The Lowdown on Cannabis, Please

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

I know there have been many threads on this and there's two sides to it. I'm wondering if someone can just simplify it for me, please. It's the THC that helps us, right? We need just that in some form. It helps with what exactly? And what's the most effective and easy way to get it into the system? I've never smoked pot and never will. I don't smoke and never have and have no intention of introducing a foreign substance into my lung that has mets in it. Plus I can't stand the smell of it. That's another question, how can I take some but not have to deal with the flavour?

I tried drops a few years ago but was feeling better then than I do now. My everyday quality of life is down and I'm starting to think this is as good as it's going to get. I used to think of this as my bad days, now they're just every day. I'm tired and weak and have no appetite and feel a bit of nausea most of the time. I'm hoping that I can improve things ar least a bit. I have pain all the time, too. I don't want to live on painkillers and need more and more as time goes by until I'm really in trouble.

I don't think cannabis cures cancer but if I could improve how I feel every day and get out more that would be wonderful. I just don't know what to use. We have a clinic in the city that sells this stuff and I'm sure they are knowledgable but I'd like to hear some ideas from people who actually have tried it and use it.





  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I guess it's the CBD, not THC

    I guess it's the CBD, not THC we need, right?


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    I’ve never tried it but think

    I’ve never tried it but think it’s the THC you need. Someone will be around to help you out.

  • Tunadog
    Tunadog Member Posts: 235 Member
    Cannabis cannot cure cancer..

    But it helps with minor pain and nausea. You want to try edibles. I think you’re in Canada and they should be available.

    You want to try a very low dosage (like 5mg THC) so you don’t get too stoned.

    I think the THC vs CBD argument is clouded by marketing. I eat Medical Marijuana Cookies for the pain in my butt (along with Ibuprofen) to avoid Opioids. It is very effective.

     I think it would help with your nausea.

  • Woodytele
    Woodytele Member Posts: 163

    i started up the cannabis when I was having problems sleeping.  As far as what cures what, ... nothing has been proven, and if you have cancer you probably drive yourself crazy with all the diet, mineral, supplement info.  However, I have taken CBD oil which is supposed to help with all kinds of ailments, you don’t get “high“ from it, it’s just for helping your health.  I also smoke it to help my sleep, specifically Indica strain of the plant.  The Indica gets you sleepy, and I sleep like a baby.  There are all kinds of ways to take it, candy, brownie, smoke it, etc... Some people believe that the higher the THC content the better it heals you.  If you look up “Rick Simpson Oil”, it gives you some insight into all this info.  The Rick Simpson oil is a concentrated for of marijuana, boiled down into a tar-like substance, and is super strong.  I have tried this as well.  I am a believer in the cannabis, and i no longer need any pain killers, or sleep aids.  It’s the only thing that helped my sleep issues, and the Dr. Prescribed all kinds of stuff, (Ambien, etc..). None of those worked for me. 

  • BRHMichigan
    BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2018 #6
    THC Oil

    I buy full plant extract Rick Simpson Oil from a local dispensary. The THC is believed to have anti-cancer properties. My M.D.advised me to get a 4:1 ratio of CBD to THC.  You can start with a dot (size of a half grain of rice) under your tongue. It hits me about an hour after. I get hungry and tired. It is a tar-like substance. I agree with Woody that edibles are a good way to go but start super small! If I take too much I will overeat so much it's crazy! I got through all my chemo and radiation without a single pain pill. Cannabis was great. And I continue to use it every night. Good luck in your quest. 

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thanks you guys! I'll

    Thanks you guys! I'll definitely start out small. I'd love to feel at least a little better. This is sucking my will to live.


  • ThomasH
    ThomasH Member Posts: 106 Member
    I use it daily

    I am so sorry to hear you are having a tough go of things Jan.

    I haven't found any good clinical research that convinced me that it looks cancer, but it was amazing for my nausea and appetite while I was on chemo. I take mine as either straight oil, edible, or I have a vaporiser.

