Tomorrow we ring the bell

Well, tomorrow we ring the bell. We met with the oncologist today and the last Cisplatin was cancelled due to hearing issues and tinnitus. He received 2 out of 3 doses and if he received a third treatment it would be a decreased dose and dr explained that the decreased dose has not been shown to make much difference. He said that the 2 doses he received acheived the mark that has been shown to have a positive effect so that's the decision.

So, Thanksgiving will start a little early as we ring the bell at 930 tomorrow morning.

God bless each and everyone of you brave and kind people on this site. You inspire me and give me courage and I pass your advice and wisdom to John everyday. He too is grateful for you all because I relay information and encouragement to him from you all.

God bless you all on this path and on Thanksgving this year you will be in my thoughts and prayers.



  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    Congrats John
    and great job Joan helping him get there. I to only had 2 cisplatin vs 3 and so far NED on last CT scan, still waiting on PET in Dec. I well remember my last RAD and ringing the bell, dont tell anyone but tears ran down my cheeks as I exited the room for the last time. My wife daughter and grandbaby awaited me. The grandbaby and I rang the bell. So God bless both of you and its on to recovery and ultimately NED.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Bell Ringer...
    I bet John is going to hear that bell, loud and clear...

    Happy Thanksgiving Joan...

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Skiffin16 said:

    Bell Ringer...
    I bet John is going to hear that bell, loud and clear...

    Happy Thanksgiving Joan...


    Thanks so much guys. And,
    Thanks so much guys. And, yes John will have no problem with his hearing tomorrow when he rings the bell.

    Happy day.


    Happy Thanksgiving to all
  • VivianLee5689
    VivianLee5689 Member Posts: 546
    Skiffin16 said:

    Bell Ringer...
    I bet John is going to hear that bell, loud and clear...

    Happy Thanksgiving Joan...


    So excited for you
    I am so excited for you. I know it has been a long hard road and you have done so well. What a great caregiver you have been.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    time to ring that bell
    Joan and John,

    Congratulations on stepping up to the challenge (they do not give you much choice). It is time to leave the treatment bus and move on to the next phase and believe it or not it is easier. So after tomorrow, kick off your shoes, rest, relax and heal (and I’ll be ringing my bell for you too).


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
    What a day it will be!! I am so happy for you two...I remember well, what a relief it was to be over that part of treatment...not having to get up and get out every single day to a "job" I really didn't like at all.

    Now it's rest and healing time...and time to dance around the kitchen!!

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    So your off the bus!...
    So glad your now finished! No treatment for Thanksgiving and Friday for us .....we make those days up Monday and Tuesday of the next week. Then we are far as we know. Dr will talk to him on Monday and let him know how he's progressed. Keeping our fingers crossed that we don't have to add any more tx days or weeks.

    The bus ride goes faster than we think, at least as caregivers it feels that way.

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We all must be thankful for each day we are given...

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344

    So your off the bus!...
    So glad your now finished! No treatment for Thanksgiving and Friday for us .....we make those days up Monday and Tuesday of the next week. Then we are far as we know. Dr will talk to him on Monday and let him know how he's progressed. Keeping our fingers crossed that we don't have to add any more tx days or weeks.

    The bus ride goes faster than we think, at least as caregivers it feels that way.

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We all must be thankful for each day we are given...


    Chris, so excited you are
    Chris, so excited you are almost there. Hope you guys have a good Thanksgiving as well. Hoping your treatment ends next Tuesday. Keep us posted

  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    John and Joan,
    Congratulations....I'll be ringing something in celebration with you, maybe just the ringing in my ears....Welcome to the recovery train.....All Aboard!!!
  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Ring that sucker hard!
    This is one of the biggest hurdles in the HNC treatment progression, so congrats on not having to do the third Cisplatin infusion. And great timing--right before Thanksgiving. I hope this is the first sign of getting fully on the road to recovery.

    Lots of very positive news on the HNC site lately--here's hoping it stays that way!

