I am Joining the Thyroid Club

CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


Fellow Thyrodians,

As you can see, I am trending higher and I will be adding Levothyroxine to my ever increasing pill regiment.  Prior to cancer, I only took Prilosec, now I have my own pill box.

Oh well, now that I am crossing over who is going to teach me the secret hand shake and where is the club house?   Is there a special knock and what is it?

Anyway, look out for me; I am getting closer to normal (H&N abi-normal).





  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    And here I thought Ron was the "Pill King". The poor guy took so many meds,  vitamins, & supplements every day, my kitchen table looked like a pharmacy.

    As for me, I started with 1 BP med & now take 2. Last doc visit, I added an anti-depressant. What will be next? Always an adventure every time you see a doc.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    LOL Matt....

    Thyroidians?  Hahahahahaha......

    So far I too have been kept in the dark as to where the secret clubhouse is.....they keep telling me the map is in the mail, but after this long I'm beginning to believe they really don't have one.

    Welcome to the club, anyway Laughing


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Hi Matt

    Joined that club soon after radiation, paid the $50.00 membership fee and got a bunch of crap. I put my glasses back on went back out the door and realized I joined the hemroid club. The dead givaway was when I saw my Mom in the room because  I knew her thyroid was just fine. I do remember her telling me long ago that when I was born she developed hemroids which only goes to show and prove that I was a pain in the **** from the start. Tried to get my money back but again all I got was a bunch of crap.

    I belong to the right club now and take my pill every morning 30 minutes before eating and thank God I am abi-normal.

    Hoping you went through the right door........................Hope to see ya at the clubhouse soon.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member


    Sounds pretty alien to me but sure seems like there are quite a few around so maybe not the correct term. Any gusses what percentage of HNC that got zapped earn Thyrodian stripes?

  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    I was on pre-cancer

    I've been in the club since 2006 I think. I had Graeves disease - and had that radioactive iodine treatment.  Hmmm, then next year, I had tonsil cancer.  I've always wondered if there is a corralation. 

    Hope they get your dose managed quickly - you'll start feeling better when its all settled.

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Well Matt

    I have been a member of the club since 2009, it took 5 years for my thyroid to fail, but I was enlisted in 2009. Like others here, I am unable to locate the Clubhouse, I even broke out a map and compass, have been wandering around in circles ever since. Laughing

    I enjoy everyone's sense of humor here.

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Haven't joined this club yet...

    But I'm told it will only be a matter of time. And, hey, I've got bloodwork next week so perhaps it will be soon. Let me know when you find the clubhouse.  I'll be looking for the key to the club's Lear Jet.

    Deb, with thyroid.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    matt, been in the club since

    matt, been in the club since 2/28/12.  nobody even mentioned a clubhouse to me, should i be offended?  oh well, you can tell me where it is if you ever find it....lol.  welcome to the club.  what's one more pill when we already take ten?!!

    God bless you,


  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532
    I'm having mine checked again

    I'm having mine checked again after the holidays. Last time, it turns out they had the wrong primary care doctor down, so I never found out the results!

    Christmas seems the appropriate time to say that this is the gift that keeps on giving! On the other hand, it's a gift to be here for another holiday season. :-)

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    time to go shopping


    It always starts with just one.


    I was told there is a clubhouse, just like I was told I would get my saliva back.


    $50?  That is really going to cut into my pop can Christmas money


    When you start that study, count me in.


    When do I buy the motorcycle?


    You should be running into a lot of the H&N clan in those circles.


    I’ll save you a seat in First Class.


    10, now that is a pill box.


    I wonder who got your blood results?


    Thanks everyone

  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    My RO said the thyroid will definitely be damaged

    She suggested I have blood work done 6-8 weeks post rads.  I already had Hashimoto's and was hypothyroid most likely from toxic water at Camp Lejeune, so this will probably finish off what was left of my barely functioning thyroid which has atrophied.  Have had my thyoidian  club membership for 46 years!

    PS: If you have Cancer of the Esophagus, and were based at Camp Lejeune from 1956-1986 you are now eligible for heallth care at the VA Centers!  


  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    been in the club for almost 3 years

    WOW, Matt --   you lasted a long time with your thyroid still working.   I didn't even make it out of rads before I had to go on the meds....it might be because my tumor was inside the tongue, so rads might have been gunning for the thyroid all along.  I think they did a blood test to check the thyroid the second week of treatments and found it was already fried.

