Nuelasta shot and almost done

ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member

I received my first Nuelasta shot today and hope all goes well with it.  My wbc and hemaglobin hit bottom and landed me in the hospital for 4 days to get me pumped up with antibiotics and also have blood transfusions.  Unfortunately i had a reaction to second transfusion and didn't complete it.  Chemo got delayed a week and my counts finally hit the minimums for me to receive chemo yesterday.  Only one more chemo treatment to go and hopefully I'm done!  28 radiation treatments, 2 Cisplatin and 4 carboplatin/paclitaxel is enough for me! (stage IIIc1, grade 3) 

wishing you all well!




  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    Hi, Nancy

    Sorry you had a rather hard time there, Hope every thing goes well now.  If you haven't, start taking Claritin right awaY and for a few days.  It really does help with the bone pain caused by the Nuelasta shot.  Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Lou Ann M said:

    Hi, Nancy

    Sorry you had a rather hard time there, Hope every thing goes well now.  If you haven't, start taking Claritin right awaY and for a few days.  It really does help with the bone pain caused by the Nuelasta shot.  Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

    Nancy, I hope all goes well

    Nancy, I hope all goes well with your treatment this time.  Only one more to go now! You can do this.

    Sorry for the issues though.  Hoping all of that is behind you for good!

    Love and Hugs,


  • ncg007
    ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member
    Lou Ann M said:

    Hi, Nancy

    Sorry you had a rather hard time there, Hope every thing goes well now.  If you haven't, start taking Claritin right awaY and for a few days.  It really does help with the bone pain caused by the Nuelasta shot.  Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann


    Lou Ann, I am taking Claritin.  So far not feeling any bad side effects from Nuelasta but sure am not feeling any better with this 5th round of chemo, so exhausted and weak.  Hoping this gets better in a day or two and my blood gets the boost from the Nuelasta.



  • ncg007
    ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member
    Last chemo tommorrow, can't

    Last chemo tommorrow, can't wait to be done with this!  The last round was the roughest so far, took me two weeks to bounce back some.  I had no problems with the first dose of Nuelasta, but it barely got my wbc above the minimums.  So it was good I had the shot or wbc probably would have hit bottom again.  My rbc and hemoglobin remains extremely low and continues to make me very weak, so I am anticipating another blood transfusion.

    peace and love


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    ncg007 said:

    Last chemo tommorrow, can't

    Last chemo tommorrow, can't wait to be done with this!  The last round was the roughest so far, took me two weeks to bounce back some.  I had no problems with the first dose of Nuelasta, but it barely got my wbc above the minimums.  So it was good I had the shot or wbc probably would have hit bottom again.  My rbc and hemoglobin remains extremely low and continues to make me very weak, so I am anticipating another blood transfusion.

    peace and love



    good luck tomorrow.  Just think, you'll be feeling better and spring will arrive about the same time.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    ConnieSW said:


    good luck tomorrow.  Just think, you'll be feeling better and spring will arrive about the same time.


    Just think.... 3 weeks from now you will be celebrating big time!  It is such a relief to get to the end. So congrats to you!

    Now, be patient with yourself. It takes time to rebuild your strength.  (Easy to say but hard to do!)

    I am two months out from my last chemo and I am starting to feel a bit more normal. Breathing is finally much better.

    You will get there!

    Love and Hugs,


  • Gardena
    Gardena Member Posts: 102
    ncg007 said:

    Last chemo tommorrow, can't

    Last chemo tommorrow, can't wait to be done with this!  The last round was the roughest so far, took me two weeks to bounce back some.  I had no problems with the first dose of Nuelasta, but it barely got my wbc above the minimums.  So it was good I had the shot or wbc probably would have hit bottom again.  My rbc and hemoglobin remains extremely low and continues to make me very weak, so I am anticipating another blood transfusion.

    peace and love



    Good luck w your last chemo! I'm very excited for you. I too had a rough 5th chemo followed by a transfusion.  I'm supposed to have my final chemo this Wednesday but will find out for sure after a blood draw/check Tuesday.  I am fully anticipating the after affects of my 6th chemo to be the roughest of all - each time my chemo hole (as I call it) has gotten deeper and taken longer to get out of and bounce back. I'm hoping we're both gonna knock it out of the park this last time and get our strength back soon! Congratulations on your endurance and perseverance!!

