accual work tomarrow

janaes Member Posts: 799 Member

I go to work tommarow.  Im not feeling that great.  My hysterectomy hasent healed completely and unfortunatly my neuropathy hasnt gotten better like it did the first two treatments.  By day 17- 20 my neropathy was almost nothing.  It didnt do that this time.  In fact it is in my toes now. Even feels like its going into my feet a little.  I tryied putting ice on my toes to see if that helps. The good news is that i bought me some of those gloves and feet slippers  today to see if that helps.  It will take a bit to get them because i ordered them on-line.  I hope they help.  My joinyt pain in my legs is still with me too.  The good news about that is i read on an older post that someone used ginger and it helped with her joint pain.  Im going to try that.  I hope you all wish me luck and support again for tomrrow. I could use all the help i can get.



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    edited August 2016 #2
    You got it

    Good Luck.  I'll be sending positive vibes your way tomorrow.  Now go to bed.

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    Good luck!

    Good luck at work tomorrow, Janae! I hope you're feeling better when you wake up.

    One of my nurses specifically told me to take Ibuprofen for leg pain. It does seem to help more than Tylenol.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited August 2016 #4
    Good luck, Janae

    Just take it one hour, one project, one bit at a time and you'll get through it.


  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    edited August 2016 #5
    You Go Girl

    Here is wishing you strength and serenity.  You will conquer the beast!  

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    Thinking of You

    I'm hoping you woke up feeling a little better today, too. If not, don't beat yourself up if you can't make it through the whole day. It's amazing that you're going in in the first place!

    I second becca that the ibuprofen works for the leg pain, but it can be a bit of a trick to tell the difference between that and the neuropathy if that also extends up your legs from your feet.  For me, there's the numbness and tingling in the toes and balls of the feet, but a break between the heels and ankles before the calf and shin pain starts. Taking ibuprofen helps, although it can take an hour or two to kick in. I take 400-600mg to sleep at night depending on how bad it is. Usually the higher dose the closer to a treatment I am. I manage ok during the day with it, so I only take it at bedtime and usually don't need it at all for a week or so before the next treatment. I'm having trouble getting pills to go down, so less is more for me!


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited August 2016 #7
    I hope today goes well for

    I hope today goes well for you Janae.  Do what you can and rest if you need to.

    Sending you loads of positive energy.

    Love and Hugs,


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Thank you every one.  even

    Thank you every one.  even the ones who didnt post but are just wishing me luck anyways and those who have gone before me and have already done this. I am up and am almost ready for the day.  I gave my legs a missage before i got up and then got up and walked around the house a bit to get my legs moving.  I will let you guys know how it goes.

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited August 2016 #9
    I did it!!!!  I made i

    I did it!!!!  I made i through work.  I wouldnt say it was easy.  This is terrible, at least thats what i think right now, but the hardest part was my back pain that i think came because my sergery hasnt healed comletely.  I had back pain alot right after sergery and took a while to get rid of it.  Itwas weird but yesterday my back started hurting again.  It hadnt bothered me much for a while.  I guess thats whats terible.  That i thought my back pain wouldnt bother me muchand it did.  Thank goodness today i got to sit down and do a training for a half an hour at the end of the day.  I wont be doing that very often.  Tomarrow is the first day of school so what i do tomarow is what i will do every day.  We just did a lot of prep stuff.  I Looked uo at the clock at 11:30 and decided i did great because i made it that far.  Not today,but that is when we are going to have our break for lunch.  I felt like that wasan acomlishment.  We will see how tomarrow goes. Probably a bit more work.  The good thing was that i asked my boss if i could sit down if needed to.  She told me i could.  I had to sit down once because i was feeling hot and dizzy.  Was able to regaine my composure after a few minutes. My boss was alot cooler about things today.  She asked me about my wig

    I thank you again for all you thoughts and encouragement.  I hope i can get your support tomarrow and for the next couple of weeks as it will be chalenging still especially right after my chemo treatment which is thursday.  Willsee how monday goes. 

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192

    I am so pleased and proud of you.  Many of us (me) probably would not have even tried but you not only tried you CONQUERED... Just don't expect too much.  Do what you can and "fake" the rest...  (you know what I mean)  Get some rest and be very very proud of your accomplishment.


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    0h by the way.  I have a dumb

    0h by the way.  I have a dumb question.   is advil ibuprofin?  I took that this morning. Im glad im going to see my doctor today i can ask him about my pain. I was going to ask him if i could up my dose a little to help.  I could definetly use more help for my back.  I just dont want to get dizzy though.  I dont want that.  I would rather have pain.   Patty Im definetly going to remember how good i do at this stuff.  Accomplishments are inportant to consider in all this junk.  Thanks for the reminder.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Congrats Janaes! You are so

    Congrats Janaes! You are so strong! Yes, Advil is Ibuprofin. Not a dumb question....

