Newly diagnosed and scared



  • lisenbysl
    lisenbysl Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2016 #62
    started back to work

    I haven't been on here for awhile. I have had 7 weeks of Taxol. I started back to work this past Monday. First couple days were very hard, but today I feel much better. I am fortunate enough to work from home and have such an understanding manager. 5 more weeks of chemo to go then on to radiation.


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    Your so strong and brave

    Lisenbysl,  Your doing good.  Your fighting like a girl!  I had a bilateral masectomy followed by chemo and now I am on one year of Herceptin infussions.  I hate the bone and muscle pain I still get but it lessens within 5 days of ea. treatment.  My hair is coming back, so slow but it is!  Witht the chemo, I got all the symptoms on the list, even the burn on the feet and hands.  I wanted to give up, but I did not!  I am here and I am still fighting.  Please protect your arms and watch out for lymphedemia in them.  Make sure your doc keeps a check on them.  protect them and dont let anyone take your BP or blood test from there ever again.   It is not worth it.   Hugs.

  • lisenbysl
    lisenbysl Member Posts: 22
    Apaugh said:

    Your so strong and brave

    Lisenbysl,  Your doing good.  Your fighting like a girl!  I had a bilateral masectomy followed by chemo and now I am on one year of Herceptin infussions.  I hate the bone and muscle pain I still get but it lessens within 5 days of ea. treatment.  My hair is coming back, so slow but it is!  Witht the chemo, I got all the symptoms on the list, even the burn on the feet and hands.  I wanted to give up, but I did not!  I am here and I am still fighting.  Please protect your arms and watch out for lymphedemia in them.  Make sure your doc keeps a check on them.  protect them and dont let anyone take your BP or blood test from there ever again.   It is not worth it.   Hugs.

    Thank you! It's been rough

    Thank you! It's been rough but I am hanging on and not giving up. I spoke at a Breast cancer survivor's meeting last week. My first time speaking in public. There were at least 200 people there. I was so nervous but it was so worth it. So much support there. I've been lucky not to have the nerve pain yet. I have had a couple eye infections and loose stools for a couple days after chemo. And I do get headaches and a little anxiety. I'm on Ativan for anxiety and Effexor for the hot flashes. I do not let them take my blood or blood pressure in my arm that has lympedema. I will never give up fighting. 

  • lisenbysl
    lisenbysl Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016 #65
    I just had my last of 12

    I just had my last of 12 Taxol chemo treatments this past Friday. I am so excited to be done with that part of this journey. I will be starting radiation in a few weeks. I was lucky enough to not get any nerve pain in my hands and feet but I did get a little numbness. Praying I don't burn too much during radiation. I have 33 treatments.

  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    edited November 2016 #66

    If you squint a little, you can see the finish line ahead!  Best wishes.

  • lisenbysl
    lisenbysl Member Posts: 22
    I finished my last round of

    I finished my last round of radiation yesterday. Whoo hoo! I am so glad to be done with treatment. It has been a long journey and now I am ready to heal and strengthen my body. I will be on Tamoxifen for 5-10 years. Praying that I do not have any reoccurrences.

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited January 2017 #68

    Congratulations!  Praying for you going up.  Continue the care and fight. 

  • blessed39
    blessed39 Member Posts: 90 Member
    edited January 2017 #69
    "How I Beat Stage Four Colon Cancer"

    Dear Lisenbysl, If you would be interested in my story "How I Beat Stage Four Colon cancer" just go to my site and click on blog and my story will come up. I have no medical advice, just what worked for me. God Bless   blessed39