    The way it affects you is definitely different in intensity depending on how you take it. Inhaled is fast acting, but shorter duration. Edible makes for a shower onset, longer duration, and in my experience, a little higher overall intensity.

    I have used it as a suppository also, and found that taking it that way did not make for any high whatsoever, so that might be a consideration of that is a desired outcome.

    Generally indica strains will make you tired, sativa strains less so. 

    I couldn't emphasize enough that it is a good idea to start with a low dose, and of you take it orally, I have had it take up to 2 hours before it reached full effect, so wait at least that long before you decide it didn't do anything.

    I've been doing it for the last 2 years, so if I can share anything I've learned with you (or anyone else) just ask.


    Take care,


  • Noneya
    Noneya Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2018 #9
    It does help me

    I use a rick simpson oil (RSO) with a one to one ratio. Nausea kept to minimum. I use a formula that is 100mg thc and cbd, Dr recomended this ratio and I use it in my Tumeric and pepper mix instead of olive oil. I use this on my main meals just as I'm about to eat as a glaze. I don't get the high but do feel more relaxed. Remember this is a Dr that said I likely had no more than 2 months but would do her best to cure where others would ease my symptoms. The first of this month was 3 months and blood work is showing improvement hopefuly scan next month will confirm. The best i can tell you is it works for me and the NIH here in the States has several studies of how it works on cancer also there is a study on what types of cancer it works on and how.

    As others have said just start low and work up till you figure out your level. This coming fro a Law Enforcement Officer of over 15 years, and yes I get all kinds of looks when they call for OFFICER JIM at the dispesnery.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thank you both! I have an

    Thank you both! I have an appointment in a couple of hours at the 420 clinic in the city. My onc had suggested it last year but I'd forgotten about it. There's a process where you get assessed, then go to a doctor on their list to get an Rx, then you order what you need. I'm so excited about maybe not feeling so crappy every day. Last year what I'm going through every day we called my bad days, now they're just every day and no good days. And I'm back on chemo now so things aren't likely to get better without some help.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Noneya said:

    It does help me

    I use a rick simpson oil (RSO) with a one to one ratio. Nausea kept to minimum. I use a formula that is 100mg thc and cbd, Dr recomended this ratio and I use it in my Tumeric and pepper mix instead of olive oil. I use this on my main meals just as I'm about to eat as a glaze. I don't get the high but do feel more relaxed. Remember this is a Dr that said I likely had no more than 2 months but would do her best to cure where others would ease my symptoms. The first of this month was 3 months and blood work is showing improvement hopefuly scan next month will confirm. The best i can tell you is it works for me and the NIH here in the States has several studies of how it works on cancer also there is a study on what types of cancer it works on and how.

    As others have said just start low and work up till you figure out your level. This coming fro a Law Enforcement Officer of over 15 years, and yes I get all kinds of looks when they call for OFFICER JIM at the dispesnery.


    can we call you 'Officer Jim'?


  • plsletitrain
    plsletitrain Member Posts: 252 Member

    I don't have input on cannabis because I haven't used it but I heard positive feedbacks from people who used it.  What I understand is, it helps you get through with the chemo side effects.

    What I do have a lot to say about is the one you're talking about like sucking the will to live.  I don't know if there's any study on that matter, and while having sickness or any problem really causes us to get depressed, I think there is some mental and emotional effect of chemo (scientifically I mean).  When I was on chemo last year, it was as if being kissed by a dementor, all the happiness is sucked out.  I felt that emptiness, that feeling of nothingness.... After that, even if I still had problems, I was able to get through it.  Now I'm back on chemo, and that feeling of emptiness is here again.  Sometimes I think I don't want to exist anymore, that all of this is meaningless.  It takes some snapping on my head to get me back on my senses.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member


    I don't have input on cannabis because I haven't used it but I heard positive feedbacks from people who used it.  What I understand is, it helps you get through with the chemo side effects.

