Fistula/hole in back of mouth



  • MST
    MST Member Posts: 21 Member

    Dear Crytstal,

    I am so sorry to hear about your circumstance. From what I have gathered you have been fighting a long, strong battle.

    Your words of hope and encouragement are very much appreciated.

    Thank you,


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member


    Feel free to private message me.

    It appears that most people here have the hpv positive SqCC cancer. Well, I do not.. And my RO told me that's why radiotherapy did not eradicate my first Primary malignancies and in fact I had invasive tumors come back only 9 months after treatments. Yeah...surgeries on top of of surgeries ad nauseum!

    I've never smoked and I do not drink so WTH?!

    Now, this New cancer. Second Primary cancer. Metastatic and terminal, they told me treatments ( systemic and rads) will give me only a couple more Weeks and that I will die from this new cancer, regardless of getting more treatments. Its Metastatic and when it invaded my Voice box in Early March, I could no longer produce any speech at all. No more voice. I cannot even utter Yes or No. ... Nothing. Just some Airy type sound

    And I don't feel like detailing here, what I'm experiencing right now....

    I gotta sign off now, to do suction ( sorry) and take meds. By the way, MST, I haven't eaten food in over 5 years. This is a crazy existence...

    Anyway, cheers,


    Hospice supplier just brought me 6 new tanks and my new Oxygen unit, which is thankfully completeky.portable. but it's not as lightweight as I wanted. It has a nice carrying system though. So, I have the Kangaroo feeding system and backpack and now this too. Soon my equipment is going to outweigh, little me.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    Sorry to hear about more weight loss, Crystal, and your condition, though probably expected. Hope you can stay strong inside, now and in your future. You truly are extraordinary.


  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member

    Hey Logan,

    Dear, I do not feel extraordinary. Not at all. I am in fact in a lot of oain. Throat cancer, and smothering .. Just trying to get through day by day, moment by moment . You all know how it is , try to find something to do to distract oneself and go on..

    Thank you for the very nice message!! I hope MST gets a Break soon, a much needed lull in the terrible events he has been going through. He needs some comfort and rest from all of it. I'm sure his family wants the same for him too.


  • MST
    MST Member Posts: 21 Member

    Thank you Crystal for the kind words. May you get some respite from your pain.
