Not good news at all

Mazj Member Posts: 42
edited January 2012 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Didn't get great news from the oncologist yesterday. The tumour markers have more than doubled since November (CA19.9 - 963) making the 3 months chemo prior to that seem useless even though it worked for a time. There won't be any more as Brian is too weak. The fluid that was drained from the capsule around the liver has completely returned but now has added complications meaning another drainage will be very problematic. Lasix was (were?) prescribed for the swollen legs. Although another CT scan was ordered for the middle of February, but we wonder what the benefit of that will be. I will be calling Palliative Care in the next couple of days (same/similar to Hospice). We are both shell shocked even though we half expected the bad news. How do you cope knowing the love of your life doesn't have much longer to live? Brian has a new grandchild due in May so that has become the goal. We have no idea how much longer he has, just that only the symptoms are being treated and they seem to change frequently. He is currently reading the paper, while watching cricket and listening to the radio commentary on his headphones. He still drives if he feels up to it and we manage to go out for a coffee and a walk (not now that the legs are swollen though)just about every day. He has no pain, just a little discomfort from the legs and abdomen. It's just so hard to imagine that he will never be any better than this. Our oncologist can't give any time, because Brian's symptoms have always been unusual and his metastases were originally slow growing. His mets were discovered in June 2011 and the original Ivor Lewis was performed in July 2005. Cried yesterday but need to get on with it now.
Not sure what else to say...


  • dodger21
    dodger21 Member Posts: 85 Member
    just wanted to let you know that you and Brian are in my prayers, and I pray that you have as much quality time together as possible. Hope you both have a lovely relaxing Australia Day and Brian's enjoying us smash India in the cricket.
    May his doctors have the wisdom to keep Brian's pain under control and may you and Brian have some special moments together in the coming days.
  • Proactive Daughter
    Thinking and praying for you
    Thinking and praying for you Marilyn. May Brian remain comfortable while you continue to build memories. Big Hugs,

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Thoughts & Prayers are with you
    Marilyn & Brian,

    I'm so sorry to hear this latest news. I hope Brian regains strength so you can make the best of the time available to you both. I pray for many painfree days for Brian.

    Love & tight hugs to you both,

  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    poems, prayers and promises...

    I can SO relate to where things stand for you. My legs swell, the lasix does it's thing, and although I didn't have any chemo, everything else is the same, and I drain, and I swell, and they do't don't know what to do or what to predict, they just stay I'm doing great for my condition.

    I will pray for you all and hope for log times together and may your time together be pain-free and peaceful.

    With all of God's blessings,

  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621

    poems, prayers and promises...

    I can SO relate to where things stand for you. My legs swell, the lasix does it's thing, and although I didn't have any chemo, everything else is the same, and I drain, and I swell, and they do't don't know what to do or what to predict, they just stay I'm doing great for my condition.

    I will pray for you all and hope for log times together and may your time together be pain-free and peaceful.

    With all of God's blessings,


    Well said
    Thinking of you, each and all. BMGky
  • cher76
    cher76 Member Posts: 292
    I know how

    I know how difficult this will be. Please Know that you and Brian are in my prayers.
    Wife of Rickie, dx stage IV EC, Oct. 2010
    Mets to bones and brain
    Deceased Jan. 4, 2012
  • ABC321
    ABC321 Member Posts: 52
    Hi Marilyn,
    From one Ausie to another, i just wanted to say hi and I am sending you all the virtual hugs i can. My partner James starts another round of chemo today at Peter Mac..its truely gruelling i know....hang in there and enjoy your time together.
  • fredswilma
    fredswilma Member Posts: 185
    I am so sorry to hear this latest news, I understand completely how shell shocked you are feeling, I'm sorry to say that you will have many more days where the tears just keep falling, my only suggestion is when there is a good day, go out for that walk enjoy a coffee and remember each day is a gift, that really does deserve to be treasured. I also know that the bad days are really hard to treasure watching a loved one in pain is the hardest thing in the world, at the moment I seem to be doing that daily, sorry this was supposed to be an uplifting post, just know that you are in my thoughts and I really get where you are.
    Lots of love from over the ditch in NZ.
  • Wife of patient 50378
    Hugs and Prayers!
    My heart aches for you Marilyn, I am so sorry.
    You and Brian are in my prayers.
  • Cora11
    Cora11 Member Posts: 173

    Hugs and Prayers!
    My heart aches for you Marilyn, I am so sorry.
    You and Brian are in my prayers.

    My heart goes out to you
    My heart goes out to you Marilyn,

