Just Diagnosed



  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    I'm going to rely on humor.

    I'm going to rely on humor.  I've already started my rant on why I got throat cancer and not a pretty pink feminine breast cancer instead.  Breast cancer is not caused from smoking, it is not self inflicted and judged like throat cancer.  The old Polish woman in my family have been making their comments already.  Family, yikes.  I told them that it may not be from smoking, it may be from HPV-16 that I could have contracted while giving oral sex to some one prior to my marriage. That seemed to shut them up.



    Just read this properly. Hilarious. Would have loved to have seen their faces. You have just added weight to most mens grumbles that it doesn't happen during marriage! Keep smiling! Its the best tonic! G

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member

    I was on that superthread

    I was on that superthread nearly all night!  Very helpful.  When you referred to the U of M were you talking about Michigan?  I'm forced to receive my treatment 1,200 miles from family because of my insurance.  When treatment is done and my new plan starts Jan. 1 I'm going home to Michigan.


    Water, water, water....I'll remember.  Thank you!



    You "get it" and that's really important

    It is clear to me from your posts that you have already figured out many of the right questions to be asking at this time--even if you don't have many answers yet.  You are not hiding from the reality of this, and seem ready to take it on for the short and long term--remember they don't call this Cancer SURVIVORS' Network for nothing!  And you have a good sense of humor--that will go a long way.

    We see a lot (too many) newbies on this site, but you already sound like a veteran to me.  So, keep asking the right/tough questions and be sure to check in here for some of those answers.



  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428


    I'm creating a list of jokes to tell myself when I want to give up.  I have a whole page about wigs so far.

    Thanks for being here P.




    Depending on the chemo, you might need another list of jokes.  My chemo didn't cause any hair loss.


  • Anonymous7/6/2023
    I'm just sending you a big

    I'm just sending you a big hug. You can and you will get through this. We find out we are much stronger than we thought. x x x x

  • 6Cyn
    6Cyn Member Posts: 29
    Don't dispair!

    Dear Shell,


    I have not been on here for several months. My husband had the same diagnosis and he is now one year since we learned he had cancer. It was a rough treatment but he is much better now. He had 35 radiation treatments and 3 chemos  - no surgery. I am very hopeful that your cancer has not spread. HPV head and neck cancer has a very high cure rate. Stay positive - wishing you the best!



  • aemnoca
    aemnoca Member Posts: 17

    Hi Shell,

    Like everyone else I say keep your spirits up and have a good sense of humor (I made my RAD ONC an aluminum foil hat to protect her from the radiation). 

    While it is a rough road that is completely doable that is easy to say for all of us as we have through it, once you get started you will see that everyone is correct. For me it was not as bad as I had expected and the treatments went by faster and faster as the treatments went by.

    I just finished 35 RAD and 3 chemo treatments in early June and have been given 2 checkups of NED. I was dx with SCC, BOT stage IVA and was originally told that I had less than a 37% chance at 5 years, along with lossing 2/3 rds of my tongue. Then I had the PET Scan and the biopsy came back as SCC-HPV16+. Well that changed everything for me as now my survival went to around 95% for 5 years. What a releaf that was. So until they have all the facts try not to let it get to you so badly. I lost 2 weeks to worry and wished that I had listened more to the group here as everyone of them have been correct.

    I haver been a life long non-smoker and non-drinker.

    Oh yeah - so far I have been lucky enough to not have to have surgery, I will find out more in a couple of weeks after my next PET Scan, if it comes back clean then I will be able to avoid the operation. 

    Keeping my fingers crossed and everyone in the group in my prayers,


  • granmudder
    granmudder Member Posts: 41 Member
    wmc said:

    And also

    You might also let them know it can be caused by Acid Reflux as well. Doctores are just starting to refrence this type to acid reflex. Yes I smoked, but the acid reflex is what they think was a major factor in mine.

    There are many who get this as well that never smoked or drank. Heavy drinking, smoking, acid reflex, HPV, and the last is; just being unlucky, and none of the above apply.  You will get through this, and why, doesn't matter. That was yesterday, and only today matters.


    PS Loved your Humor.

    ACID reflux

    Hi Bill

    im curious you made reference to acid reflux .. did you meant this was  the possible cause of your  cancer not HPV ?...im still trying to wrap my head around the whole hpv  thing..