
Hi everyone. I am new here and have not been diagnosed yet, but I'm almost positive. My first colonoscopy is in June. I worry because I am so much in the dark. I have been having symptoms of problems for over 2 years. Starting out with just belly aches. then, it turned into being sick with gastroenteritis. I changed my diet because my doctor thought it could be a food allergy, however, I still got sick and my belly got worse. I was always up and down with bowel discomfort. For the last 2 months, I have been having very loose stools with a lot of blood. Also, constipation. Making it very hard to feel comfortable at all. I am 32 years old. Some say I'm too young. I'm not so sure. The gas an bloating is horrible and the pain in my rectum feels a lot like pressure...please someone tell me I'm not being a hypochondriac (sp) or behave the wrong idea. I'm nervous I guess. Don't sugar-coat it for me. Lol I'm a big boy, I can handle the truth. Should I be nervous?
Hi Boris
I would get the colonoscopy sooner if possible. While "they" suggest age 50 for the scope, one is never too young to develop cancer. Is there a family history of cancer at all?
I won't tell you yes or no because I don't know and guessing is well, just a guess. There's a 50/50 chance I'd be wrong. However, blood in your stools is not good under any circumstances. Don't take the "you're too young" answer. It certainly sounds like something's up...
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Clearly there is a problem.
Clearly there is a problem. Definitely cc is a possibility. But it could be many other problems, as well. The colon has a small bag of tricks. When something is going on with the colon whether it's fissures, hemorrhoids, crohns, colitis....... The colon responds the same way. Alternating constipation/diarrhea, blood, mucous, belly pain....... It certainly is not a given that you have cc. It could be any number of problems. What is important is that you're being smart and not ignoring these symptoms. Good luck to you. Please let us know how it turns out.
Chelsea0 -
You could get a tumour marker
You could get a tumour marker eg: CEA blood test done. You could get an ultrasound or better still an MRI or CT. And I agree that you should push to get the colonoscopy tomorrow if possible. Your symptoms do not necessarily mean that you have cancer, but if you do, time is of the essence. When I was diagnosed, I was told that without treatment I could expect to live about 2 months. Moral of the story, don't wait if u don't have to. Oh and as far as being 32, that is by no means too young so don't let that be a false comfort to you.
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Either way if you have cancer or not, there needs to be some changes. Good Diet, exercise, good mental attitude, and good personal relationships will help no matter if you have cancer or not. They will also help prevent future cancer and/or other maladies.
Med Diet, walking every day, keep positive thoughts, and forgiving and mending personal relationships will help build a healthier life. I am more fit now then when I started y cancer journey. We changed over to the Md Diet and have lost weight and look healthier. Our relationship has gotten stronger even though the stress has been more. We moved to the mountains for a less stressful and healthier envoroment. There are many things we can do for quality of life.
Keep in touch and let everyine know how we can help.
Best Always, mike
PS Best Case, you got a wake up call do get in to better health!
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Thanks you guys. I'm real nervous and just don't feel right. I think something is going on in my small intestine today. Last night and today things have been maroon colored. Yesterday was a bad day. Lots of bloating and pain and nausea. couldn't eat much. I think going to the ER would be a great idea but I have to wait till I can get to the one that's about 45 mins from me. The one that's closer has a hard time with properly diagnosing people.
So today, my belly is crampy and I'm feeling like a tight rubber band is around me. Hopefully as time goes on it will fade today. Thank you all for being so kind and letting me know things. What happened to you guys in the beginning?
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Sorry to hear you are going through thisBoris said:Thanks
Thanks you guys. I'm real nervous and just don't feel right. I think something is going on in my small intestine today. Last night and today things have been maroon colored. Yesterday was a bad day. Lots of bloating and pain and nausea. couldn't eat much. I think going to the ER would be a great idea but I have to wait till I can get to the one that's about 45 mins from me. The one that's closer has a hard time with properly diagnosing people.
So today, my belly is crampy and I'm feeling like a tight rubber band is around me. Hopefully as time goes on it will fade today. Thank you all for being so kind and letting me know things. What happened to you guys in the beginning?
Your symptoms could be the result of a number of different gastrointenstinal problems - cancer being only one. That said, cancer is not limited by age, so it's always a possibility. Given you've had a couple of years of problems - and are having more severe issues now - if I were you I would find someone who could do a colonoscopy ASAP. Further, being anxious and worrying about it will just add to your gut issues and make them worse.
