“The Wait Is Over” - Sundance & Big Billy TO BE Published by Coping Magazine
How Cool Is That, T:)tommycat said:Congratulations!!!!
You are beaming!!!!!
Nice job!!!!
This magazine is at the oncology office at Scripps Green.
Enjoy your weekend, Author Harrison.
I looked for the mag at my place today and didn't see it. Very cool that you've seen at this location. Hopefully, someone will read the magazine instead of using it for a coaster:)
Nice to see you and thanks so much!
Yeah, I'm feeling a little full of myself alright:) It feels good as I'm letting nobody bust my balloon until I'm ready to let the air out myself:)
Take care and thanks for posting your support!
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Thanks Alot, Jeff!!janderson1964 said:Awesome Craig. Absolutely
Awesome Craig. Absolutely awesome. You made my whole weekend with the news. You deserve it my friend and we all deserve a voice lik Big Billy to represent us. Thanks for your hard work and persistance.
It just hasn't really sunk in yet, not really!
This was very important for my psyche...
I'll be proud to wave our banner high and thank you for your confidence and support with this project.
It's really going to happen, Jeff...
I re-wrote the John Force story too - and I'm going to make plans to try and give it to him in person this year - I really want him to have it......the JF story is my 2nd favorite that I've written. Actually, BB and JF could be 1A and 1B:)
Take care my friend!
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Hi Nana:)Nana b said:Indeed. Just a matter of
Indeed. Just a matter of time! Persistence Paid off. Well done Craig !
We've roamed these halls for awhile and I remember when I first came here and was posting and you were so flabbergasted, your response was "Wow, just hugs!"
It's been some kind of ride up here the past four-years...
Know you're fighting hard and I hope you are doing well with treatment......us 09's gotta keep standing.
Thanks for your post and I'm pleased that you're pleased:)
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How Do You Say "Awesome" in Hawaiian?Kathleen808 said:Craig
Awesome, awesomness, most awesomely news!! So glad to hear this. You do yourself and all of us honor by telling the story.
Apparently, it does not translate:) Closest thing I can find is....hu'ihu'i (cool)
Thank you, Kathleen....you are another friend of mine, who I was so hoping would read this post.
Thank you so much btw, for all of your support and kind words to the posts I've written; they have always meant alot to me. Give **** my cont'd best:)
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G'day, Ron!ron50 said:G'day craig
Good luck and congratulations. I know that feeling inside when even you haven't convinced yourself that what you are doing isn't the real deal. It is a cold and fragile feeling. But you did it and I think the whole crew here are beyond proud of you,hugs mate.Ron.
Yes, it's hard to believe it is real....I'm still in shock....
I mean, I understand what's happened at a certain level, but it almost feels like it's somebody else's life and not mine.
All my life, my number is never the one that was called.....except for the Infusion Room....and even then it was iffy:)
Yes, I really, really feel the support of the community....and I think not only because people have watched this unfold for the past 4-years up here from the early beginnings of me trying to write....up to now....but also because, we're closely connected and their is a vested interest with one another.
And when one of us wins....WE all win as a community...
I'm just so proud to share this with all of you...it really takes on an extra special meaning to share it with ya'll:)
Thanks again, Mate...and hugs to you.
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Hi Linda:)LindaK. said:Ditto what Chelsea said
Craig, congratulations, you should be proud. You certainly have a gift and you have helped me in the short time I have been on this board. Those of us that you have reached out to are also feeling proud for you!!
Looking forward to the article!
Thank you so much! I'm glad that I was able to save you a seat to see this! It's been a long and winding road to publication...and yet, I still feel very fortunate to be accepted.
Annie said it best when she described how hard it is to get a 'Yes' from a major magazine like this one....she knows these things just don't happen....you have to have substance:)
I'm glad that I've been able to help you. In my mind, I'm working on some material for the Jen/Chels/LindaK post that I'm going to see what I can do with.
But, first, I need to enjoy this one for a few breaths, before I have to enter the Jaws of the Dragon again.
I'm so high - I don't want to come down:)
It makes me feel good to see everyone happy with this news!
It's a tough room up here sometimes with all that we go through - and I'm just about of tricks:)
Take care - and Texas Bear Hugs to you!
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Hi "Mama"wolfen said:Being Your Fellow Texan
You know what my response is. IT'S ABOUT DAMMM TIME!!!
I'm so glad someone has finally recognized the special talent you have. It's been a really long haul, hasn't it?
Here's to the beginning of something great in your life. You certainly deserve it. You have put your heart and soul into so many things for each of us. Now is your time to shine.
Luv Ya,
Well, your "other boy" finally did it after all:)
It has been a long haul - but, I guess most of it was necessary to put me in position to have a chance at something like this.
I love the rest of your post - and I think I'll just wrap myself up in there for awhile.
It's going to be interesting to see where we can go from here...I too, hope the ride has only just begun:)
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Thanks, Karinlilacbrroller said:cool!
