Not Diagnosed but have questionsf



  • JuliaGrant
    JuliaGrant Member Posts: 14

    Good Morning! Got in to see

    Good Morning! Got in to see the old urologist yesterday afternoon and he said that he doesn't like to send for CT scan because of the amount of radiation that it gives your body. I told him that I really wanted to make sure that I didn't have a mass or anything going on in my kidneys since this has been going on for a little over 2 years now. Sooo, he agreed to send me for one and I go tomorrow morning. It is a CT scan with contrast.

    Jan - I don't have a primary doc because I rarely ever go to a doctor and the ones around here won't keep you if you don't come every year. Shoot, when I go in for a colonoscopy they truly can't believe that I don't take any meds on a regular basis.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers, kind words, info and support!! Hopefully I should know something tomorrow....

    Also, I forgot to add that he

    Also, I forgot to add that he said that I had no infection - that he was seeing pure blood in the urine, no white blood cells. He did say that if the CT scan shows nothing then I'm just going to be one of those people who have blood in their urine. He said he would keep a check on it every 6 months to make sure the amount of blood was the same....

  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    edited November 2016 #23

    Good Morning! Got in to see

    Good Morning! Got in to see the old urologist yesterday afternoon and he said that he doesn't like to send for CT scan because of the amount of radiation that it gives your body. I told him that I really wanted to make sure that I didn't have a mass or anything going on in my kidneys since this has been going on for a little over 2 years now. Sooo, he agreed to send me for one and I go tomorrow morning. It is a CT scan with contrast.

    Jan - I don't have a primary doc because I rarely ever go to a doctor and the ones around here won't keep you if you don't come every year. Shoot, when I go in for a colonoscopy they truly can't believe that I don't take any meds on a regular basis.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers, kind words, info and support!! Hopefully I should know something tomorrow....

    You need a different urologist.

    If the CT does show a mass (not likely, but possible, as only 1-3% of the people with blood in urine turn out to have cancer), but if there is no other explanation, that raises the odds.  Do not let this doctor opperate on you if it turns out to be cancer.



  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited November 2016 #24

    Good Morning! Got in to see

    Good Morning! Got in to see the old urologist yesterday afternoon and he said that he doesn't like to send for CT scan because of the amount of radiation that it gives your body. I told him that I really wanted to make sure that I didn't have a mass or anything going on in my kidneys since this has been going on for a little over 2 years now. Sooo, he agreed to send me for one and I go tomorrow morning. It is a CT scan with contrast.

    Jan - I don't have a primary doc because I rarely ever go to a doctor and the ones around here won't keep you if you don't come every year. Shoot, when I go in for a colonoscopy they truly can't believe that I don't take any meds on a regular basis.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers, kind words, info and support!! Hopefully I should know something tomorrow....

    At least an Ultrasound

    Even the GP is able to refer you for an ultrasound.

    A good Ultrasound device can pick up a sub-centimeter mass from the kidney and it is completely safe with no radiation concern. It can also distinguish the mass as a solid or cystic mass as well.

    Best wishes!


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited November 2016 #25

    Good Morning! Got in to see

    Good Morning! Got in to see the old urologist yesterday afternoon and he said that he doesn't like to send for CT scan because of the amount of radiation that it gives your body. I told him that I really wanted to make sure that I didn't have a mass or anything going on in my kidneys since this has been going on for a little over 2 years now. Sooo, he agreed to send me for one and I go tomorrow morning. It is a CT scan with contrast.

    Jan - I don't have a primary doc because I rarely ever go to a doctor and the ones around here won't keep you if you don't come every year. Shoot, when I go in for a colonoscopy they truly can't believe that I don't take any meds on a regular basis.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers, kind words, info and support!! Hopefully I should know something tomorrow....

    Well good that you are

    Well good that you are getting a CT and glad you advocated for yourself.

    BUT you need a primary doc. If you had one they would've ordered tests and referrals which MDs take more seriously when referral is from a doctor. It is an insurance rule you see a doc at least 1x  a year esp if you are going to get medications/refills. My primary has literally saved my life and is the one I trust 100%. Its a female D.O. thinks outside the box which in my case got me to the best speciaists for many other conditions that were being missed.

    Let us know your progress. I always get a written copy of any tests/procedures I have done before I see the MD who ordered it.  If it is serious, you usually hear from the MD right away with a call (usually).

    Keep us  informed.

