I lost my friend this afternoon

Double Whammy
Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
to uterine cancer - the nasty kind, UPSC, Stage III something at dx less than a year ago. UPSC is always considered grade 3 and treated very aggressively because it's very aggressive, but nothing stopped its progression, even for a little while. Nothing. The stupid cancer just laughed at everything they threw at it and continued to grow in spite of CARIS testing and four different chemo regimens. Then she got a C-diff infection (twice). Then she got pneumonia. Then she got blood clots and congestive heart failure. Anything bad that could happen, did. My heart aches for all she went through - for nothing! Of course, I'm over-reacting and being a little nuts right now, but I'm so angry at cancer. And I'm so sad for her and her family. I will miss her. I survived my gyn cancer. Why couldn't she?

And I know you all understand.



  • Monicalynn
    Monicalynn Member Posts: 61
    *hugs* Suzanne, sending my thoughts and prayers to you and her family.
  • JackieA
    JackieA Member Posts: 150
    You are in my thoughts and
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are right, this cancer is soooo nasty!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    JackieA said:

    You are in my thoughts and
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are right, this cancer is soooo nasty!

    Oh, Suzanne
    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. Cancer is an evil, miserable, gutless disease. You and your dear friend are in my prayers. Soon, I hope your tears and sorrow will be replaced by the wonderful memories you shared and knowing that she is in a beautiful place, no longer in any pain or fear.

    Love and hugs, Renee
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I do know how you feel.
    I do know how you feel. When I was just 24, my brother's ex-girlfriend died of breast cancer about 6 months after diagnosis. She was a fiery redhead and, even though their relationship was over, we all loved her spirit and humor. She had just finished receiving her master's in English and had a promising career ahead of her. She was 29.

    And then I was diagnosed and have lived 25 years with this blasted disease. In that time I have seen so many worthy and lovely men and women die from the beast. I don't know why I am alive and they are not.

    It does make me angry too. Maybe we need a cancer punch room where we can go and beat the heck out of a punching bag.

    Your friend, her family, and, most of all, you are in my heart and prayers tonight. You are not over-reacting. Cancer sucks!
  • sdukowitz
    sdukowitz Member Posts: 250
    So sorry to hear that
    So sorry to hear that news........ hugs and prayers and hope for the future Sue D
  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    So sorry to read about your
    So sorry to read about your friend to go through all what she did and not survive is heart breaking.My prayers are with her family and you in the coming weeks.
    Hugs Frankie
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    sdukowitz said:

    So sorry to hear that
    So sorry to hear that news........ hugs and prayers and hope for the future Sue D

    Suzanne sending you hug
    Sorry for you loss. You have rights to be angrier and sad
    My condolences
    New Flower
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Oh Suzanne, I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend, for her and for her family. We do understand all too well! Anger is natural, I remember asking God to take my sister near the end so the suffering could end but that did not mean I was not angry...I was! We do not know why some survive and others do not, we can only know that in surviving we honor those who did not...we lift them up and keep them alive in our hearts and minds, we help each other and hold each other in difficult times and in times of sorrow! Gentle hugs to you my friend!

    ♥ RE ♥
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    RE said:

    Oh Suzanne, I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend, for her and for her family. We do understand all too well! Anger is natural, I remember asking God to take my sister near the end so the suffering could end but that did not mean I was not angry...I was! We do not know why some survive and others do not, we can only know that in surviving we honor those who did not...we lift them up and keep them alive in our hearts and minds, we help each other and hold each other in difficult times and in times of sorrow! Gentle hugs to you my friend!

    ♥ RE ♥

    So very sorry...
    At the loss of your friend....I am so very, very sorry.....yes, everything about cancer sucks! I can relate...I lost my best friend to brain cancer one year ago...she had the most lethal kind there is...a Glioblastoma....she knew from the day she was diagnosed that it was terminal....she fought it for 2 1/2 years....surgery, 6 weeks of radiation, then oral chemo then 7 months of IV chemo, which I took her to every two weeks....the last chemo, 3 weeks before she passed, she knew the end was near....She had loss the use of her left arm and leg...she was as depressed as she had been through the whole time...I told her she didn't have to keep doing this for her husband and two grown kids...they were pushing her to continue with the chemo, which wasn't doing a thing.....She told me "I just want all this over with"....broke my heart...I took her home, we got her into bed and she never left it from that day....and passed 3 weeks later....I was so angry but relieved it was over for her....she died so peacefully...but then I would get angry when people would say "well, she didn't suffer"....my reply always was "Are you kidding? She's suffered for 2 1/2 years, knowing she had no chance of surviving!".....

    Again, I am so sorry...
    Gentle hugs,
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    So very Sorry
    Deepest condolences Suzanne. Loosing a friend is so very hard.

    My very best to you,

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Be angy, be mad as hell
    freaking cancer, sometimes it is just bigger than we are and there is nothing fair about it.

    I am very sorry for your loss, I hope it eases a bit soon.

    Am thinking of you and your friend's family,

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Be angy, be mad as hell
    freaking cancer, sometimes it is just bigger than we are and there is nothing fair about it.

    I am very sorry for your loss, I hope it eases a bit soon.

    Am thinking of you and your friend's family,


    Suzanne, I wish I had words of wisdom to
    offer you -- but this &^%^^ blasted disease takes what it wants, and who it wants.

    I am sorry for the loss of your friend, and the sorrow you will be experiencing in
    the weeks, and months to come.

    Gentle hugs, prayers for all and healing.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam
  • MGNS
    MGNS Member Posts: 197 Member
    Suzanne I'm so sorry for
    Suzanne I'm so sorry for your loss. Your anger is understandable. Stay strong and yes we understand dear pink sister. Hugs and prayers.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Oh Suzanne, my heart goes
    Oh Suzanne, my heart goes out to you. You are not over reacting, nor are you nuts. I've started and deleted several sentences trying to find the right words...I just don't have them. You are in my heart, and I'll hold you close till the pain dissipates.


  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    Oh Suzanne, my heart goes
    Oh Suzanne, my heart goes out to you. You are not over reacting, nor are you nuts. I've started and deleted several sentences trying to find the right words...I just don't have them. You are in my heart, and I'll hold you close till the pain dissipates.



    I'm so sorry. You are not over reacting at all! Wish I could say something to ease the pain, it's so sad that she had to deal with so much. I'm sure having your friendship meant a lot to her. I'm sure she's smiling down on you now - finally free of crappy cancer!

    Sending extra hugs! Debi
  • Blondiemomma
    Blondiemomma Member Posts: 41
    So sorry
    I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad, tho, that you had each other.
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member

    So sorry
    I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad, tho, that you had each other.

    So very sorry!
    I really don't have words because i to lost a friend this week of breast cancer and her funeral will be friday so im just to full to even think straight,God be with us all.I pray your friend and mine transitioned well together to be with our Lord and savior.~~MollyZ~~
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Sorry for your loss
    I am sorry for your loss. This disease is so cruel and vicious. She is at peace now. No more pain, doctors or drugs to contend with.

    I pray the happy memories you have of your dear friend fill your heart and ease your pain. May God bless her family. We can all relate to loss. You know I had a dear friend who died of breast cancer. She was like a sister to me. I miss her dearly but cherish the time I spent with her.

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I am so very sorry for your loss.

    Tender hugs,

  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    sbmly53 said:

    I am so very sorry for your loss.

    Tender hugs,


    I'm so sorry for the lost of
    I'm so sorry for the lost of your friend....I'm praying for all of us who has to fight or deal with this ugly beast..

    God bless