I had never heard of this magazine but will buy a copy (or e-read it) when your article comes out
When I know some more details, I'll be sure to pass them along...
Thank you for your support!
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Did I Do Good, Joe?joemetz said:big congrats to you
I'm so excited to read this news.
Goes to show that hard work, great content, excellent writing and persistance pays off.
way to go. thanks for inspiring us all.
Thanks alot, man
I'm just glad to hear from you; I know you're in a tough time right now and I'll try and support you any way that I can....
Now, I'm not a "dr" - but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night:)
I've been dying to use that one:)
If I were a dr, my prescription for you would be an adjuvant treatment of Big Billy...I know you're going to find him during this fight:)
Take care buddy and thanks for stopping out to see me and show your support!
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Hi Kim:)Annabelle41415 said:Wonderful
There was no doubt in my mind that someone would eventually find how incredible you are as a writer. Very proud of you and glad that you will finally get your story out there.
You've had a VIP seat for the whole thing....
I'm sure I had you shaking your head on more than one occasion over the years, LOL!
It does feel good that someone finally did take a chance on me. Having fought through rejection most of my life - and never being able to measure up to what anyone thought I was supposed to be....
Well, it felt good to be accepted at Face Value for a change...
You guys have always accepted me from the beginning - and as such, you gave the one place in the world where I found I could be what I wanted to be. I'm very grateful to you and everyone that has treated me so kindly here.
And yes, we're getting A story out there - in the hopes that we can tell the full story at a later date.
2009-2013 has been some kind of crazy ride - but I'm glad that I could ride it all with you guys:)
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Hi J:)johnnybegood said:i guess
you Texans really know how to pull it all together.im so proud of you craig and big billy.i soo much wanted that book to be published but this news is great.who knows this just might be a stepping stone in that direction.wish i could give you a big hug but a cyber one will have to do.((((((((((HUG))))))))))..Godbless...johnnybegood
Thank you!!!
I can feel your pride in your words. Know you've always been a fan of Big Billy - he cares about you too:)
I agree with you.....I very much want for the book to be published one day....I might have to end up self-publishing at some point after I exhaust the options I've still got left.
I know my chances are slim with it ever going mainstream. But, I believe in its value and message and may just have to get it out there in some form - at the very least, just so folks hear can finally get to read it that want to.
And you're right again - this is a stepping stone that will hopefully take us in the next direction - at least, I hope so. Writing just frees me so.....like nothing else.
Big hugs to you, J!!!
-From Craig & Big Billy:)
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Big Grins, Cyn!!LivinginNH said:Yeeeee-Haaaawww BIG BILLY!!!!!!
Here's a funny one...
I was just saying to myself (talk to myself alot, Lol)...and I thought that I would post something with a Yee-Haw in it...
Loved your post - a picture really does say a 1,000 words:)
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There's the Smile I've Been Workin' & Waitin' For:)jen2012 said:Yay!!! This is VERY
Yay!!! This is VERY exciting news. Thank you Craig, and you Ann, for your kind words, they really mean a lot...but this was all you Craig! I just provided the link and you made sure they got to know you! Very smart - though I think they would have published it just based on the story, but I'm glad you gave them the chance to know Craig and not just Billy!
Writing is such a gift and I'm so glad you are sharing that gift. You will touch many lives with the story and the quotes. That was a great idea they had grabbing those quotes out!
Hi Jen
I'm glad you're pleased with the news!
Sometimes in life, we need a navigator to help us get back on course. One can have a tank full of gas - but if there is no destination, we're really just spinning our wheels.
It's doubtful that I would have found this website on my own volition...I didn't even know it existed....and I would never would have thought to look at a cancer website for a story publish.
I might have found something else - or might not have. Or, I might still be submitting endless Query Letters and waiting for the door to slam in my face again. Rejection over and over is......well, it's rejection.
And it's all that I've ever known in this life (except for CSN)....I think when any artist bears their soul (writer, actor, singer, painter, etc), then they are exposing their complete vulnerabilities and laying their souls bare naked to the world - in the hopes that they will gain acceptance from their work.
Silence echos a haunting melody and leaves one feeling violated to some degree...and physical rejection means that you did not measure up to make 'their' cut.
And it's painful....and then to keep doing over and over....with the same result.
I believe there were alot of forces in play with this project and that we were both instruments that were used for a greater good.
Your work put me in position to do my work - which both of us hope will help somebody else in the coming days
I took a big chance, but I play for keeps - and I figured that we've got nothing more to lose by trying here...and this time, it paid off...and at a good time in my life when I needed some Hope and Inspriation for myself, so that I could divvy that up and hand it back to out to someone else.
It was beautiful, baby....just beautiful....
Seeing your shining post has made my weekend.....now I gotta go to work on our friend, Chels:)
Thank you for your kind words too and it's people just like you, who have helped me understand what an impact writing and using words as a healing medium plays a larger role in all of our lives than one can imagine.
