Uterine Carcinosarcoma

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0 Member
edited May 2023 in Caregivers #1

Are there any uterine carcinosarcoma survivors here?


  • SpringerSpanielMom
    SpringerSpanielMom Member Posts: 137 Member

    Yes, but I see you're "deleted", so I'm not sure what that means. CMB who organizes the uterine cancer pages is also a survivor of GCS/MMMT and is an incredibly valuable resource.

  • ccrews
    ccrews Member Posts: 1 *

    I just got uterine biopsy results that say “ cytologic atypia” and suspected tubal metaplasia”. I am also a recent stage 1 lung cancer survivor(dxd 3/23 and surgery 4/5). I’ve been all over the internet and also met w the gyne oncologist today who says a hysterectomy is warranted. Ok fine I’m 55. Has anyone out there had this issue? I initially thought it wasn’t cancer/was low risk but the MD said it could be 50/50?! I am seen at Cancer Tx center of America in I’ll. Any input is appreciated thanks

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,034 Member

    I'm sorry it looks like no one saw your post. I hope you found the information you were looking for. Otherwise, post again, we will see you.

  • MykaMom
    MykaMom Member Posts: 2 *

    I'm 2.5 years out of treatment for CS grade 1B. It was my 60th birthday when at ct for a different problem spotted the tumor.

    I'm looking for other survivors of this aggressive cancer. I want to start/continue a support network for us.

    I'm having complications from brachytherapy. It SUCKS!

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,034 Member

    Can you post in uterine cancer page? This is an old post and may not get noticed. IF CS is uterine carcinosarcoma there are others on the uterine page that have this.

  • Kath1260
    Kath1260 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Yes me for one! I was diagnosed in August 2012. It is now August 2024. I was 53 years old. Had a regular hysterectomy for what my doctor thought was excessive bleeding associated with fibroids. Pathology came back positive for uterine carcinosarcoma. It was more then halfway thru my uterine wall and the report said I had "tumor nests" in my fallopian tubes. I was treated by Dr. Hector Arango in Clearwater Fl. I received the "iccream sandwich" protocol: taxol & IFEX- then 28 external pelvic radiations- then 3 more rounds of Taxol and IFEX. Mesna and Neulasta shots also to prop up my body's ability to get thru the chemo. I had a chemo port for 5 years. I stayed away from alcohol for the five years I had the port. I also kept a healthy body weight, exercised, and ate well - Mediterranean diet mostly. My post cancer life was not easy- my spouse had Alzheimers and was not an easy patient to care for the next decade- but despite that ongoing stressor, a cancer has not reappeared. Glad for that every day! Posting this to offer encouragement and hope to you all. Also I never tried to "fight" my cancer- I trusted my doctor- and I tried to accept what was happening in my life and make the best of it.