  • ncg007
    ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member
    ncg007 said:

    Last chemo tommorrow, can't

    Last chemo tommorrow, can't wait to be done with this!  The last round was the roughest so far, took me two weeks to bounce back some.  I had no problems with the first dose of Nuelasta, but it barely got my wbc above the minimums.  So it was good I had the shot or wbc probably would have hit bottom again.  My rbc and hemoglobin remains extremely low and continues to make me very weak, so I am anticipating another blood transfusion.

    peace and love


    Chemo delayed

    Thank you all for your comments.  But no luck with getting that final round of chemo today, all counts too low. So disappointed, but not surprised as I could feel myself getting weaker over the weekend.  Plan now is to get that blood transfusion I was anticipating tomorrow and hopefully get the final chemo next week.  Nervous about the transfusion since I had an allergic reaction on the second unit during the last transfusion.  At this point I'm ready to say forget the final chemo and run away to Florida to get out of the deep freeze here in MI!

  • ncg007
    ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member
    Gardena said:


    Good luck w your last chemo! I'm very excited for you. I too had a rough 5th chemo followed by a transfusion.  I'm supposed to have my final chemo this Wednesday but will find out for sure after a blood draw/check Tuesday.  I am fully anticipating the after affects of my 6th chemo to be the roughest of all - each time my chemo hole (as I call it) has gotten deeper and taken longer to get out of and bounce back. I'm hoping we're both gonna knock it out of the park this last time and get our strength back soon! Congratulations on your endurance and perseverance!!


    Congratulations to you too!  I'm hoping all goes well for you on your final round and you quickly recover.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    ncg007 said:

    Chemo delayed

    Thank you all for your comments.  But no luck with getting that final round of chemo today, all counts too low. So disappointed, but not surprised as I could feel myself getting weaker over the weekend.  Plan now is to get that blood transfusion I was anticipating tomorrow and hopefully get the final chemo next week.  Nervous about the transfusion since I had an allergic reaction on the second unit during the last transfusion.  At this point I'm ready to say forget the final chemo and run away to Florida to get out of the deep freeze here in MI!

    Bummer on the low blood

    Bummer on the low blood counts but I love your idea of running away to Florida.  It's been so cold here in Wisconsin - I would love the warm breezes of Florida and the white sand of the gulf between my toes.

    Hopefully you make it through the transfusion without incident!!



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Gardena said:


    Good luck w your last chemo! I'm very excited for you. I too had a rough 5th chemo followed by a transfusion.  I'm supposed to have my final chemo this Wednesday but will find out for sure after a blood draw/check Tuesday.  I am fully anticipating the after affects of my 6th chemo to be the roughest of all - each time my chemo hole (as I call it) has gotten deeper and taken longer to get out of and bounce back. I'm hoping we're both gonna knock it out of the park this last time and get our strength back soon! Congratulations on your endurance and perseverance!!


    For me, chemo #6 was one of my "easier" ones. Not that any of them were easy.

    I hope you are able to get your chemo on Wednesday. But, if not... It will happen and be behind you soon.

    Positive energy coming your way!

    Love and Hugs,


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    ncg007 said:

    Chemo delayed

    Thank you all for your comments.  But no luck with getting that final round of chemo today, all counts too low. So disappointed, but not surprised as I could feel myself getting weaker over the weekend.  Plan now is to get that blood transfusion I was anticipating tomorrow and hopefully get the final chemo next week.  Nervous about the transfusion since I had an allergic reaction on the second unit during the last transfusion.  At this point I'm ready to say forget the final chemo and run away to Florida to get out of the deep freeze here in MI!

    That is OK!


    You WILL get there. In the overall scheme of things, a delay will not mean a thing a month down the road.

    Take the time to build your strength and "enjoy" the extra week off. If nothing else, maybe you can eat something that you haven't been able to enjoy!

    Take care and I hope your transfusion goes well.

    Love and Hugs,


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    That is OK!


    You WILL get there. In the overall scheme of things, a delay will not mean a thing a month down the road.

    Take the time to build your strength and "enjoy" the extra week off. If nothing else, maybe you can eat something that you haven't been able to enjoy!

    Take care and I hope your transfusion goes well.