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Thank You, Chels:)Chelsea71 said:Congratulations Craig. I
Congratulations Craig. I can't say I'm surprised. Knew it was just a matter of time. You have a gift for helping people with your words. I am not only happy for you but happy for all those people who are now struggling and will find comfort and understanding through reading your stories. Hoping this will motivate you to keep writing. Many of us are going through difficult times and could use some inspiration.
Jen, you too should be proud of your role. Your direction has helped to create a much bigger platform from which many others will benefit.
ChelsWith all that you've got going on too, I'm proud to have you as a friend. And thank you for taking your time out to read this and respond back:)
I've enjoyed talking and getting to know you and Jen too, along with new LindaK and some of the other folks who I was able to connect with. If it weren't for these kind of relationships, I'd have to set sail.
Cancer is not all X's & O's, despite what we read on this board...strategies, drugs and new treatments will always be chaning - but what will never change is the Emotional Factor of what it feels like to be a human being with a cancer diagnosis.
And that's never going to change....
Thank you for your kind words too...I"m hurting for you right now, but am going to stay here with you.
Here's a true story that I've never told anyone about...
There was a guy here when I first joined....his name was Eric38...he was a good guy and he lived in Texas and we used to visit each other when one of us was in the hospital.....I spent time with his mom and met some of his relatives etc.
Anyway, when I first came here, needless to say I was a little bit different than what they were used to, LOL!
One evening, I received a PM from Eric....it was titled HEALER.
At first, I didn't understand the title, until I opened the email. And he said that some people heal with medicine - but that I healed with words...he then said I was a Healer.
Gets me a little bit choked up now thinking about that.
There have been so many wonderful exchanges that I've been a part of - all of them helping me to be what I am today.
My gratitude is for those who have shared so much with me and helped me to understand what I may never have known - had I not gotten to know those folks.
Your words resonate that same kind of sentiment and I'm truly touched and honored that you feel this way. You know by now, that I can only be what I am - some folks like me - some don't - some talk to me - others don't.
Either way, my toes will always be tappin', darlin':)
I'm feeling a resurgence so to speak....
The publish post came out of the blue, wasn't expecting it.....but I did have another post that is already written that I was just waiting to relase...just the 9-year post....and then I've got the special assignment for you and Jen and Linda...and then I've got one topic left on my cancer list that I've wanted to discuss for a long time.
So, it doesn't look I'm going anywhere; I've got work to do, LOL!
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To: My Favorite Librarian:)annalexandria said:YAAAAY!
Such awesome news, Craig! I knew it would happen for you some day, and I'm so glad I'm around to see it. The publishing environment is a tough world, and it really says something about you that you were able to "get to yes" with a major magazine like this. Can't wait to see it when it comes out. Your librarian is darn proud of you! Big hugs and congratulations~AA
PS It was incredibly nice of Jen to help you with this...Jen, you are a real peach!
You don't know how much I wanted you to be a part of this - it would have been hollow without seeing your smiling face and hearing what you have to say.
I've thought about what you said...
The Publishing World is brutal alright...it really makes you wonder what it takes to crash through the glass ceiling there - not only to get noticed, but to be accepted for publishing. They can lay people's dreams to waste with just a keystroke:(
I've often thought about your Dear Abby with a Texas Twist angle that you talked to me about awhile back:) You've really got some great ideas....I could use you in my PR department...we've already got Jen pegged for Research building us new leads, LOL! Imagine what she could do if she had her hands free:)
You know, sometimes Naivete is a real blessing....it keeps us just stupid enough to believe that you can do something. Otherwise, we'd with and die right on the vine for fear of failure.
But, you're right, this is a major magazine and what happened just didn't happen by itself or by chance...they get celebrity interviews and all kind of patient submissions etc. etc., so I'm sure the waiting list is quite long, even if they accept you.
So, I'm sure that both stories garnered their attention and I'm glad that BB was chosen...because that's what the magazine is all about - Survivorship and How to COPE with the illness. And BB's story was all about that.....how a man who felt near death turned to something as improbable as the phantom image of BB on a really bad Folfiri trip...and that from those ashes - we were able to build another day from that.
But, YES is hard to hear in the publishing world - I've longed to hear it - and when I did, I found myself quite unsure of what to do about it:)
Cancer is about the only thing in this life that I've won at - ironic, isn't it, Annie?
Out of all the places in the world - and all of my acceptance has come in the cancer world...that's okay though, there's nowhere else I'd rather be - than with all of you.
Now, save a spot on your bookshelf, LOL!
Take care, honey!
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WOW!! It is about time!! Very
WOW!! It is about time!! Very well deserved can't wait to read it!! Kim
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Hi Kimrogina2336 said:WOW!! It is about time!! Very
WOW!! It is about time!! Very well deserved can't wait to read it!! Kim
I'm glad that you got to see this post:)
It's all about Time and Patience, isn't it?
Nice to see you!
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Bask in the glory!
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