Vulvar Cancer?

I know you all aren't doctors but I am hoping someone maybe recognizes what's going on with me and can offer some advice or encouragment. I recently posted to a different forum and got blasted for being a hypochondriac who uses "Dr Google" to diagnose herself. Really I'm just nervous and need support. Cancer and heart conditions run rampant in my family. So far no one has survived either. My only remaining family are my siblings and some of their children.

I'm 35 years old and have been married for many years with no history of STD for either of us. I have two children and also had two miscarriages. I had Adiana done in 2011 to prevent future pregnancies after the second misscarriage.

Recently I started bleeding (sometimes heavily) after intercourse and also have some spotting at random times. I have two small hard lumps in my labia minora. They are under the skin and are not painful unless they get squeezed or irritated. One is about as big around as a pencil eraser and one is much smaller. They are close together. I also have swollen lymph nodes on the same side in my groin. They are very hard and feel about the size of peas. 

I have a gyn appt scheduled for Thursday, but in the meantime I can't think about anything else. I have researched every type of benign bumps and lumps and can't find any that match. 

The weirdest part is today I noticed that the lymph nodes directly under my earlobes are very hard and large. I don't know if they are always like that or if it's new. I have a very thin neck so it's possible they are always like that and I never noticed. I know that if they are enlarged, it points to something other than vulvar cancer. 

I'm so confused. I have no idea what's going on here. When I go to the doctor should I ask them to do a biopsy? Would it be wise to insist on one for the lumps and also another for the lymph nodes in the groin? Or is just one or the other good enough? Does anyone have any experiences similar to mine? 


  • ccfighter
    ccfighter Member Posts: 476 Member
    I hope everything turns out

    I hope everything turns out ok at your appointment.  I am glad you are seeing a doctor.  Let us know how it goes.  Good luck.

  • ioanna
    ioanna Member Posts: 43
    ccfighter said:

    I hope everything turns out

    I hope everything turns out ok at your appointment.  I am glad you are seeing a doctor.  Let us know how it goes.  Good luck.

    I hope everything turns out

    LaughingI hope everything turns out ok. Wish you the very best

  • snh
    snh Member Posts: 4
    Thank you everyone! The

    Thank you everyone! The appointment went pretty terribly. Totally not being taken seriously. I'm going to actually start a new thread because wtih new findings, I don't believe this could be vulvar cancer anymore. Posting in the Lymphoma forum since this could be many things, but multiple swollen lymph nodes in different areas might suggest that best.