Hemp Oil--A Cure For Cancer?



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Hemp oil

    You Rock Martha!


    i wish there was a like button.


    Thank you--I'm glad someone else agrees.  Like I said before, if that was a cure for cancer, we would have all done it by now.

  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    edited May 2016 #23
    Agree, agree, agree

    Agree, agree, agree

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member

    There has recently been a study in the UK into the effectiveness of a drug which is an extract of marijuana. The results aren't out yet, but it was used for a recurrent specific brain cancer. I am unaware of any conclusive evidence on the effectiveness on cancer per se. 

    Unfortunately, people are desperate for a cure, and some will succumb to being exploited by unsubstantiated claims

  • tanda
    tanda Member Posts: 174 Member
    MsVJP said:

    Hemp Oil

    Actually, Rick Simpson doesn't use hemp oil, but does use cannabis. He produces a product called Phoenix Tears and it has been shown to be effective in eliminating tumors, as well as some other conditions. I started the treatment when I learned I had anal cancer. However, by the time I was in chemo, I couldn't handle the taste. I'm seriously consideing restarting the treatment to prevent against a reoccurance.

    The reason we haven't all heard about this? I truly believe the pharmaceutical companies don't want us to know. Why do you think cannabis is legal here in CO, but still a schedule 1 drug on the federal level? Yep, pharmaceutical companies have big bucks to influence DC.

    I didn't see the spam you mentioned, but wanted to respond and clarify the difference.

    Hemp Oil

    Where is Simpsons data?  Actually cannabis was approved for medical side effects, anorexia and a few other effects.  I do not recall that it was ever considered a cure for any kind of cancer

  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    edited May 2016 #26
    Knew a few people

    I have known a few people who thought hemp oil, cannibis, whatever would be the cure for their cancer.  Both were brain cancer patients.  They opted to forgo traditional treatment and try the alternative.  Their severe headaches were eased somewhat.  That's about all that it did. They both died.  We would all want to believe that something other than chemo can eliminate cancer.  But if it really did work, I believe we would have known by now.  I think it it helps with the side effects of chemo for some, but in my mind that's all.  There has been some compelling research that it can dramatically reduce seizures.  A lot of press about that in Colorado because families are moving here so that their children afflicted with seizures can be helped.  One child was having 45 seizures a day and use of the oil reduced it to 2 a day.  That's the only compelling information  I felt had some substance to it.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I'm a non-believer in this.  Sorry, but I am not buying it.

  • contactthedvla
    contactthedvla Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2016 #28
    Not buying it

    Not buying it

  • plantbsd
    plantbsd Member Posts: 1
    Science VS 'I just don't believe it' - guess who wins that one..

    I had to sign up and post after reading this thread for concern others might be led astray.

    I have been deep searching the web for evidence that Cannabis (specifically the compounds found in the plant - CBD, CBG, etc) has any effect on cancer when I came across this. 

    I thought it would be valuable to share this study (the biggest I found) conducted with a grant from the NIH and other supporting independent (non-vested interest) organisations on the effects of Cannabis on Cancer. It is the biggest one I found and references 183 independent other studies conducted to support the theory that this works. To put that in perspective, scroll to the bottom of the study and look through the list of just how many other studies you can then go and read that support this theory.  


    This is real science - independent, published in credible journals, non-pharmaceutical funded, non-vested interest, referencing a multitude of other independent international studies, posing theories and then looking for the weight of evidence to support them - not making rash judgements

    I was surprised to see that some good studies were referenced in this thread, yet there was some clear resistence towards the idea without any real evidence to the contrary. You would think that everyone would be more open to the idea, but I guess it can be hard to know the difference between snake oil and cure when you have so many snake oil salesman in the world. Still, the existence of snake oil does not negate the existence to what works!

    Considering the search rankings this thread is getting, I felt that it's not good enough to let people read it and feel dis-heartened because of the 'I just don't believe it' thinking to something that has such a big impact on our lives. 

    The data, the research and the evidence is ALWAYS more important than opinions which are subject to huge variation and bias. DO NOT let naysayers deter you from doing your own research. Simply type in 'CBD Cancer Cure' or 'CBG Skin Cancer Cure' or any other variation on the subject into google and you will see a lot of sites pop up some of which are selling you something and some not. 

    Regardless of the fact that scientific studies that get funded are always going to be swayed towards what can make money for the corporations due to the research budgets they have to pay for it - it is just the nature of the system - you can still search on pubmed and other scientific sources of cannabis and cancer and read literally hundreds of studies if you are so inclined.

    So I for one am grateful for the fact that so much research is being conducted and we are able to access it via the internet and are not at the mercy of the local doctor who (unless exceptionally clued up) is going to be as up to date as the pharmaceutical textbook is, bless their hearts. 

    Wishing every person that reads this profound, remarkable and true healing. 

    Stay open.


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member


    Thank you for sharing. It is important to note that this thread was started 4 years ago and I think it is fair to say that a lot of research has been done in a wide variety of treatment options for cancer in those four years!

    Most (probably all) of the members here, in my opinion, do keep an open mind and are always interested to learn of the effectiveness of reputable up to date studies in this area.

    It can however be difficult in the midst of the storm to decipher what is best at that moment in time, so it is often easiest to fall back on the tried and true...thank you for bringing attention to another option and the reminder to search and advocate for ourselves if possible. For myself, I am grateful to have the kind of medical team that IS "exceptionally clued up" on not only current but reliable, and reputable cancer treatment. I am fortunate for sure!


    ***That being said, to clarify, my most recent treatment did not include any form of CBD oil properties

  • Robinbagwell
    Robinbagwell Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2018 #31
    Cannabis and BHO Oil

    In 2011 when i was suffering from lung cancer,there was an MMJ doctor i was recommended to who uses buds/cannabis to treat me and i undergone treatment for 90 days and my treatment was effective meaning i was healed from the lung cancer.


    In 2016,my colleague(i can't mention his name here) was suffering from mouth cancer to 2017 despite all the phamaceutical products she has been taking via her prescriptions there was no changes in the situation she was facing till the day i went and see my neighbor who recommended that same mmj doctor to me. I was not having the mmj doctor contact details but i new his address and before going to the person who recommended the mmj doctor(Dr. Robin),i took my coleaque to his address when i new he was unfortunately,he wasn't living there any more. When i met the person who recommended this mmj doctor to me,he gave us his contact and we sent and met him. When he started treating the mouth cancer for my colleague,he uses BHO Oil but the treatment took longer than mine(180 days).


    Please stop talking about spamming here because this is not a place for spammers. we are all matured people here. Group administrator please review this forum top and if any adjustment,do it for the safety of people who are visiting this site for help and advice.