Living alone



  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    HapB, i still think there may

    HapB, i still think there may be resources out there that you haven't tapped into.   The help I received had nothing to do with my income; it was to assist people with cancer.  Nobody asked how much money I made, only how far I had to travel.  People come to my city for treatment and get grants to stay here while they are in treatment and there are apartment buildings designated for out-of-town patients.  I was treated at Johns Hopkins and people come from all over the world to be treated here. Please ask to speak to a patient social worker where you're being treated.  Don't give up.  Best wishes.

  • nspired36
    nspired36 Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2017 #23
    HapB said:


    i know 2 hrs is far, but it is the closest to a good hospital. I would not go to hospitals in my state for even a hang nail!  I am feeling overwhelmed in every way. When you are single, you take care of yourself and I jusr don't have anyone who can drive me for a year! I am thinking now of not having treatment and just live out whatever life I have left. It is what it is. There are all these studies about how married people live longer, and they attribute it to love. That is wrong. Not having people to help you when you are sick is why divorced die younger!

    Hang in there

    I am single ( I do have children though), totally overwhlemed and at the moment I feel totally helpless! BUT, you can't give up. Maybe the hospital has resources or a volunteer network that can get you to your appointments

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    thanks, I am still recovering from lumpectomy and so surprised that the wounds won't heal. I feel like my home is in a heap and overwhelmed trying to keep up with all I have to do to get place ready for summer. It is finally dawning on me that I can't really do it this time. Worn out.

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    nspired36 said:

    Hang in there

    I am single ( I do have children though), totally overwhlemed and at the moment I feel totally helpless! BUT, you can't give up. Maybe the hospital has resources or a volunteer network that can get you to your appointments


    thanks. I have a child, but she lives 3 hours for me. I need to regroup.

    How did you doctor appointment go yesterday?

  • nspired36
    nspired36 Member Posts: 80
    HapB said:


    thanks. I have a child, but she lives 3 hours for me. I need to regroup.

    How did you doctor appointment go yesterday?

    Its going to be a journey

    I have stage III IDC, I cant remember all the other grading terms they used (once he said stage 3 I kinda lost it), I am sure that over time I will have it memorized. I have a PET scan on Monday and start my 1st round of AC Chemo on June 1st. I will need 5 months of Chemo! I just have been in a negative slump since I found out I have BC, I really need to figure out a way to boost my mood and confidence that the treatments will work and I will be OK. When is your appointment?

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    edited May 2017 #27

    NspiredI don't know if you are a believer, but I think we need to trust that we are in God's hands. I know exactly what you mean, I have been down because my armpit won't heal and I am overwhelmed. I am wasting the time I have and I know it. I need to haul myself into church and really believe. Our faith is being tested right now. I need to sit in church for some amount of time in the quiet. I hope that works. 

    Did you already have the tumor out? 

    Sending you peace and strength!

  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    I felt that way after I

    I felt that way after I finished radiation. I felt thoroughly worn out, helpless and fearful.  How was I going to maintain my house?  Who was going to cut my grass?  My air conditioners are window units; who was going to put them in?  Answer: I did.  Gradually, I got stronger and the stronger I got, the less fearful I was.  If your surgical site isn't healing, please call your MO or the surgeon's office.  It's been a week and it should be getting better.  The last thing you want and they want is for an infection to set in. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Squeak out!  Let people know your condition and your concerns about treatment and the future.  They are there to help you - let them. I gonna send you some cyber vibes for strength and healing.  All the best.


  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2017 #29

    I am sorry that you are having such a tough time of it!  I wish that I could offer some really helpful insight as to what to expect as you work through the stages of breast cancer treatment, but I can't, I am new to all of this too.  What I can say is that you have proven that you are a fighter, you have beaten cancer before!  I am also a believer, and I am praying for you!  Try to take it one step at a time, and as others have said, allow people to be a blessing to you.


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    HapB said:


    i know 2 hrs is far, but it is the closest to a good hospital. I would not go to hospitals in my state for even a hang nail!  I am feeling overwhelmed in every way. When you are single, you take care of yourself and I jusr don't have anyone who can drive me for a year! I am thinking now of not having treatment and just live out whatever life I have left. It is what it is. There are all these studies about how married people live longer, and they attribute it to love. That is wrong. Not having people to help you when you are sick is why divorced die younger!


    Please get ahold of your American Cancer group in your area.  They can hook you up with assistance.  Mine did in my area. 

    Hugs hugs hugs,


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    a time when...

    I think I was on my 3rd round of chemo and I was so sick and I looked at my sister and said, I dont think I am going to make this.  I just dont think so.  She dried my eyes and said, you will, your made of some strong stock.  You go ahead and cry and go ahead nd scream if you must, I am going to get you a cup of hot tea and we will sit here together and just chill.   We did and I sucked it up and went to bed and the next day I got up feeling a little better and kept going with it. 

    You gotta get tough, stay focused, listen to music, watch a good funny movie, and it gets better.  Sometimes it takes awhile but you will. 

