Naturopathic/conventional treatment
Stage 4 colon cancer that is running rampant in my body . . .
I'm wondering if anyone else here is/has worked with a Naturopath in addition to standard treatment.
I'm currently on Panitumimab and my onc thinks that "clinically" I am doing wonderful on it, (no jaundice/yellow eyes) even though my last CT indicates that the Panitumimab is no longer working . . . tumours have grown and an additional one has reared its' nasty little head. I have a CT scheduled for later this week, which comes only three weeks after the last one. My personal belief is that the onc wants to see how quickly the tumours are growing and the outcome of our meeting will be him telling me there is nothing further they can do for me.
He is a replacement for my earlier onc (on mat leave) and is not at all familiar with the naturopathic side of things which the other doctor is very familiar with it and encouraged me to use it along with conventional treatment.
Through my Naturopath, I'm currently doing weekly Vitamin C infusions, mistletoe, curcumin and vitamin supplements.
I'd love to hear if there are others who have chosen this path.
Other ways?
I don't usually post here anymore; most of the individuals that defied the “norm” have done the same. It’s difficult to help anyone when the industry hype is greater than the voices of those that have beliefs that there can be other ways to fight cancer.
That said, please refer to my “blog” for the path I took. It’s just one of many paths that can be taken, and no path is guaranteed to work for everyone. It’s worked for me (and perhaps a few billion others across 4,000 years), but it means nothing to anyone looking for a “guarantee” or “documented proof” and that rejects anything not mainstream to the western culture.
Is it worth a try? My dx of cc4 was in 2006; my last scan remained clear. (I may just be a VERY lucky guy)
Click on my avatar and go to the “blog” for info.
Good luck and better health wishes for you!
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alternative and complementary therapies
Kudos to you for being proactive and exploring other options!
Do an internet search on Chris Wark. He has a web site with a section "what I did" that provides a lot of information. He worked with a naturopath. He also explains that he learned some alternatives to the IV vitamin C therapy -- and gives the dosages for taking C orally. He also provides his juicing recipe which includes carrots, celery, ginger.
Ann Cameron is an author that had stage 4 colon cancer and claims to have cured it with juicing carrots. -- nothing else. She wrote a book about it that is quite interesting -- $5 on Amazon.
You can do an internet search on Ralph Cole who also claims to have cured his cancer with carrot juice.
Juicing is a complementatary therapy and if it doesn't interfere with the chemo - why not?
I have done research and am following naturopathic protocols since first-line chemo didn't work so well for me. I don't work with a naturopath since none were conveniently located for me.
After my last liver rx, I am juicing using the carrot, celery, ginger, and tumeric root (fresh from WholeFoods) recipe. I also take supplements and I walk 3 miles a day and do resistance workouts. No chemo. So far so good.
I found the information on this site to be helpful also and get my supplement recommendations from them.
Memorial Sloan Kettering (#1 cancer hospital in the country this year) has a free app (About Herbs) and web site that is a handy reference.
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Buddy2013 said:
alternative and complementary therapies
Kudos to you for being proactive and exploring other options!
Do an internet search on Chris Wark. He has a web site with a section "what I did" that provides a lot of information. He worked with a naturopath. He also explains that he learned some alternatives to the IV vitamin C therapy -- and gives the dosages for taking C orally. He also provides his juicing recipe which includes carrots, celery, ginger.
Ann Cameron is an author that had stage 4 colon cancer and claims to have cured it with juicing carrots. -- nothing else. She wrote a book about it that is quite interesting -- $5 on Amazon.
You can do an internet search on Ralph Cole who also claims to have cured his cancer with carrot juice.
Juicing is a complementatary therapy and if it doesn't interfere with the chemo - why not?
I have done research and am following naturopathic protocols since first-line chemo didn't work so well for me. I don't work with a naturopath since none were conveniently located for me.
After my last liver rx, I am juicing using the carrot, celery, ginger, and tumeric root (fresh from WholeFoods) recipe. I also take supplements and I walk 3 miles a day and do resistance workouts. No chemo. So far so good.
I found the information on this site to be helpful also and get my supplement recommendations from them.
Memorial Sloan Kettering (#1 cancer hospital in the country this year) has a free app (About Herbs) and web site that is a handy reference.
I am juicing using the carrot, celery, ginger, and tumeric root (fresh from WholeFoods) recipe.
I took a look and did not see the recipe (though I may have missed it) was wondering where it was. My wife is making a shake (juice) now and I enjoy them, plus like all the ingredients you listed, so figured may give it a whirl.
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I saw a naturopath
during treatment (stage 4, two failed chemos, five surgeries, NED for almost 4 years now). I felt most of it fell into the "can't hurt, might help" category.
That said, I would never have expected a cure from any alternative approach, simply because I need evidence before I expect something to happen (and by evidence, I mean the kind that is accepted by the scientific community).
