
phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

These "howevers" we've been seeing lately are getting old.  NED on the NPC.....They did see a couple new things in my scan.  She read all the medicalese and I really couldn't make much sense of it.  They saw two "possible small cysts" in my submadublar salivary gland....5 milimeters or less.  And then there was something about calcium too.  The girl who called isn't an RN, all I remember her every doing is taking blood for CBA's

The bottom line is.....I have to talk to my ENT.  It was set up perfect for this since I had an appointment for Monday.....but his office called and canceled my appointment because Dr. wasn't going to be my appointment isn't until the 22nd.  I'll call tho, and beg them to have him call me this coming week.  This isn't doing much for my nerves, tho.




  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    wow, Phrannie, if it isn't

    wow, Phrannie, if it isn't one things, it's 5 others!  i'm very sorry to hear this.  i don't blame you for not wanting to wait that long.  that seems like a lifetime away from today.  did they say what they would do about the cysts if that's what they are?  man, this really upsets me.  i hate it when something new pops up and requires more medical attention.  i think once someone has faught and won a cancer battle, they should be done fighting for life.  to bad "life" doesn't agree with me.  hang in there Phrannie.  we will all be here for you.

    God bless you,


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    No, go with the NED.  Nothing you can do this weekend, try to distract yourself.  Hopefully nothing and you can talk to the doctor sooner rather than later.  In the pockets for sure.  Prayers and hugs.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi P


    Happy Ned-day to you, what a great sound


    Tim Hondo

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Phrannie, I am very glad to hear that you have a NED for the NPC, so definitely Big Congratulations for that report but, I am very sorry about the new possible cysts and calcium issue.  Hopefully, there is a benign  explanation for the lightups.  Here's sending the best of wishes for good news.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    still crossing


    Pet a dog, ride a horse, NED I say more.

    Best always,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Go with the NED

    Cist can calcify and be nothing to be concerned with. I have s spot in my lung that was mineral oil that has calcified over the years and it is nothing. Still sending good Mojo and prayers.

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I like the NED part however I'm shuffling some things around in my pocket so I can place you, after all you do it for soooooooo many others. I'm banking it ain't nothing to be concerned about.

    And yeah to what Matt said.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    what the world ?


    NED but however....really ?  First off enjoy the NED lady.  Secondly call an RN at the ENT'S office if you are not able to talk directly to your doctor before the 22nd.  Most will at least reassure us, and explain the how's and why's.  Keeping you tucked in prayer until I hear an update.  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    This time I'm tucking YOU into MY pocket!!  Enjoy the NED, and I agree with Matt...ride a horse and pet the doggies :)  Prayers that there is nothing else of any worry.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    both of the terms

    cystic and calcific are descriptive, not diagnostic.  They certainly aren't high risk terms.  Cystic structures, which means basically something with fluid in it, are very very low risk for cancer.  And calcific simply means calcium deposits are seen.  Common among salivary glands, and other structures that have been radiated.  One of the risks of having non physicians read these reports to us is that all these terms will be lumped into the report you get, then you are stuck not knowing.


    I would't waste a second of my 4th of July worrying about any of this.





  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    both of the terms

    cystic and calcific are descriptive, not diagnostic.  They certainly aren't high risk terms.  Cystic structures, which means basically something with fluid in it, are very very low risk for cancer.  And calcific simply means calcium deposits are seen.  Common among salivary glands, and other structures that have been radiated.  One of the risks of having non physicians read these reports to us is that all these terms will be lumped into the report you get, then you are stuck not knowing.


    I would't waste a second of my 4th of July worrying about any of this.





    Pat....have I told you

    lately what a God-send you are?  You know I went to bed worrying.....wondering what exactly had I heard.  I even went to the hospital web site and got signed up trying to get a copy of the report so I could read it myself.....that was a bust, but I wouldn't have been able to understand it anyway.

    My prayer has been for this to be side effects of radiation, all of which I can live with.....Your post has lightened the anxiety I woke up with......thank you SO much!


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Pat....have I told you

    lately what a God-send you are?  You know I went to bed worrying.....wondering what exactly had I heard.  I even went to the hospital web site and got signed up trying to get a copy of the report so I could read it myself.....that was a bust, but I wouldn't have been able to understand it anyway.