    We're here for you!


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    edited November 2016 #26
    Jan4you said:

    Well good that you are

    Well good that you are getting a CT and glad you advocated for yourself.

    BUT you need a primary doc. If you had one they would've ordered tests and referrals which MDs take more seriously when referral is from a doctor. It is an insurance rule you see a doc at least 1x  a year esp if you are going to get medications/refills. My primary has literally saved my life and is the one I trust 100%. Its a female D.O. thinks outside the box which in my case got me to the best speciaists for many other conditions that were being missed.

    Let us know your progress. I always get a written copy of any tests/procedures I have done before I see the MD who ordered it.  If it is serious, you usually hear from the MD right away with a call (usually).

    Keep us  informed.

    We're here for you!


    On the day I was diagnosed

    I was sent for an ultrasound for gallstones. Before I reached my front door, I had my doctor on the phone telling me they had found a shadow and could I go back for a CT scan NOW.

    A good GP is a great thing to have, even if its someone to talk to if you dont like/undertstand a diagnosis.

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    I agree with everyone here get a second opinion, I had the same issues doctors telling me it was nothing this went on for almost five years finally I found a doctor who wanted a scan by then it was to late the tumor had spread into another tumor and were to large to save my kidney.  As for could it be somthing else sure but better to get the scan and find out than wait to long and find out the hardway.  Good luck you are in my prayers.


  • JuliaGrant
    JuliaGrant Member Posts: 14
    Went for the CT Scan this 

    Went for the CT Scan this  morning and carried the results back to the urologist. He looked at them and said that there might be a couple of small cysts on my left kidney and something on the tube from that kidney to the bladder but nothing that he thought we needed to worry about. He said he would let me know what the radiologist had to say when he received his report.

  • JuliaGrant
    JuliaGrant Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2016 #29
    He did mention doing an

    He did mention doing an ultrasound to make sure they were just cysts but then said he wanted to wait on the radiologists report...

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited November 2016 #30

    He did mention doing an

    He did mention doing an ultrasound to make sure they were just cysts but then said he wanted to wait on the radiologists report...

    Very good news

    That's very good news. CT is good at identifying the soft tissues and malignant mass, which you have none. Ultrasound does a better job at identifying the existence of fluid (cyst). Cyst is very common in adult over 40, so don't worry about it!

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    edited November 2016 #31
    Blood In Urine

    I'd thought some scant blood in urine was sort of nothing and common. However, I'd also thought visible blood/clots was something potentially serious and should be checked out, particularly if you went from not having it to having it. When I had gross hematuria (visible blood) the first time, I saw a PA. By the time I saw him it had gone away and my urine test showed no blood. He shrugged. I didn't even know it was blood. I just knew my urine had turned bright red. Unfortunately, it happened after a night of heavy drinking (a rare was my 50th birthday and I resorted to a one night return to my college days. Lol) so I let him chalk it up to the heavy drinking or the red velvet martini I'd had the night before.

    A year later that gross hematuria returned and this time it lasted a couple of days and was eventually accompanied by kidney-stone like pain (blood clots passing through the urethra evidently). The first doc I saw thought I had a UTI and started me on antibiotics. She also did a culture and blood test. Later when those came back negative for UTI, she was very concerned and suggested I see a urologist. However, in the interim I went to the ER because of the intense pain. I thought I had another kidney stone. I'd almost convinced the ER doc that's what it was. I didn't want to be hospitalized or to be given pain drugs or get a CT, because all of that had been a waste of time when I had my kidney stone (and it cost a lot of money and none of it did any good). Thank God the ER doc did not listen to me and ordered a CT with contrast. They found this 7 cm is a long story.

    I've no idea all the reasons that can cause gross hematuria. However, I think your doc skipping a CT because of radiation makes him sound damn stupid when the downside risk is undetected kidney cancer. But I never went to medical school, so what do I know. Still, I'd get away from that urologist. He/she just doesn't sound like they are really looking closely into what's going on with you. At the very least you could have an ultrasound, which has no radiation.

    I hope you don't have any problem with your kidney. Or it's something small/treatable. If there is a mass, I'd suggest finding a urologic oncologist to get further followup and not stick with this urologist. He seems to be in denial about the risks and symptoms of kidney cancer. You need a good specialist. Urologic oncologists have special training in masses and how to treat them. They often do robotic surgery or use other methods to treat this.

    Let us know what happens please. Wishing you well!
