Amy Jo

Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member

Hey guys sorry I have been quite it's been a tough month. Unfortunately radiation did not work on the Mets on my spine. So I was hospitalized with a compression fractue to my spine. I received an ablation and kyphoplasty and I'm up walking again although it's not like before I'm moving. I received my first treatment of opdivo and yervoy mid May it made me really tired. I'm still keeping a positive attitude hoping the immunotherapy is successful. So far my scan showed spots in my liver lungs spine and groin. God is my strength hoping for the best. I appreciate everyone's prayers and thoughts. 



  • HDPete
    HDPete Member Posts: 16 Member
    If you don’t mind, what was

    If you don’t mind, what was your original Stage, type an grade? I wish you the best!

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member


    Sending you healing vibes

    Stay strong


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Prayers for you Amy-Jo. 

    Prayers for you Amy-Jo. 

  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member


    Devastating to hear about your predicament.  I can only hope that the immunotherapy that has worked so well for me will get on top of your little monsters as well.

    Getting tired is not uncommon with these drugs and you can probably do with all the rest you can get.  Have they checked your thyroid functions?  Ipi (Yervoy) can mess with that a little.

    Best wishes,


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Amy Jo, hugs to you. I’ll

    Amy Jo, hugs to you. I’ll keep fingers crossed it works!

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Stay strong

    You've had one heck of a run so far with RCC.  You're young and strong and will do great with this new treatment.  Keep us updated.


  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    We've been wondering about

    We've been wondering about you and hoping you are ok. So happy to hear from you. We're all praying for Uncle Ned's visits for all of us. I especially hope this treatment works for you. Keep in touch!

  • ImNotDeadYet
    ImNotDeadYet Member Posts: 244
    Keeping you in my thoughts

    Glad you checked in, and wishing you all the best as you work through these latest challenges.

  • msjax
    msjax Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2018 #10
    Thinking of you

    Thinking of you during these rough months ... hope the treatments bring you some relief.

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member
    HDPete said:

    If you don’t mind, what was

    If you don’t mind, what was your original Stage, type an grade? I wish you the best!


    I was told I was stage 3 prior to surgery based on scans .This was based on the fact my turmor had reached my renal vein. I had scans prior to surgery which were clear. It was after surgery things blew up like fire works. My surgeon seems to think the lesions were there just to small to show on scans. My pathology report shows a grade 4 turmor. I know it's an agressive cancer I am hoping immunotherapy is the answer. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member
    Manufred said:



    Devastating to hear about your predicament.  I can only hope that the immunotherapy that has worked so well for me will get on top of your little monsters as well.

    Getting tired is not uncommon with these drugs and you can probably do with all the rest you can get.  Have they checked your thyroid functions?  Ipi (Yervoy) can mess with that a little.

    Best wishes,



    Yes they have not checked my thyroid yet I just had a second opinion Friday with a different oncology group. I was very impressed with their care and she said she would check my thyroid. I have a treatment Monday then my care will transition to the new clinic. The new clinic had way more to offer and they are also scheduling me with a genetic physician as well due to being so young. My new oncologist offers a physician who specializes in RCC as well. My previous oncologist really didn't get much of a history or dicuss much of anything with me. Although he is a very kind person I want a physician who is agressive with my care he has been a wait and see guy. My new oncologist will check my thyroid with in the next 2 weeks. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member
    stub1969 said:

    Stay strong

    You've had one heck of a run so far with RCC.  You're young and strong and will do great with this new treatment.  Keep us updated.


    Thank you

    I pray my young age and the fact I was pretty healthy before this will help me weather this storm. I have moments of frustrations however I can't my worries to God he has carried me so far. One positive side to my journey has been seeing God's work through all my friends and family and complete strangers. The prayers and little gifts that trickle in to me it's amazing. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member
    JoeyZ said:

    We've been wondering about

    We've been wondering about you and hoping you are ok. So happy to hear from you. We're all praying for Uncle Ned's visits for all of us. I especially hope this treatment works for you. Keep in touch!

    Thank You

    Seemed like I was in and out of the hospital there for a bit. The most painful part was the compression fractue that the tumor on my spine caused. I had kyphoplasty which now I can get up and move around. By the time I was hospitalized I couldn't walk. I definitely can't move like I did prior to all of this however I can walk amen for that it's the little Miracles. My surgeon also did an ablation at the turmor site which we hope kills or slows it's growth. Thank you for thinking of me. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member

    Keeping you in my thoughts

    Glad you checked in, and wishing you all the best as you work through these latest challenges.

    Thank You

    It's been a scary journey so far. Thank you for thinking of me. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member
    msjax said:

    Thinking of you

    Thinking of you during these rough months ... hope the treatments bring you some relief.

    Thank You

    Today has been a good day. I'm hoping this continues I have my next treatment Monday hopefully it will not cause a landslide of side effects. Thank you for thinking of me. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member
    Allochka said:

    Amy Jo, hugs to you. I’ll

    Amy Jo, hugs to you. I’ll keep fingers crossed it works!

    Thank you

    I appreciate everyone's kindness - you have all been so kind and informative since I joined. Hugs for you as well. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member

    Prayers for you Amy-Jo. 

    Prayers for you Amy-Jo. 

    Thank You

    Thank you for your prayers and support. I hope you are doing well stay strong. 

  • Amy_Jo
    Amy_Jo Member Posts: 70 Member
    foroughsh said:



    Sending you healing vibes

    Stay strong


    Thank you

    I'm feeling stronger now. I've been through so many surgeries and procedures in the past few months my body was just wiped out. I'm finally getting a chance to heal. I hope you continue to do well. Thank you for thinking of me. 

  • msjax
    msjax Member Posts: 20
    You are in my thoughts ~

    You are in my thoughts ~ praying Monday goes well for you!

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Amy_Jo, thinking of you,

    wishing you all the best in your treatment and recuperation.  You are a brave and strong young woman. Sending you a big, big hug.