    My prayer has been for this to be side effects of radiation, all of which I can live with.....Your post has lightened the anxiety I woke up with......thank you SO much!


    I agree

    I agree with Phrannie.  You have been encouraging, supportive and just plain good guy.  You have been very helpful to us 'flounder's' on this site.  Exremely thankful.

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    NED is NED is NED

    If there is a "however" and they consider it serious, you wouldn't be waiting weeks to see the ENT. I know this from experience. More than likely the howevers are benign and one of the wonderful gifts we continue to get from treatment. Don't sweat it and if it is that concerning, pick up the phone and ask to speak with the doc... better than sitting around allowing your imaginatin to run wild ;) 

    Positive thoughts and prayers

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    fishmanpa said:

    NED is NED is NED

    If there is a "however" and they consider it serious, you wouldn't be waiting weeks to see the ENT. I know this from experience. More than likely the howevers are benign and one of the wonderful gifts we continue to get from treatment. Don't sweat it and if it is that concerning, pick up the phone and ask to speak with the doc... better than sitting around allowing your imaginatin to run wild ;) 

    Positive thoughts and prayers

    Credible People

    P. A lot of credible people reassuring you based on knowledge and experience - none of which I have, G

  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    Good to hear NED

    Great news on the NED! as I was reading your post I was secretly hoping pat would lend his opinion on it! Lol he is a wealth of information that has often calmed many a nerve. I hope you can enjoy your weekend now! NED is the best news to hear

    all my best michelle

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    both of the terms

    cystic and calcific are descriptive, not diagnostic.  They certainly aren't high risk terms.  Cystic structures, which means basically something with fluid in it, are very very low risk for cancer.  And calcific simply means calcium deposits are seen.  Common among salivary glands, and other structures that have been radiated.  One of the risks of having non physicians read these reports to us is that all these terms will be lumped into the report you get, then you are stuck not knowing.


    I would't waste a second of my 4th of July worrying about any of this.





    hi, Pat.  i hope you are

    hi, Pat.  i hope you are feeling ok these days and that you aren't in much pain.  you are always in my thots and prayers.  i wanted to thank you for always making time and effort to answer our posts and calm us down with your wonderful knowledge and your common sense.  you're an awesome human being and i hope you know how much we all appreciate you.

    God bless you, Pat.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Oh Phrannie...

    It's always hard not to question's just they way we are.  I'm going to go with Pat and agree that you need to give it a rest and go with the NED! Girl, you need to be Happy, Happy, Happy right now.  I can't imagine the dr's office leaving it to an unqualified person to read off tests like that to anyone, but from what Pat says, these spots sound common.

    Keep your chin up honey! You are NED!

    God Bless,


  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532

    Pat....have I told you

    lately what a God-send you are?  You know I went to bed worrying.....wondering what exactly had I heard.  I even went to the hospital web site and got signed up trying to get a copy of the report so I could read it myself.....that was a bust, but I wouldn't have been able to understand it anyway.

    My prayer has been for this to be side effects of radiation, all of which I can live with.....Your post has lightened the anxiety I woke up with......thank you SO much!


    Giving you a virtual hug!

    I read that one of the reasons there is such debate over frequent scans right now (including mammograms) is that we see things that our bodies will handle by themselves and start treating them... which in some cases is worse than what the body would handle on its own. This may be one of those cases--the scan caught some things that otherwise would have healed over time. 

    Hopefully they can move your appointment up though because no one wants to wait to hear even good news, right? 

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Oh Phrannie...

    It's always hard not to question's just they way we are.  I'm going to go with Pat and agree that you need to give it a rest and go with the NED! Girl, you need to be Happy, Happy, Happy right now.  I can't imagine the dr's office leaving it to an unqualified person to read off tests like that to anyone, but from what Pat says, these spots sound common.

    Keep your chin up honey! You are NED!

    God Bless,



    I'm going with Pat on this one too! Great vibes for you..........

    As you know my last scan said NED but went on with the "however"....ended up they officially amended the report after closer examination to take out the "however"

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    kinda late but..

    I'm all in with the NED and no worries about the other stuff. As mentioned, if any of the report was of true concern, you would be scheduled for a visit asap. Hope your holiday was not overly anxious. And another big THANKS to Pat who translate the med lingo into words mere mortals understand.

    Next time, quit scheduling these tests right before long holidays! Wink