    What I do have a lot to say about is the one you're talking about like sucking the will to live.  I don't know if there's any study on that matter, and while having sickness or any problem really causes us to get depressed, I think there is some mental and emotional effect of chemo (scientifically I mean).  When I was on chemo last year, it was as if being kissed by a dementor, all the happiness is sucked out.  I felt that emptiness, that feeling of nothingness.... After that, even if I still had problems, I was able to get through it.  Now I'm back on chemo, and that feeling of emptiness is here again.  Sometimes I think I don't want to exist anymore, that all of this is meaningless.  It takes some snapping on my head to get me back on my senses.

    I've found that my general

    I've found that my general condition isn't what it used to be. I haven't been on chemo for months but after the sepsis it seems like I've never got back to where I was which wasn't perfect, either. I'm tired of being too exhausted to do anything. My husband is retired, we could be out doing things, but he goes alone to get groceries because I don't have the energy to go with him. There's a catch-22 with the fact that I don't want to eat anything and the lack of energy because I'm not eating as well. I'm just so sick of feeling like this all the time. I'm so far from feeling normal I can't remember what it's like. I started taking anti-depressants a few months ago which has helped but they're not enough.

    Cancer is enough, we don't need all the other crap, too.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I had my appointment and what

    I had my appointment and what they've suggested is oils. I would take one with CBD in the morning and one with THC before bed. Now I have to wait for a doctor to see me and then the Rx will be sent off to a manufacturer and a week or so later I'll get the stuff. Oh, I hope it works. I want to feel as close to normal as possible and not have to use a sleep aid and pain killers just to not feel so bad.

    Thanks for the help, everyone!


  • Pamcakes
    Pamcakes Member Posts: 112 Member
    edited March 2018 #15
    Thanks to all of your input I

    Thanks to all of your input I discovered there is a shop not far from our home where we can buy the CBD oil. I was working in that area this morning so thought why not stop in. I didn't realize we could buy CBD in our state. the shop was very helpful and friendly there was not much of a selection, but I left wil some of the oil and a healing cream made of CBD, hemp and some other ingredient. DH happened to be off work today and we both arrived home around 12pm. His leg from a blood clot has been causing him so much pain and maybe from the oxi as well. I rubbed the cream all the way down his leg to him ankles and he tried one drop of the oil. He didn't really have much faith in either. BUT he had relief most all day!! his face actually looked relaxed again!!!  He plans to use the oil at bed time from here on out. he will use the cream am and pm to help with the pain.  

    Jan I really hope you feel the same benefits as DH. I know this was only one day, but I really feel this may help him and hoping for you as well!!! we can't buy the THC oils here so I don't know how that will help. Good luck!!!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited March 2018 #16
    Pamcakes said:

    Thanks to all of your input I

    Thanks to all of your input I discovered there is a shop not far from our home where we can buy the CBD oil. I was working in that area this morning so thought why not stop in. I didn't realize we could buy CBD in our state. the shop was very helpful and friendly there was not much of a selection, but I left wil some of the oil and a healing cream made of CBD, hemp and some other ingredient. DH happened to be off work today and we both arrived home around 12pm. His leg from a blood clot has been causing him so much pain and maybe from the oxi as well. I rubbed the cream all the way down his leg to him ankles and he tried one drop of the oil. He didn't really have much faith in either. BUT he had relief most all day!! his face actually looked relaxed again!!!  He plans to use the oil at bed time from here on out. he will use the cream am and pm to help with the pain.  

    Jan I really hope you feel the same benefits as DH. I know this was only one day, but I really feel this may help him and hoping for you as well!!! we can't buy the THC oils here so I don't know how that will help. Good luck!!!

    That's wonderful!! I'm so

    That's wonderful!! I'm so happy for him!

    To be honest I feel better just hoping that there's something that will make me feel better. The whole process will take about a month but at least it's something to look forward to.

    What's up with the blood clot? That scares me! I was on Folfox and kept getting blood clots in my leg and my onc at te time was very dismissive of it and told me to take aspirins. The fourth blood clot went into my lung and almost killed me. It should have, one doctor said the odds of me surving and being okay after were about one in a thousand. I had seven cardiac arrests that morning, a stroke, kidney failure, a brain bleed, and went into a coma. When I came out of the coam I was totally paralyzed and it took months to be able to walk again. I had to relearn everything, even the most basic tasks. Are they doing something about it or what's going on? You have me very worried.