    Love and Hugs,



    Cindi's first sentence is exactly what I was gonna say.  You'll get there.

  • Gardena
    Gardena Member Posts: 102
    ncg007 said:

    Chemo delayed

    Thank you all for your comments.  But no luck with getting that final round of chemo today, all counts too low. So disappointed, but not surprised as I could feel myself getting weaker over the weekend.  Plan now is to get that blood transfusion I was anticipating tomorrow and hopefully get the final chemo next week.  Nervous about the transfusion since I had an allergic reaction on the second unit during the last transfusion.  At this point I'm ready to say forget the final chemo and run away to Florida to get out of the deep freeze here in MI!

    Delay means more time to heal

    Hi Nancy,  sorry your counts are too low this week,  but when you think of what your body has been through it seems reasonable.  Unlike you, I have not yet gone through radiation. I'm totally beat up by chemo alone; you and all the ladies who have have done both inspire me to keep going. I'm living on the strength of others!  I hope you get the rest and nutrition you need this week to tackle chemo next week.  Wishing you well~

  • Gardena
    Gardena Member Posts: 102


    For me, chemo #6 was one of my "easier" ones. Not that any of them were easy.

    I hope you are able to get your chemo on Wednesday. But, if not... It will happen and be behind you soon.

    Positive energy coming your way!

    Love and Hugs,


    Thank you, Cindi~

    I'll take all the positive energy I can get! I hope I'll be lucky and have an easier time on the 6th, but regardless of hard or less hard, I am going to power thru and never look back! It's my hope never to need chemo again. :-)

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    ncg007 said:

    Chemo delayed

    Thank you all for your comments.  But no luck with getting that final round of chemo today, all counts too low. So disappointed, but not surprised as I could feel myself getting weaker over the weekend.  Plan now is to get that blood transfusion I was anticipating tomorrow and hopefully get the final chemo next week.  Nervous about the transfusion since I had an allergic reaction on the second unit during the last transfusion.  At this point I'm ready to say forget the final chemo and run away to Florida to get out of the deep freeze here in MI!

    Sorry your counts are down,

    Sorry your counts are down, but next week will be here before you know it.  You WILL get there and be done.

  • Red Corvette
    Red Corvette Member Posts: 114 Member
    ncg007 said:

    Chemo delayed

    Thank you all for your comments.  But no luck with getting that final round of chemo today, all counts too low. So disappointed, but not surprised as I could feel myself getting weaker over the weekend.  Plan now is to get that blood transfusion I was anticipating tomorrow and hopefully get the final chemo next week.  Nervous about the transfusion since I had an allergic reaction on the second unit during the last transfusion.  At this point I'm ready to say forget the final chemo and run away to Florida to get out of the deep freeze here in MI!

    Hang in there Nancy. Try and

    Hang in there Nancy. Try and enjoy the time off and know we're with you all the way.


  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Naulasta shot

    My friend just asked me if I had had this shot and I said no. Do people usually get this when their blood counts are low?

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,534 Member
    Soup52 said:

    Naulasta shot

    My friend just asked me if I had had this shot and I said no. Do people usually get this when their blood counts are low?

    Soup, I thought there was a

    Soup, I thought there was a thread on this at one time.  The shot can have side effects too, everything can, as some of the women here will tell you.  Like anything, you should find out if it is for you.  When I had a BENIGN lump in my breast the surgeon wanted me to take tamoxifen!!!!!  WTH?!  WHY would I take a drug that can CAUSE uterine cancer?  It turns out I didn't need any help in that department!!  

    I see it being advertised on TV pretty heavily now, and it helps some people, but everyone has to decide the best course for them.  

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    Soup, I thought there was a

    Soup, I thought there was a thread on this at one time.  The shot can have side effects too, everything can, as some of the women here will tell you.  Like anything, you should find out if it is for you.  When I had a BENIGN lump in my breast the surgeon wanted me to take tamoxifen!!!!!  WTH?!  WHY would I take a drug that can CAUSE uterine cancer?  It turns out I didn't need any help in that department!!  

    I see it being advertised on TV pretty heavily now, and it helps some people, but everyone has to decide the best course for them.  

    I believe the discussion

    I believe the discussion regarding Neulasta fell into the Ladies going thru chemo Thread.