting for the results.

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Yes you are right! I’m reading your profile now thank so much for contributing to it. It’s people like you who help people like me in the waiting stages. As of now I feel like the two weeks will fly by faster than when I was waiting for the biopsy to be done. Maybe bc I’m over the initial shock of 😲it maybe cancer? 🤔idk only time will tell. Have an amazing weekend love.

  • mstar310
    mstar310 Member Posts: 29 Member

    Quick Pain update- cramps are getting more stronger so I think the medicine is wearing off. I took two 500mg of Tylenol before the procedure and had a shot of espresso. She didn’t use any pain medication when she performed the procedure as well. I am gonna wait maybe for an hour to take more medicine I last took some at 2 and it’s now 6 I’m not really having cramps it’s sharp pain from the inside if that sounds right 🤔anyways I’m taking it easy for the most part once I noticed the stabbing pain I started to bleed. Right after the procedure I wasn’t having any bleeding and they also never mentioned bleeding or offered a pad. Since I had done my homework I knew there would be pain and bleeding afterwards. I had a colposcopy done years ago and the process reminds me of the same thing. Overall the pain during the procedure wasn’t as painful and scary as I thought even. I’m in more pain now than the actual procedure.

  • Primavera
    Primavera Member Posts: 231 Member

    Good luck. Maybe it won’t hurt. Mine didn’t; they did it twice. They did give me a prescription for the day before. I think it was called cytotec and it was supposed to relax my cervix. Hugs.


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