I sincerely hope that it's not cancer and it's something easily "fixable". Listen to your body and go get checked out as soon as you can. Write down a list of your symptoms, problems, and questions and make sure you advocate for yourself with the medical personnel. They always mean well - but you are your best advocate.
Keep us updated on your progress. I'll be praying for you.
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Good Lord Boris!! PLEASE
Good Lord Boris!! PLEASE drive the 45 minutes to the hospital - TODAY!!!!!
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DittoLivinginNH said:Good Lord Boris!! PLEASE
Good Lord Boris!! PLEASE drive the 45 minutes to the hospital - TODAY!!!!!
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BorisBoris said:Thanks
Thanks you guys. I'm real nervous and just don't feel right. I think something is going on in my small intestine today. Last night and today things have been maroon colored. Yesterday was a bad day. Lots of bloating and pain and nausea. couldn't eat much. I think going to the ER would be a great idea but I have to wait till I can get to the one that's about 45 mins from me. The one that's closer has a hard time with properly diagnosing people.
So today, my belly is crampy and I'm feeling like a tight rubber band is around me. Hopefully as time goes on it will fade today. Thank you all for being so kind and letting me know things. What happened to you guys in the beginning?
To echo others, get your A$$ to the ER TODAY!
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When Steve was diagnosed,Boris said:Thanks
Thanks you guys. I'm real nervous and just don't feel right. I think something is going on in my small intestine today. Last night and today things have been maroon colored. Yesterday was a bad day. Lots of bloating and pain and nausea. couldn't eat much. I think going to the ER would be a great idea but I have to wait till I can get to the one that's about 45 mins from me. The one that's closer has a hard time with properly diagnosing people.
So today, my belly is crampy and I'm feeling like a tight rubber band is around me. Hopefully as time goes on it will fade today. Thank you all for being so kind and letting me know things. What happened to you guys in the beginning?
When Steve was diagnosed, things were great. His ulcerative colitis was in remission. No bleeding, no diarrhea. Very suddenly he became constipated. Very unusual for someone with u c. Went to Gastroenterologist. Said don't worry, take some laxatives. Will scope in two weeks if no change. Problem continued. Gas built up. Loud, gurgling noises comes from the intestine area. Just could not have bm without using an enema. Progressively got worse over the two week period. One night he began vomiting. Went to ER. Biopsy came back a few days later. Surgery a few days later. It wasn't until surgery that they knew how bad the situation was. Spread outside of colon. He had a colonoscopy one year before he was diagnosed. Didn't realize it could all happen so quickly.
Chelsea0 -
Going to the ER will speed upBoris said:I'm going to call my doctor
I'm going to call my doctor first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe I can speed up this appointment. Thank you for all your support.
Going to the ER will speed up the whole process. You will likely get your colonoscopy immediately and won't have to wait and wonder.0 -
DiagnosingBoris said:Thanks
Thanks you guys. I'm real nervous and just don't feel right. I think something is going on in my small intestine today. Last night and today things have been maroon colored. Yesterday was a bad day. Lots of bloating and pain and nausea. couldn't eat much. I think going to the ER would be a great idea but I have to wait till I can get to the one that's about 45 mins from me. The one that's closer has a hard time with properly diagnosing people.
So today, my belly is crampy and I'm feeling like a tight rubber band is around me. Hopefully as time goes on it will fade today. Thank you all for being so kind and letting me know things. What happened to you guys in the beginning?
In the past for us - the ER room sent us to another hospital via ambulance. I hope you have typed down all that has been happeniong to you - - when one feels lousy they are not also the most up to date with info. for Doctors - - don't you even have a GI doctor - look up your local hospital for staff and who is the GI - - then go to that hospitals ER - - or colo/rectal - we made sure there was the type of Doctor available - who could at least stir us in the right direction -
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Did you call your doctor this morning or go to ER yesterday. You should definitely not wait to be seen. Sounds like you need immediate attention.