  • VanessaSLO
    VanessaSLO Member Posts: 283
    Mikemetz said:

    Ring that sucker hard!
    This is one of the biggest hurdles in the HNC treatment progression, so congrats on not having to do the third Cisplatin infusion. And great timing--right before Thanksgiving. I hope this is the first sign of getting fully on the road to recovery.

    Lots of very positive news on the HNC site lately--here's hoping it stays that way!


    Great that it is over!
    Now you can begin to heal, recover, rest and enjoy with the family. It's great when it is over and you know you wont hurt your body more... So I wish you a good and fast recovery.
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Great that it is over!
    Now you can begin to heal, recover, rest and enjoy with the family. It's great when it is over and you know you wont hurt your body more... So I wish you a good and fast recovery.

    Same course
    John & Joan,
    I rang the same bells at BJW and I also had my last Cisplatin cancelled because they felt they had given me all they could safely give. Both my CAT w/contrast and PET were NED. Blessings to you and your family on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day.

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    hwt said:

    Same course
    John & Joan,
    I rang the same bells at BJW and I also had my last Cisplatin cancelled because they felt they had given me all they could safely give. Both my CAT w/contrast and PET were NED. Blessings to you and your family on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day.


    Thank you Candi. I hope you
    Thank you Candi. I hope you have a happy and peaceful day. I was worried about you because I hadnt' seen you on this site for awhile. Good to see you on here.

    Happy turkey day to you as well

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    Thank you Candi. I hope you
    Thank you Candi. I hope you have a happy and peaceful day. I was worried about you because I hadnt' seen you on this site for awhile. Good to see you on here.

    Happy turkey day to you as well


    So happy you were able to ring the bell! I actually was given a bell from my husband just like the one at the rad onc office. He mounted it on the wall and also put up a plaque. It's called Billies Bell and it's to rung on all special occasions! I'm heading out now to ring it for you. Enjoy this Thanksgiving as best you can and know that the healing will happen, brighter days are ahead.
  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Billie67 said:

    So happy you were able to ring the bell! I actually was given a bell from my husband just like the one at the rad onc office. He mounted it on the wall and also put up a plaque. It's called Billies Bell and it's to rung on all special occasions! I'm heading out now to ring it for you. Enjoy this Thanksgiving as best you can and know that the healing will happen, brighter days are ahead.

    God love you for ringing the
    God love you for ringing the bell for us. That is one of the sweetest things we have had done for us. Today when we were with family it was so nice but one thing bothered me. Alot of them kept saying "arent' you glad it's over". I know they mean well but I just think to myself ' it's never gonna be over'. I don't think I will ever have a completely peaceful moment again. They just don't understand because they haven't had to live through this ordeal.

    My heart is linked to all of you on this site. There I go crying again....
  • vetorama
    vetorama Member Posts: 16
    Tomorrow we ring the bell
    Congratulations and a definate Happy Thanksgiving:)
  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898

    God love you for ringing the
    God love you for ringing the bell for us. That is one of the sweetest things we have had done for us. Today when we were with family it was so nice but one thing bothered me. Alot of them kept saying "arent' you glad it's over". I know they mean well but I just think to myself ' it's never gonna be over'. I don't think I will ever have a completely peaceful moment again. They just don't understand because they haven't had to live through this ordeal.

    My heart is linked to all of you on this site. There I go crying again....

    Oh you are so right
    Others just don't understand. One of my favorites is when I'm telling someone that I have no sense of taste and they reply with "oh yes, one time I had this really bad cold and I couldn't taste was the worst! Don't worry, it'll come back"
    I must admit also that as positive as I try to be, I feel too that this will never truly be over. NED is amazing and such a relief to hear but as time passes between scans the "what ifs" creep back in to my mind.
    You are right too when you say that our CSN family are the ones who really get us and know what we are dealing with.
    By the way, the bell rang beautifully when I rang it in your honor.
    Take care,
  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    vetorama said:

    Tomorrow we ring the bell
    Congratulations and a definate Happy Thanksgiving:)

    Congrats vetorama. Hope you
    Congrats vetorama. Hope you are doing ok. Let us know

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Love that your treatment is finally over. I ring out for the second time at the end of January.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    hope he's doing well