My decision



  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    never stop believing
    dear lisa,

    I am doing my meditation for 30 minutes as soon as i finsih this post.

  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member

    never stop believing
    dear lisa,

    I am doing my meditation for 30 minutes as soon as i finsih this post.


    i really
    dont know what to say that everybody hasnt already said except you are a tough lady and i truly believe God has been holding you under His wing all along.stay strong you have always been an inspiration to everyone...Godbless....johnnybegood
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    You all are so amazing
    It was awesome reading all of your comments- your caring kindness and love moves me to tears- you are all wonderful.
    That's all I can say without tearing up again-

    Hugs and love to you all...

  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I have you every night on my prayer list.....
    And what I say is "Please let Lisa be comfortable and in a good place enough to enjoy her day"....

    I am a bit further than 'up the street', but you know I will be by your side in a heartbeat, dear friend!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • pluckey
    pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
    Wow, I've not been a

    Wow, I've not been a regular on the board this past year, but sneak in every now and then to catch up on everyone.

    You are an incredible, generous spirit and have given so much thoughtful feedback, information, support and prayers to so many of us on this board.

    So that is what we must do for YOU. This is your fight, Your body. Your Cancer. Your Way.
    I imagine it must be tough to even explain it to people in real life, to people who have not walked the road we have. I recall family and friends urging me to fight, keep fighting, do whatever it taks to survive....they have no idea, do they?

    Hugs to you sweet Lisa

  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    totally support
    Lisa -- I totally support your decision, which has obviously been so thoughtfully considered....I am sending prayers and all good wishes your way --- You have been such a source of inspiration and support to me, and will continue to be so....

  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member
    taraHK said:

    totally support
    Lisa -- I totally support your decision, which has obviously been so thoughtfully considered....I am sending prayers and all good wishes your way --- You have been such a source of inspiration and support to me, and will continue to be so....


    I will keep praying for you
    I will keep praying for you Lisa. That had to be a tough decision for you and your family.

  • Vickilg
    Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member
    Hi, Lisa... I wish I was there to give you a big hug.
  • grannyc
    grannyc Member Posts: 63
    Vickilg said:

    Hi, Lisa... I wish I was there to give you a big hug.

    Blessing on your decission
    I have been struggleing with the same issues. I am at the point that nothing is going to heal me and the oxy is out of the question because I too had a horrible allergic reaction to it on the first treatment.
    I have fought this battle for over 4 years and am on my third recurrance and it is now in my liver, inoperable. I have good days and bad days and the chemo is taking it toll.

    Like you I have been in prayer and seeking the peace that the Lord gives when you know oyu are making the correct diecission for YOU. My husband supports me and that is so wonderful but others in my family and friends tell me I am giving up and that I am getting weak and not listening to the doctors blah blah blah.

    I have my next appt with the onc on wednesday 11/16 and if my CEA is still up he wants to add more chemos drugs but i too have decided to stop.

    I support you and know that the Lord is in control and all we can do is try our best to obey.

    Granny C
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    grannyc said:

    Blessing on your decission
    I have been struggleing with the same issues. I am at the point that nothing is going to heal me and the oxy is out of the question because I too had a horrible allergic reaction to it on the first treatment.
    I have fought this battle for over 4 years and am on my third recurrance and it is now in my liver, inoperable. I have good days and bad days and the chemo is taking it toll.

    Like you I have been in prayer and seeking the peace that the Lord gives when you know oyu are making the correct diecission for YOU. My husband supports me and that is so wonderful but others in my family and friends tell me I am giving up and that I am getting weak and not listening to the doctors blah blah blah.

    I have my next appt with the onc on wednesday 11/16 and if my CEA is still up he wants to add more chemos drugs but i too have decided to stop.

    I support you and know that the Lord is in control and all we can do is try our best to obey.

    Granny C

    Hi Granny (you look too young in your picture to be called that :),

    Let's be of support to each other and keep in contact through private messages. My onc appt is the 15th- I'd be interested in hearing what each other's oncs have to say about our decisions. I'll be in touch...

  • grannyc
    grannyc Member Posts: 63
    lisa42 said:

    Hi Granny (you look too young in your picture to be called that :),

    Let's be of support to each other and keep in contact through private messages. My onc appt is the 15th- I'd be interested in hearing what each other's oncs have to say about our decisions. I'll be in touch...


    would love it
    I am not sure how to private message...but I can learn.
    Actually I have 4 grandchildren. 3 grown sons, being a grandma is the best.