    At least the tiny thyroid pills are cheap -- so that's somewhat of a consolation.

    Good Luck, Matt....it helps a bit with the fatigue.



  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    CivilMatt said:

    time to go shopping


    It always starts with just one.


    I was told there is a clubhouse, just like I was told I would get my saliva back.


    $50?  That is really going to cut into my pop can Christmas money


    When you start that study, count me in.


    When do I buy the motorcycle?


    You should be running into a lot of the H&N clan in those circles.


    I’ll save you a seat in First Class.


    10, now that is a pill box.


    I wonder who got your blood results?


    Thanks everyone

    Buy it now

    You can buy the motorcycle now. We took it to the dealership, and they are going to try to sell it for us.

    Not the one in the picture - that is my husbands.

    Mine is a 2012 red switchback.

    Shortly after I got it, things started to go downhill, and I didn't have the desire or energy to ride anymore.

    Now, well - things are getting worse, and we just want out of the payments.

    So - if anyone is interested :)


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Matt


    It’s only a matter of time my friend. When my thyroid first went out I have no idea what was happening I was so weak and tired and felt like crap all the time. After bouncing around in order to get the thyroid meds correct, I started being me again. Also if you remember I had server constipation for almost 2 years, and all the doctors could do was to offer me a colon by-pass. For two years none of them check to see if it was my thyroid causing the problem. Anyway after getting the Thyroid meds corrected my bowel started to work normal again, man was I happy.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    back from shopping


    Yours is a girl’s bike.


    I was stationed in Oregon all they give you here is a bag of Mary Jane.


    Mine was base of tongue; my taste buds gave most of their life to protect my Thyroid.


    I will look forward to happy bowels.

    Merry Christmas

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    Not quite the thyrodians but worth mentioning for the motorboating thoughts alone..... ~lol~

    So far so good with my readings. All normal for now. 




  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597

    Hi matt, welcome to the club,looks like you have been sub-clinical for a long time, surprised you did not get the synthroid before this. takes a while to get the right dose, took me 7 months but believe it's right now. The old thinking was that normal thyroid function was 1 -5. Now it's like .8 to 3, my function, with synthroid, is 2.14. Still sometimes tend to get fatigue and have not lost the magic weight I put on, pre meds. All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.

  • robswife87
    robswife87 Member Posts: 209
    denistd said:


    Hi matt, welcome to the club,looks like you have been sub-clinical for a long time, surprised you did not get the synthroid before this. takes a while to get the right dose, took me 7 months but believe it's right now. The old thinking was that normal thyroid function was 1 -5. Now it's like .8 to 3, my function, with synthroid, is 2.14. Still sometimes tend to get fatigue and have not lost the magic weight I put on, pre meds. All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.

    Rob joined

    this club on monday. They told us it would probably happen. He is hoping when the meds kick in that he won't be so cold all the time and tired. 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    So far, though my TSH levels have been elevated for awhile...

    I actually just saw an Endo a few weeks ago. Since finishing up Tx in 2009, my levels have been above 5 on all blood work (every 3 - 6 months), other than three times. Twice it was in normal ranges, and once it was 12+, but at that time I was sick and n some other meds that might have influenced the high reading. The remainder of those times it was somewhere between 5 - 7.

    The Endo felt as long as I don't seem bothered by it, and it's consistantly less than 10. He doesn't feel a need for me to go on meds yet.

    If you remember I did try Synthroid once, but had a few blood pressure and pulse rate issues.

    So for now, I'm on the outside looking in...


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Skiffin16 said:


    So far, though my TSH levels have been elevated for awhile...

    I actually just saw an Endo a few weeks ago. Since finishing up Tx in 2009, my levels have been above 5 on all blood work (every 3 - 6 months), other than three times. Twice it was in normal ranges, and once it was 12+, but at that time I was sick and n some other meds that might have influenced the high reading. The remainder of those times it was somewhere between 5 - 7.

    The Endo felt as long as I don't seem bothered by it, and it's consistantly less than 10. He doesn't feel a need for me to go on meds yet.

    If you remember I did try Synthroid once, but had a few blood pressure and pulse rate issues.

    So for now, I'm on the outside looking in...



    Glad it's something meds can help. No one has mentioned it to me yet so I assume I'm ok in that area.