I haven't yet heard of anyone who can prove a cure through alt means without having had surgery first (see: Chris Wark), and surgery is in fact the one known way to cure us stage 4ers.
But overall I don't think it's problematic adding in complementary stuff, so long as it isn't costing a fortune.
Good luck~AA
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As I understand it, Chris was a stage 3 that did not progress. You sound deep into stage 4. We do believe strongly in combined global technologies - including both chemo and integrative medicine approaches. No one has had all the answers.
For my stage 4 wife, she's needed IV vitamin C a little more frequently than weekly, more like 4-5 days, and lots of nonstandard chemistry including supplements.
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JuicingNewHere said:Quick Question
I am juicing using the carrot, celery, ginger, and tumeric root (fresh from WholeFoods) recipe.
I took a look and did not see the recipe (though I may have missed it) was wondering where it was. My wife is making a shake (juice) now and I enjoy them, plus like all the ingredients you listed, so figured may give it a whirl.
The recipe is one that I got from Chris Wark's site and I added the fresh tumeric root to it which I get from Whole Foods.
Ann Cameron (author of Curing Cancer with Carrots) and stage 4 CrC -- only juiced carrots - five pounds daily.
Ralph Cole also only juiced carrots - also five pounds daily. He found that 3 pounds wasn't enough -- so increased it to 5 and tumors went away. His cancer was head and neck, not colon.
Celery has a component, apinginen, that is anti-tumor, and curcumin (tumeric) is as well.
Five pounds of carrots = 5 cups of juice roughly. Every morning I juice five lbs carrots (unpeeled and scrubbed) , one lb celery, chunk of fresh ginger (peeled), 2-3 pieces peeled tumeric root. Put it into air-tight jars and drink throughout the day. Sometimes I add a quarter of a beet. Don't peel the carrots as much of the nutrients are in the peel.
Chris Wark's site has a search so you can search for carrots and get several results including the stories about Ann Cameron and Rallph Cole.
here is the link to Chris' post on carrot juice that includes his recipe.
Here is the link to the naturopath post.
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Buddy2013 said:
The recipe is one that I got from Chris Wark's site and I added the fresh tumeric root to it which I get from Whole Foods.
Ann Cameron (author of Curing Cancer with Carrots) and stage 4 CrC -- only juiced carrots - five pounds daily.
Ralph Cole also only juiced carrots - also five pounds daily. He found that 3 pounds wasn't enough -- so increased it to 5 and tumors went away. His cancer was head and neck, not colon.
Celery has a component, apinginen, that is anti-tumor, and curcumin (tumeric) is as well.
Five pounds of carrots = 5 cups of juice roughly. Every morning I juice five lbs carrots (unpeeled and scrubbed) , one lb celery, chunk of fresh ginger (peeled), 2-3 pieces peeled tumeric root. Put it into air-tight jars and drink throughout the day. Sometimes I add a quarter of a beet. Don't peel the carrots as much of the nutrients are in the peel.
Chris Wark's site has a search so you can search for carrots and get several results including the stories about Ann Cameron and Rallph Cole.
here is the link to Chris' post on carrot juice that includes his recipe.
Here is the link to the naturopath post.
Further clarification...the carrot woman was stage 3, had surgery, then claimed she developed two "one inch" tumors either in her lungs or between the lungs (she has said both in different places). It is these alleged tumors that were supposed to have been cured by drinking five pounds of carrots per day.
Unfortunately, as is the norm in these cases, no medical records have ever been made public to confirm the reality of what she says.
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Individual decisions...
I can’t testify regarding anything other than Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), since that’s all I’ve used to resolve everything from Atrial Fibrillation, DVT, Kidney stones, bacteremia…. The list is near endless.
TCM is nearly 4 thousand years old. That’s a lot of time to perfect the experimentation that’s taken place all those years! Any comments that refer to “no documentation” or “proof”, are foolish meandering. If the documentation is in Chinese or Asian charactures, the documentation is there. Because a western/English speaking individual can not understand the eastern language is not reason to disregard the four thousand years of accumulated knowledge.
I used Chinese herbs to rid myself of cancer cells. My physicians claim that I am just one helluva lucky individual. They say that my absence of AF is just due to luck. My DVT disappeared after herbal treatments, and they say again, I am just a lucky guy. My kidney stones dissolved, and I’m a lucky guy….
Yet.. for some unknown reason, I don’t manage to win the Florida Lottery….. Not even a free ticket.
Each of us has to listen to what our souls tell us. Only -you- know what’s best for -you-. Each of us has to learn to trust our survival instincts. Our body’s survival instincts should take precedence over what any other person, physician or otherwise, can dictate.
Trust thyself.
Be well,
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Better than any lottery ticketJohn23 said:Individual decisions...
