the last 4 months....

foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

As regulars here know, I've had my share of issues. I may never win the war but I win alot of battles. Delaying the inevitable is not a bad game plan. We can only benefit from the latest treatments if we are still alive as they become available. Since my diagnosis, I've had my nephrectomy, nivolumab trial, Il-2, radiation, and now votrient. Each has helped for a while and bought me more time. This past year has been rough and having not died this winter gives me lots of hope for all you fighters. Particularly my friends DJ and Neil.

The pain I was in was exceptional. Then the near complete loss of use of my right upper extremity. 75% loss of left UE. Then leg weakness. I was well on my way out, but hung on. I was thinking that if I lived through this one, I would essentially be a total care, near quadriplegic survivor. I believe that if it wasn't for my wifes help, I would have ended up dieing in a nursing home. I was preparing to sell off my guitars, golf clubs and Harley. I couldn't use them and I wanted to save my wife the hassle of getting rid of my posessions as "that" day kept getting closer.

As our record breaking snow and cold winter finally passed, I was able to get outdoors by april. Walking in the driveway with a cane and leg brace has now progressed to over 4 miles. With hills. No cane. No brace. I no longer look like I had a stroke. I drive my truck easily. I am playing my guitars with no problems with my left hand on the fretboard. I can't strum well but cross picking works. My right arm still has a long way to go but it is more promising every day.

Then this past week I did the unimaginable. On tuesday I played 18 holes of golf! I used a cart and was exhausted but it can only get better from here. Tex, that ones for you buddy.

And then, on friday and saturday,...can you guess?....Yep. I took my Harley out for a ride!!!!!!!!! It was second nature. But VERY heavy. But I DID IT!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!   Jojo, you get the first ride. Thanks for your encouragement to not sell it. Ron, this one was for you.

As my nervous system continues to improve, I will get stronger.  I do have a long way to go. I'm down 40 pounds of muscle and I might not be smarter than a 5th grader, but almost as strong as a skinny 11 yo 5th grader. (nicknamed Sissy). I am back to fully independent in all activities of daily living.

I thank everyone for their prayers, karma, support, belief in me and concern. I have worked hard to live up to all the expectations. Living forward. For all scared newbies, believe in yourself and think positive. I have been so fortunate. I could have packed it in a long time ago. But sometimes the harder you work, the luckier you get. I won't make many plans for next year, but this is going to be an awesome summer. Thank You.

FLY. (fox loves you)



  • firedude21
    firedude21 Member Posts: 52
    So happy for you.

    Fox - You never cease to amaze me. I had set my sights on May when I was hoping to ride again. I didn't make May but maybe late July or August. I am not giving up. Hoping you continue to progress at a fast pace

    Keep the faith


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

    So happy for you.

    Fox - You never cease to amaze me. I had set my sights on May when I was hoping to ride again. I didn't make May but maybe late July or August. I am not giving up. Hoping you continue to progress at a fast pace

    Keep the faith


    Fox, you are amazing. I am so

    Fox, you are amazing. I am so thrilled to read this and that you played your guitar and rode your Harley and that you’re doing well. You’re one of my all-time greatest heroes.

    Firedude, it’s your turn to ride this summer. And I really think and feel that you will!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    APny said:

    Fox, you are amazing. I am so

    Fox, you are amazing. I am so thrilled to read this and that you played your guitar and rode your Harley and that you’re doing well. You’re one of my all-time greatest heroes.

    Firedude, it’s your turn to ride this summer. And I really think and feel that you will!

    THIS makes me cry...!!!!!!

    THIS makes me cry...!!!!!! YAAAYY!!!!! Love how you gave tributes to TEX, RON and JoJo.

    Make US a video of you playing and riding eh? Please?

    Seems you also believe in the power of communal, global ENERGY, be it love, or faith or whatever you name it!!!!!

    I am so happy for you and for your wife. Hope your hugs with her are tighter!!!

    Gentle Hugs, Jan

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,309 Member
    Foxy, I had no doubt that you

    Foxy, I had no doubt that you would sail through this. The seas were rough, but you prevailed! And your reward is to ride again. This is such inspiring news for all of us. I can't wait for my ride on your bike! LOL. Keep at it, my friend.

    Firedude - keep your eye on the prize. We want to hear when you are out riding your bike too!