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Hi Granny (you look too young in your picture to be called that :),

    Let's be of support to each other and keep in contact through private messages. My onc appt is the 15th- I'd be interested in hearing what each other's oncs have to say about our decisions. I'll be in touch...



    Please read about Traditional Chinese Medicine before spending
    loads of cash on other modalities? TCM has fantastic merit and
    results. It's been around for nearly four thousand years and has
    served billions upon billions of humans well. It continues to be
    used in most Asian hospitals, side by side with western medicine.

    Anything that helps your immune system is better than doing
    nothing. But there are many "alternatives" that cost a ton and
    offer very, very little in return. TCM has long ago, proven it's
    worth; there is nothing "new" about it. Cancer research centers
    are already researching many of the herbs used, in an effort to
    capitalize on the science involved.

    Read as much as you can about TCM, and decide for yourself.

    It works.

    Best of health to all,

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey sister! You know exactly how I feel about this!!! You can count on me to be your happiest cheerleader for going vegan/juicing/NO REFINED FOODS OR SUGARS OR ALCOHOL for healing and detoxing.

    A health crisis is the perfect opportunity to give you momentum to go radical on your approach and purify down to the last nubbin. It doesn't have to be forever but I do hope you'll get the support you need from everyone to do exactly what your heart is telling you. Stand strong and you do not stand alone. And know that I will be standing in the gap for you. ;-)

    Jeremiah 30:17.


    You know I love you, girlfriend!

    peace, emily
  • emrose
    emrose Member Posts: 136
    I have Always looked up to you and been inspired by your strength. You have always shown my kindness, regardless of how much you were going through. I am so impressed by your courage and am very happy that you've made a decision that you are comfortable with. I believe that you can do this without chemo. I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart. I am thinking of you often, Lisa.
  • mommyof2kds
    mommyof2kds Member Posts: 519
    emrose said:

    I have Always looked up to you and been inspired by your strength. You have always shown my kindness, regardless of how much you were going through. I am so impressed by your courage and am very happy that you've made a decision that you are comfortable with. I believe that you can do this without chemo. I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart. I am thinking of you often, Lisa.

    HI Lisa, I haven't posted in
    HI Lisa, I haven't posted in quite a while. You will be in my prayers. I think you are an amazing woman and full of strength. You are inspiring Petrina
  • Aud
    Aud Member Posts: 479 Member
    Dear Lisa
    You are an amazing and strong woman. I admire you and wish the best for you. There is so much we can do to heal ourselves. And I am happy and hopeful for you that the changes you make will help you heal. And don't worry about willpower. The strength for that will come from your faith, the support from your husband and board friends, and your daily decision to follow that which is right for you.
    In the Light,
  • laurettas
    laurettas Member Posts: 372
    Aud said:

    Dear Lisa
    You are an amazing and strong woman. I admire you and wish the best for you. There is so much we can do to heal ourselves. And I am happy and hopeful for you that the changes you make will help you heal. And don't worry about willpower. The strength for that will come from your faith, the support from your husband and board friends, and your daily decision to follow that which is right for you.
    In the Light,

    Hi Lisa,
    I just saw this and thought of you:

    Didn't know if you had any interest in the immunotherapy treatment or not but wanted you to know about it just in case you did have interest.

    Blessings to you!
  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    laurettas said:

    Hi Lisa,
    I just saw this and thought of you:

    Didn't know if you had any interest in the immunotherapy treatment or not but wanted you to know about it just in case you did have interest.

    Blessings to you!

    The autobot
    found a bad word in your link.

    Market Watch

    And apparently the same one in mine. The word is market watch. Make it into one word and you get **** in the middle...

    My only caveat is this is a phase 1 trial, so it is only trying to determine safe dosing and side effects, not drug efficacy.
  • laurettas
    laurettas Member Posts: 372
    Buckwirth said:

    The autobot
    found a bad word in your link.

    Market Watch

    And apparently the same one in mine. The word is market watch. Make it into one word and you get **** in the middle...

    My only caveat is this is a phase 1 trial, so it is only trying to determine safe dosing and side effects, not drug efficacy.

    Thanks again, Blake
    You are always coming behind me and cleaning up my links!