Five years on CSN

icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
edited January 2015 in Kidney Cancer #1

This month marks 5 years that I have been posting on CSN. When I had my Neph 12 and 1/2 years ago there was no where to go for information and I was totally in the dark, much like the Newbies are today. Hopefully I have helped a few get thru this which for me in the beginning was terrifying, but when I look back not really that bad and a hell of a lot better than the alternative.  About the only thing about RCC  on the internet 12 and 1/2 years ago when I was a newbie was information about how many people got Kidney Cancer and how many people died. Not fun reading that junk.  Right now at 71 I think I am the oldest poster on this forum except Donna (by a few months) and I will never catch up to her. Those having a hard time getting on this forum can just Google "Icemantoo".

When not posting on this forum I post as Thorntree on Tripadvisor where I am a Destination Expert for Algonquin Park Ontario where I give my thoughts about seeing moose and paddling by moose in the wild as well as other things in Algonquin Park. I have been doing that for almost 9 years and have about 1600 post and almost 100 reviews.

I am also a member of the "Meanest Link". Google Meanest Link.

So if I can help anybody about going thru Stage 1 Kidney Cancer or finding a good place to see a moose in Algonquin Park just let me know.

May each and every one have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Kwanza and a Happy NED Year.

As you all know from reading my bio, my scrreen name has nothing to do with any of the following:

      The use of icetongs in early RCC surgery

       The use of icepicks in RCC biopsies

       The freezing (cybolation) of RCC tumors       My gang affiliation

Both my father and grandfather were in the retail ice business, hence i am an iceman too.


Icemantoo and family (Icemantoo, Icewoman and two generations of little icicles)


  • tyjsbtn
    tyjsbtn Member Posts: 50
    I for one am so glad that you

    I for one am so glad that you are here to share your wisdom.  I am still a newbie and find great comfort in your posts.  So I thank you for helping me in the start of my journey. 


  • icemantoo, thank you for your

    icemantoo, thank you for your excellent and positive contributions here.  I hope to be posting when I am 71!!!

  • Phredswife
    Phredswife Member Posts: 162

    Hi Iceman.

    Congrats on your anniversary and continued good health.

    I would love to see a moose. There is a rumour that they have been seen in deepest darkest Fiordland, a wilderness area of southern NZ. Probably just a myth

    .Smile Do you and the icelady and icicles live in an igloo? Regards Melissa

    Ps Just looked up your park. What a beautiful place!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member


    Hi Iceman.

    Congrats on your anniversary and continued good health.

    I would love to see a moose. There is a rumour that they have been seen in deepest darkest Fiordland, a wilderness area of southern NZ. Probably just a myth

    .Smile Do you and the icelady and icicles live in an igloo? Regards Melissa

    Ps Just looked up your park. What a beautiful place!

    Iceman, you helped me

    Iceman, you helped me tremendously. You were the first person I thought of when I came to after surgery and I haven't yet pressed the morphene pump. That phrase of yours, "you can't sugercoat the surgery" was my first coherent thought and I said to myself, he sure knows what he's talking about Smile But really, it wasn't as bad as I had feared and I recovered quickly. Bless you and everyone who stays on here and helps us newcomers deal with RCC, regardless of what stage we happened to be in.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    Thank you for your dedication and ongoing support. You are always one of the first to welcome new members.

    I have been to beautiful Algonquin Park, and my son portages there every year, but we have never been lucky enough to see a moose.

    Congratulations on your 5 years - and over 1600 posts!



  • BellaBinksMom
    BellaBinksMom Member Posts: 78
    Thank you

    As a newbie, I appreciate all of your wisdom and advice here.  Hoping one day I, too, will have lots of experience and wisdom to share.  Laughing

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    Thank you

    As a newbie, I appreciate all of your wisdom and advice here.  Hoping one day I, too, will have lots of experience and wisdom to share.  Laughing

    Good job

    Good job old man! It's the adventurist in you that does it. You never give cancer your forwarding address. Always a step ahead. Good plan.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    foxhd said:

    Good job

    Good job old man! It's the adventurist in you that does it. You never give cancer your forwarding address. Always a step ahead. Good plan.

    Your post is as wonderful as

    Your post is as wonderful as you are, Icemantoo!!

    YOU were the first to respond to my 1st post withint minutes I swear! Followed by GSRon. sigh

    Thanks for hanging in for us "newbies" and hope and information.

    May you be blessed in return!

    Hugs, Jan

  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member
    All the comments the people

    All the comments the people have made on here is heartwarming and I enjoy all the comments. congrats on the 12 and half year survail . Ree\\\

    Don't know what else to say except thank you for the good comments. 


  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member


    I hope to still be posting on here in 5 years, as well... And also hope to be as cancer-free. Getting this thing at 35 has me good and freaked out but I will take it one day at a time and be prepared for anything that comes along. 

    That being said, I love your posts and I know you will be "keeping it real" for another 12 years for those who need your guidance. Thanks for being one of the first ones there for me when I popped on a few months ago.  It meant a lot. You're the man. 

    - Jay

  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks for your Diligence

    Iceman,   You are a credit to the group, and were the first to give me a warm welcome.  Congrats and wishing you many more years of posting!


  • alice124
    alice124 Member Posts: 896 Member
    Heartfelt congratulations on

    Heartfelt congratulations on five years of CSN support and almost 1700 posts. I can say without hesitation you have made a positive difference to many confused and frightened souls who have found their way to this site; I know I was one of them.  I will be forever grateful for your willingness to share your knowledge and experience, your soothing words of comfort, and the smiles and relief that result.  Thank you Ice!

    Now to Algonquin Park and Google’s “meanest link ” (?)


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    5 years

    Thats what I was told I might get from Stutent. You sir, are a beacon of hope

  • aamdsi
    aamdsi Member Posts: 284
    Oh so glad

    That you are on here, Iceman!  Thank you 


    and thank you as well, Foxhnd.  You both have helped not only me, but oh so many more people.  

    I raise my glass of cheer to many more years of you both just being around!

  • Vivaldi
    Vivaldi Member Posts: 27
    Five years

    When I came here two years ago, you were the first person to offer encouragement, kind words, and optimism.  That was really important, to hear from someone who had been where I was.  I know that many come and ask questions and then fade away, as Fox mentioned in another post.  It doesn't mean they do not pop in and read, I do regularly.  My tumour turned out to be an oncocytoma, still having scans and watching a cyst, but I got the lucky stick.  Your words, your kindness meant so much to me and I know for others.  I always check in to see what you, fox and others are doing, you were all such an important part of my life during a really rough time.  Never doubt your importance.  As to Algonquin park, been many times, and moose, many times.  There is nothing more awe inspiring and jaw dropping than seeing a moose appear on a trail.  Not so inspiring to see one standing in the middle of the road......thank you iceman too for all you do, for all you offer.