    Big hugs


  • Fox, you are one tough son of

    Fox, you are one tough son of a gun.  Unbelievable.  You epitomize the words of Jimmy Valvano--"Don't give up, don't ever give up."  Congratulations on hanging in and turning the corner.  Outstanding. 

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Foxy, I had no doubt that you

    Foxy, I had no doubt that you would sail through this. The seas were rough, but you prevailed! And your reward is to ride again. This is such inspiring news for all of us. I can't wait for my ride on your bike! LOL. Keep at it, my friend.

    Firedude - keep your eye on the prize. We want to hear when you are out riding your bike too!

    Big hugs



    You are an example to us all. I tip my rather stylish Fedora in your general direction

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    As it should be.

    Yes! May this summer officially be deemed  the Summer of Fox. We should all be so lucky to live the Summer of Fox!

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    As it should happen, pizza and beer.

    It should be noted as I read this post, my husband is coming to pick me up for pizza and beer. I will toast to the Summer of Fox. 

  • thaxter
    thaxter Member Posts: 124

    Fox, you continue to be an inspiration to every one of us on this board. WOW!

  • RMolinaro414
    RMolinaro414 Member Posts: 43
    I am crying.

    YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!!! I haven't commented on many of your post because I often don't know what to you say. This posts gives everyone hope. You are always a light of posivity. I hope you continue to grow stronger and ride that Harley. Wow. Just WOW!!!!!

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member

    Fox, your strength and willpower are unbelievably impressive and your comments today will provide help to those who may never post but who read these boards as they undergo their struggles.

    You have been in east coast hibernation and those Harley rides will become easier; you set that goal, as I recall and you got it. Now, some weight gain and you will feel even better.


  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    such a good report

    You are a super nice sweet person.  God bless you.  I thank God for answered prayers. I pray for you everyday, and will continue.  Oh how it pleases me to hear you got to ride your bike, and play golf, and walk ,and strum your guitar.  We will get this band going yet LOL.  I pray you have the most awesome summer you have ever had!!!  love you my friend.

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member

    I am crying.

    YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR!!! I haven't commented on many of your post because I often don't know what to you say. This posts gives everyone hope. You are always a light of posivity. I hope you continue to grow stronger and ride that Harley. Wow. Just WOW!!!!!

    Ever since my very first visit here ...

    You have been a source of inspiration and courage and love.  You give others so much!  Im very happy to hear you rode your Harley.  Like RMolinaro414  Im at a loss for words but I guess I wouldn't be much better in my native spanish!  There are too many feelings and its hard to translate them to virtual ink.  I wish you a beautiful Summer, filled with notes from your guitar, rides thru the breezy wind with your Harley and sunny golf days.

    Im one of the newbies and I look up to you.  These last few days I have been feeling scared and your post today has been a special gift.  Thank you and keep on flying Fox!

  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    Way to go, Foxy! I am glad to

    Way to go, Foxy! I am glad to hear that you are doing better and better! I never doubted for a moment that this day would come, and I see many better days in your future! You fight and you fight hard!  I am sure that Tex and Ron appreciate the games in their honor! Have that pizza and beer and wait for Jo-Jo to hop on! Love you lots and lots! XXOO

  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member


    What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object? It asks FOX for advice. You are the man, my friend. 

    - Jay

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member



    What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object? It asks FOX for advice. You are the man, my friend. 

    - Jay

    I cried happy tears when I've

    I cried happy tears when I've read it! Yes, let it be summer of Fox!

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,045 Member
    Allochka said:

    I cried happy tears when I've

    I cried happy tears when I've read it! Yes, let it be summer of Fox!

    Let me know

    when you get west of the Rockies.  Not that you haven't already been to H---and back.  I'll meet you for a brew.


  • resistance2
    resistance2 Member Posts: 16 Member
    So happy for you Fox, mind

    So happy for you Fox, mind over matter :)

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    So happy for you Fox, mind

    So happy for you Fox, mind over matter :)

    doing well

    Thanks everyone. I'm going camping in a couple weeks or so. There will be a lot of walking. I think I'll be ok. But the days of running and weight lifting may be a thing of the past. We'll see. You just never know. In any event, I am so thankful to have reached this level of function.

  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284

    I smiled broadly at the Harley ride.  I know how much that means to you.

    You are an inspiration to us all


    Hugs and a raised glass of cheer to you!