    Take care of yourself and rest when you need to.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    janaes said:

    I did it!!!!  I made i

    I did it!!!!  I made i through work.  I wouldnt say it was easy.  This is terrible, at least thats what i think right now, but the hardest part was my back pain that i think came because my sergery hasnt healed comletely.  I had back pain alot right after sergery and took a while to get rid of it.  Itwas weird but yesterday my back started hurting again.  It hadnt bothered me much for a while.  I guess thats whats terible.  That i thought my back pain wouldnt bother me muchand it did.  Thank goodness today i got to sit down and do a training for a half an hour at the end of the day.  I wont be doing that very often.  Tomarrow is the first day of school so what i do tomarow is what i will do every day.  We just did a lot of prep stuff.  I Looked uo at the clock at 11:30 and decided i did great because i made it that far.  Not today,but that is when we are going to have our break for lunch.  I felt like that wasan acomlishment.  We will see how tomarrow goes. Probably a bit more work.  The good thing was that i asked my boss if i could sit down if needed to.  She told me i could.  I had to sit down once because i was feeling hot and dizzy.  Was able to regaine my composure after a few minutes. My boss was alot cooler about things today.  She asked me about my wig

    I thank you again for all you thoughts and encouragement.  I hope i can get your support tomarrow and for the next couple of weeks as it will be chalenging still especially right after my chemo treatment which is thursday.  Willsee how monday goes. 

    I am so glad for you.  It

    I am so glad for you.  It will get easier as you as the days go by.  You should be.proud of your self.  

    Lou Ann

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Good for you!

    And good for you asking for what you needed, i.e., asking to sit down.  It sounds like your boss does want to accommodate you when possible. The first day was probably the hardest, not knowing how you'd do.  Now you know you can do it!

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    edited August 2016 #15

    I'm curious to know what the doctor said about the ibuprofen.  I was told that I should only take Tylenol during chemo.  I know when I worked in an ER, ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) were advised for muscle pain.  But I think ibuprofen can lower your red blood count, as it, like aspirin, can cause some internal bleeding in some people.

    I still have peripheral neuropathy and I'm one month shy of being 6 years out from chemo.  It was really bad in the beginning, and it's not as bad as it was right after chemo.  I fell one day because I couldn't feel the edge of someone's driveway in the dark.  Most people don't have it as long as I've had it, maybe a year or less.  I hope yours goes away quickly.

    Good luck at work. 

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited August 2016 #16
    Pinky - My oncologist let me

    Pinky - My oncologist let me take Advil.

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    Ibuprofen was recommended to

    Ibuprofen was recommended to me for leg pain and the ache that goes with restless legs. No one has told me not to take Ibuprofen during chemo. I do try to only take it when I need it because of the possibility of internal bleeding, but I hate to give it up altogether because it's so much more effective than Tylenol for pain and inflammation.

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    pinky104 said:


    I'm curious to know what the doctor said about the ibuprofen.  I was told that I should only take Tylenol during chemo.  I know when I worked in an ER, ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) were advised for muscle pain.  But I think ibuprofen can lower your red blood count, as it, like aspirin, can cause some internal bleeding in some people.

    I still have peripheral neuropathy and I'm one month shy of being 6 years out from chemo.  It was really bad in the beginning, and it's not as bad as it was right after chemo.  I fell one day because I couldn't feel the edge of someone's driveway in the dark.  Most people don't have it as long as I've had it, maybe a year or less.  I hope yours goes away quickly.

    Good luck at work. 


    I was also told to,only take Tylonal because others caused problems with blood clotting.

    Lou Ann

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited August 2016 #19
    pinky104 said:


    I'm curious to know what the doctor said about the ibuprofen.  I was told that I should only take Tylenol during chemo.  I know when I worked in an ER, ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) were advised for muscle pain.  But I think ibuprofen can lower your red blood count, as it, like aspirin, can cause some internal bleeding in some people.

    I still have peripheral neuropathy and I'm one month shy of being 6 years out from chemo.  It was really bad in the beginning, and it's not as bad as it was right after chemo.  I fell one day because I couldn't feel the edge of someone's driveway in the dark.  Most people don't have it as long as I've had it, maybe a year or less.  I hope yours goes away quickly.

    Good luck at work. 

    Pinky, I was also told to

    Pinky, I was also told to only take Tylenol and was given a prescription for Percoset.  But, when my liver started failing, my GP said no more Tylenol or Percoset even though I bleed very easy.  She said to use Advil, though, no more than two Advil a day because of my bleeding problem.  

    Jana, I'm eight months out from chemo and I STILL have foot and leg pain almost every night.  I went through eight weeks of physical therapy, two to three times a week to work on the neuropathy and it's still there, although, not as bad.  I am hopeful at some time in the future it will totally go away.  I'm glad you had a good first day at work.  This d*mn disease is not for sissies - good thing we're all big tough guys!!!  LOL



  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Im made it through my second

    Im made it through my second day.  It was my darn back problems that is the worst.  I really think i would have been fine if it wasnt for that.  I went straight home to lay down.  My wonderful daughter brought me a ice pack and a drink of water.  It meant the world to me.  my bach hurt the hole time at work.  I did my job still but it sure wasnt fun.  Its hard because its the chemo i thought would hurt my job performance but its the back pain from the hysterctomy.  maybe i will have to go to a back doctor or something.  Any suggestions!! I dont want to have this pain forever.  The problem is is that i didnt have this back pain until last week.  what a bummer.  Edri it was nice to here from you.  I was thinking about you yesterday. 

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I am definately in the

    I am definately in the minority, but I was able to take Aleve. This is probably because I have a tendency to clot. I hope you find something to control your pain.