  • BRHMichigan
    BRHMichigan Member Posts: 368
    Noneya said:

    It does help me

    I use a rick simpson oil (RSO) with a one to one ratio. Nausea kept to minimum. I use a formula that is 100mg thc and cbd, Dr recomended this ratio and I use it in my Tumeric and pepper mix instead of olive oil. I use this on my main meals just as I'm about to eat as a glaze. I don't get the high but do feel more relaxed. Remember this is a Dr that said I likely had no more than 2 months but would do her best to cure where others would ease my symptoms. The first of this month was 3 months and blood work is showing improvement hopefuly scan next month will confirm. The best i can tell you is it works for me and the NIH here in the States has several studies of how it works on cancer also there is a study on what types of cancer it works on and how.

    As others have said just start low and work up till you figure out your level. This coming fro a Law Enforcement Officer of over 15 years, and yes I get all kinds of looks when they call for OFFICER JIM at the dispesnery.

    Officer Jim

    Jim, I was using 1:1 ratio for the longest time and it was making me super high. My medical doctor asked me to take it more frequently during the day so I needed to decrease the THC content. 

    Anyway, many congratulations on exceeding your 2 month mark. I believe you can prove them wrong by years not months!  You seem so strong. Thanks for continuing to share and inspire here!

    Go, Officer Jim!

  • SkepticalRealist
    SkepticalRealist Member Posts: 4
    Aint no Cure

       From reading all the responses to your enquiry I can see you've recieved plenty of good advice on how to use cannabis in a theraputic manner , however I would caution you to dismiss the idea that it will cure cancer. Cannabis has been used in many cultures for thousands of years and to the best of my knowlege has never cured anything but it does have many properties that can relieve symptoms and aide in recovery. Unfortunately enough research just hasn't been done to prove anything one way or another, but its use as an appetite booster , sleep aide , pain relief and epilepsy aide are well known and documented enough to make it a very effective natural therapy with little to no known side-effects. By using the cannabis as a supplement or adjunct in conjunction with your other medications I believe you will achieve a more satisfactory outcome and be able to live a more natural , normal life free of many of the side-effects you find so debilitating. Good luck and best wishes on the journey ahead.

  • OzarkGal
    OzarkGal Member Posts: 41

    Are there restrictions on driving?

  • ThomasH
    ThomasH Member Posts: 106 Member
    OzarkGal said:


    Are there restrictions on driving?

    For sure!

    You can't expect to use cannabis and drive any more than you would be able to drink and drive. They both impair you, so you need to treat them the same. The restrictions aren't cannabis specific, but it certainly falls under the same impaired driving laws, and of course, common sense. I wouldn't want to drive after I have taken a dose, and I wouldn't want anyone else on the road who has had one either.



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    Aint no Cure

       From reading all the responses to your enquiry I can see you've recieved plenty of good advice on how to use cannabis in a theraputic manner , however I would caution you to dismiss the idea that it will cure cancer. Cannabis has been used in many cultures for thousands of years and to the best of my knowlege has never cured anything but it does have many properties that can relieve symptoms and aide in recovery. Unfortunately enough research just hasn't been done to prove anything one way or another, but its use as an appetite booster , sleep aide , pain relief and epilepsy aide are well known and documented enough to make it a very effective natural therapy with little to no known side-effects. By using the cannabis as a supplement or adjunct in conjunction with your other medications I believe you will achieve a more satisfactory outcome and be able to live a more natural , normal life free of many of the side-effects you find so debilitating. Good luck and best wishes on the journey ahead.

    I completely agree with you

    I completely agree with you and have no hope that it will cure anything. I think the best it can do therapeutically is to make life better which reduces stress and pain and enables us to do more physically which is helpful in the cancer fight. 

