Loss of son and then cancer diagnosis.



  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    I see you are new. No fair getting blindsided with a double whammy. No adivice just thought you could use some prayers.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    eihtak said:

    Everyone is different....
    ....and so true it takes a long time. I can't even imagine the feeling of losing a child! About six years ago the day my mom went into hospice after her fight with ovarion cancer my 16yr old daughter was air lifted to the hospital after Jaws of Life cut her out of her car after being T-boned by an erratic driver. She was on her way home from work at Subway at 4:00 in the afternoon! She spent those first few weeks fighting to live and we spent it in constant prayer! She made it, many scars that she proudly wears as a survivor, but I still tear up when I think of the what if...??? Being that close to loosing her, again I don't know where one gathers the strength in your shoes other than God. That does not work for some I know, but thats what works for me. Reality of everyday life is difficult when our minds keep going to these sad places. Like said, it takes time, one very small step at a time. Since being diagnosed with cancer (x2) along with a cancer diagnoses for my husband, depression has been knocking at my door also, right now I refuse to open the door! Sometimes we just can't keep it away tho, so maybe try a new counselor or support group, and also this site has been a great place for genuine help and concern. I don't like to resort to medication, but there is a time and place and can be of great help in getting you back into life. Your grandchildren should be the joy for you they were meant to be, and a good doctor will help you get there. Also don't underestimate the old standby of fresh air, exercise, and healthy diet. I always feel mentally stronger when I eat well, take a walk, and practice my yoga stretches and relaxation. Please keep in touch, we are always here for you. As always, all in my prayers.

    So much on your plate...I am
    So much on your plate...I am so sorry