Skiffin ~ 19MAY2014

Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
edited May 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Just a quick note...

I didn't have an infection which is good...

I still have two drains that are putting out about 1 - 2 Oz of gunky fluid that smells terrible, and they leak where the tubes are stitched and tied into my belly...

Hopefully they will get these sealed off soon..., kinda demoralizing have crap leaking out of you. But I'd much rather it come out than stay in me... I suction (squeeze) the bulbs a few times a day for an hour or so to help pull the stuff out. Otherwisw it makes me nauseaous when it's inside..., yuck I know..TMI.

Anyways other than that, just weak as I can't eat much yet, just several small portions several times a day.

I haven't found a happy place between eating enough, not waking up starving, or having acid reflux during the night..ugh...


Anyways, kinda where I am....


I have started doing some online work from home, so that helps some, and keeps me from burning all of my sick time too.






  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    C'mon get happy

    Here's hoping you can find your way to that happy place very soon.  Sending sustaining thoughts your way.  If I were closer, I'd send food. Teeny, tiny portions of magical food.


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Never TMI!

    Because glad to hear how you are doing mate. The fact that you have started working inline says a lot about you John. Hang in there mate. IM just starting week five rads and had second of three cisplatin. Remember well you being there at start. You are still a great example. So I always look out for your updates. Thinking of you both. G.

  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member

    John, keep the faith brother!   I'm sure it's not fun having stuff leak out but like you said, better to get that crap out than keep it in!


    All pulling hard for you from around the world.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Guzzle said:

    Never TMI!

    Because glad to hear how you are doing mate. The fact that you have started working inline says a lot about you John. Hang in there mate. IM just starting week five rads and had second of three cisplatin. Remember well you being there at start. You are still a great example. So I always look out for your updates. Thinking of you both. G.


    Prayers continue. Hoping you turn the corner soon and can get the tubes out. 

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Thanks for the info... or some of it....

    Hey Buddy.....glad your up to doing some work at home.  It will keep you busy and your mind off the "gunky fluid". Yell

    How long do they anticipate you being off....or at home rather? It's probably too darn hot down there right now to be outside fishing anyways, right?

    Get well soon....

    Thinking of you,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    John, i'm so relieved to hear

    John, i'm so relieved to hear its not an infection.  you surely don't need that interuption in the healing process.  i sure hope those darn tubes get to come out soon.  what a hassle.  give yourself time with the eating.  that is usually a very slow go.  don't overdo with working from home, you don't want Shelley to have to come down on  praying for you both.  was very good to see you post yourself.  heal on my friend.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    John, It is good to see you

    John, It is good to see you post. I am sorry however that the after affects are so yucky and smelly. I am still praying for strength and quick healing although I realize that yesterday wasn't soon enough. :) Remember to be kind to Shelley even though you are feeling like you want to lash out at times. I know you are probably thinking about all those fish that are getting away. But maybe someone else will get a chance to catch a few since you are not out there catching them all. LOL Keep the faith and God Bless


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    jim and i said:

    John, It is good to see you

    John, It is good to see you post. I am sorry however that the after affects are so yucky and smelly. I am still praying for strength and quick healing although I realize that yesterday wasn't soon enough. :) Remember to be kind to Shelley even though you are feeling like you want to lash out at times. I know you are probably thinking about all those fish that are getting away. But maybe someone else will get a chance to catch a few since you are not out there catching them all. LOL Keep the faith and God Bless


    Mellow and Humble Man...

    I know where my pot of gold is... Shelley is wonderful, and I don't have enough strength or energy to do much other than the minimum that I am...

    I've lost 38# now, just absolutely no energy to even think about boating, fishing, or much else... It's  chore just to get the mail.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    Well, the Whipple diet sounds every bit as effective as the H&N diet.  I too am drained just hearing, let alone smelling the gunky discharge.  Is your anti-reflux drug off limits?  If not, why isn’t it working?

    So much to do and so little vacation time to burn on recovery.  Here is hoping for a turn-a-round and a return to health for you.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    just a simple

    keep on keeping on

  • Sara1234
    Sara1234 Member Posts: 121
    Not Sure

    Not sure what kinda operation you had but sending you well wishes hope you are feeling back to norm soon.......

  • 6Cyn
    6Cyn Member Posts: 29
    So nice to see your comment.

    You have so many supporters! Each day is a step to better health.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    good to see you posting

    Tells me you are making some progress but the surgery was clearly pretty massive. You'll be up and around soon and this too shall pass. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Don

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi John

    So glad to see you posting and doing well, don’t worry about the yuck stink stuff coming out your tubes as long as it is coming out and not staying in. Don’t worry about weight I am down to 140lbs from 230lbs, that just means the boat can hold more fish now that we do weight as much as before.

    Take the time to heal and get better my friend keep your focus on getting back in the boat and getting all the fish that are waiting on you. Lol

    God Bless and keep you and your wonderful Caregiver wife.

    EmbarassedCoolTongue Out

    Tim Hondo  

  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    No infection



    First, it's so good to see you posting and so glad no infection after all.  Hope everything gets better soon.  I know you must be missing fishing.  Prayers as always!  God Bless!


    Jan (Basketcase)

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    Nice to see you find the energy to bring your own update to us. Thanks

    prayers continue for you and Shelley. 


    like we have learned over the years.... it will get better, just never gets there fast enough. 


    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    fisrpotpe said:


    Nice to see you find the energy to bring your own update to us. Thanks

    prayers continue for you and Shelley. 


    like we have learned over the years.... it will get better, just never gets there fast enough. 


    Welcome Back

    Welcome back John.  It is a start to see back posting on this forum.  We all know that it will get better.  Aloha!

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    Howdy John

    Glad to hear there is no infection. We never heal as fast as we think we should so why not sit back live by the docs orders and just get better. Tell your boss I will donate some of my vacation to you. In my 12 years in office I have never used up all my vacation each year. Don't worry about the 38 lbs you lost I found a few of them, I can give them back if I come down your way towards the end of the year by treating at the frozen yogurt buffet.

    Gotta go practice falling asleep, trustee meetings yesterday, today, and tomorrow and this afternoon is set aside for investment reports.

    Enjoy the day


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Keep on

    keeping on!  Hope things improve quickly for you!  I haven't been able to comment in about a week...only read.  I've kept up with your progress and hope that total recovery is just a step away for you!  It's about time to go fishing :)

  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    Wow that sounds brutal

    If I lost 38 lbs I would be weak as a kitten too.  How you can get the nutrition you need to get stronger soon.

    Be well,