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I think the worst part of it
I think the worst part of it I all is the gas and bloating! So very uncomfortable...well, and the bleeding. I've had to have more pepto-bismol than I want to...and gas ex is OK. All in all, I'm just tired of nausea and gas. I was tested for celiac but was found negative, so that rules out 1 of 4 possibilities. I thought maybe IBS but I can eat a lot of things. I do know bacon and almonds hurt me though. I'm almost afraid to call the doctor or go to the ER because they just don't know anything around here. My grandfather had a tumor in his brain that killed him less half the time they said he'd have. Did anyone else struggle so much with trying to go find out? I mean, I wanna know, but I also don't. I shouldn't wait but I'm scared to go. I know I need to, but It's hard to bring myself to that point. Idk, maybe I'm stubborn, but I do know one thing, I've this this scary feeling since this all started getting worse...could I just be reading too far into it? Or am I legitimately in a position to be frightened?
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Dying at home in ignorance isBoris said:I think the worst part of it
I think the worst part of it I all is the gas and bloating! So very uncomfortable...well, and the bleeding. I've had to have more pepto-bismol than I want to...and gas ex is OK. All in all, I'm just tired of nausea and gas. I was tested for celiac but was found negative, so that rules out 1 of 4 possibilities. I thought maybe IBS but I can eat a lot of things. I do know bacon and almonds hurt me though. I'm almost afraid to call the doctor or go to the ER because they just don't know anything around here. My grandfather had a tumor in his brain that killed him less half the time they said he'd have. Did anyone else struggle so much with trying to go find out? I mean, I wanna know, but I also don't. I shouldn't wait but I'm scared to go. I know I need to, but It's hard to bring myself to that point. Idk, maybe I'm stubborn, but I do know one thing, I've this this scary feeling since this all started getting worse...could I just be reading too far into it? Or am I legitimately in a position to be frightened?
Dying at home in ignorance is also an option. If that does not appeal however, get your butt to the ER.
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I waited 3 Weeks before goingBoris said:I think the worst part of it
I think the worst part of it I all is the gas and bloating! So very uncomfortable...well, and the bleeding. I've had to have more pepto-bismol than I want to...and gas ex is OK. All in all, I'm just tired of nausea and gas. I was tested for celiac but was found negative, so that rules out 1 of 4 possibilities. I thought maybe IBS but I can eat a lot of things. I do know bacon and almonds hurt me though. I'm almost afraid to call the doctor or go to the ER because they just don't know anything around here. My grandfather had a tumor in his brain that killed him less half the time they said he'd have. Did anyone else struggle so much with trying to go find out? I mean, I wanna know, but I also don't. I shouldn't wait but I'm scared to go. I know I need to, but It's hard to bring myself to that point. Idk, maybe I'm stubborn, but I do know one thing, I've this this scary feeling since this all started getting worse...could I just be reading too far into it? Or am I legitimately in a position to be frightened?
I waited 3 Weeks before going to the ER, when I first became aware that something was very wrong. I ended up vomiting bm because my small intestine was completely blocked. Dont put off seeking medical treatment. Also have you ever been tested for Crohns Desease?
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Wow,Boris said:I think the worst part of it
I think the worst part of it I all is the gas and bloating! So very uncomfortable...well, and the bleeding. I've had to have more pepto-bismol than I want to...and gas ex is OK. All in all, I'm just tired of nausea and gas. I was tested for celiac but was found negative, so that rules out 1 of 4 possibilities. I thought maybe IBS but I can eat a lot of things. I do know bacon and almonds hurt me though. I'm almost afraid to call the doctor or go to the ER because they just don't know anything around here. My grandfather had a tumor in his brain that killed him less half the time they said he'd have. Did anyone else struggle so much with trying to go find out? I mean, I wanna know, but I also don't. I shouldn't wait but I'm scared to go. I know I need to, but It's hard to bring myself to that point. Idk, maybe I'm stubborn, but I do know one thing, I've this this scary feeling since this all started getting worse...could I just be reading too far into it? Or am I legitimately in a position to be frightened?
"Or am I legitimately in a position to be frightened?"
Are you serious??!! You STILLL haven't gone to the ER??? If all of our responses haven't convinced you that it's time go to the hospital, then there's really not much else that we can do for you here. And to answer your question, yes, if I were you, I'd be rather concerned about my health at this point - which would certainly make me RUN to the ER. You need to get over your apprehension about what the results could show, and just go.
Take care, best of luck with your decision.
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