I can’t testify regarding anything other than Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), since that’s all I’ve used to resolve everything from Atrial Fibrillation, DVT, Kidney stones, bacteremia…. The list is near endless.
TCM is nearly 4 thousand years old. That’s a lot of time to perfect the experimentation that’s taken place all those years! Any comments that refer to “no documentation” or “proof”, are foolish meandering. If the documentation is in Chinese or Asian charactures, the documentation is there. Because a western/English speaking individual can not understand the eastern language is not reason to disregard the four thousand years of accumulated knowledge.
I used Chinese herbs to rid myself of cancer cells. My physicians claim that I am just one helluva lucky individual. They say that my absence of AF is just due to luck. My DVT disappeared after herbal treatments, and they say again, I am just a lucky guy. My kidney stones dissolved, and I’m a lucky guy….
Yet.. for some unknown reason, I don’t manage to win the Florida Lottery….. Not even a free ticket.
Each of us has to listen to what our souls tell us. Only -you- know what’s best for -you-. Each of us has to learn to trust our survival instincts. Our body’s survival instincts should take precedence over what any other person, physician or otherwise, can dictate.
Trust thyself.
Be well,
You're posts always make me smile. I think your 'a lucky man' because you found that TCM worked for you. May you continue to keep yourself healthy and happy.
And yes, the lottery would make you a 'lucky man', but your health is better than all of the money in the world.
Sue - Trubrit
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Buddy2013 said:
The recipe is one that I got from Chris Wark's site and I added the fresh tumeric root to it which I get from Whole Foods.
Ann Cameron (author of Curing Cancer with Carrots) and stage 4 CrC -- only juiced carrots - five pounds daily.
Ralph Cole also only juiced carrots - also five pounds daily. He found that 3 pounds wasn't enough -- so increased it to 5 and tumors went away. His cancer was head and neck, not colon.
Celery has a component, apinginen, that is anti-tumor, and curcumin (tumeric) is as well.
Five pounds of carrots = 5 cups of juice roughly. Every morning I juice five lbs carrots (unpeeled and scrubbed) , one lb celery, chunk of fresh ginger (peeled), 2-3 pieces peeled tumeric root. Put it into air-tight jars and drink throughout the day. Sometimes I add a quarter of a beet. Don't peel the carrots as much of the nutrients are in the peel.
Chris Wark's site has a search so you can search for carrots and get several results including the stories about Ann Cameron and Rallph Cole.
here is the link to Chris' post on carrot juice that includes his recipe.
Here is the link to the naturopath post.
Steve JobsAccording to surgeons, had he had surgery and removed his tumor he would still be on this earth. Instead he decided to juice carrots, turned a bit orange and needlessly passed away. Be wary of someone that had surgery and then claims doing one thing (such as juicing) cured them of their cancer, (when actually it was the tumor removal) otherwise we would all be doing it if it was true.
in many lucky people, the surgery can take care of their cancer and they become NED for a very, very long time, if not forever in their lifetime. In others, they need surgery and a bit of mop up chemo and they are done, for others, it's surgeries, radiation, chemos and then they are done, for others like myself, it's a never ending story of surgeries and chemo.
I wish you all the best, just beware of the internet and those that claim the carrot juice or whatever their claim to that "miracle" juice, piss, or whatever is what saved them.
Ann I believe has the right idea, if it can't hurt you, then go for it, if it can, walk away quickly.
Winter Marie
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In her book, she says the CTannalexandria said:Further clarification...
the carrot woman was stage 3, had surgery, then claimed she developed two "one inch" tumors either in her lungs or between the lungs (she has said both in different places). It is these alleged tumors that were supposed to have been cured by drinking five pounds of carrots per day.
Unfortunately, as is the norm in these cases, no medical records have ever been made public to confirm the reality of what she says.
In her book, she says the CT showed two tumors between her lungs AND two spots on her lungs. As a result, her oncologist bumped her to stage 4. Yes, you are correct that she did not make her medical records public.
I find it interesting that people will accept an IV drip of chemo drugs designed to kill every dividing cell in the body, but the idea of carrot juice causing the body's own immune system to destroy a tumor -- now that's just crazy talk!
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TrueBuddy2013 said:In her book, she says the CT
In her book, she says the CT showed two tumors between her lungs AND two spots on her lungs. As a result, her oncologist bumped her to stage 4. Yes, you are correct that she did not make her medical records public.
I find it interesting that people will accept an IV drip of chemo drugs designed to kill every dividing cell in the body, but the idea of carrot juice causing the body's own immune system to destroy a tumor -- now that's just crazy talk!
But 5 lbs of Carrots every day is nothing short of excessive in my opinion.
I would drink Carrots juiced, in a heart beat; but definitely not 5 lbs a day.
Thats just me and my own feelings though. Each to his own.
Sue - Trubrit
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