Surgical Wound not healing! It's been 230+ days since surgery! Any help?
Claire, 26
Hi Claire
I don’t know if I like the sound of a wound that will not heal. I suggest you might want to get a second opinion from another doctor. Questions do you diabetes if not I would sak to be checked for it even with chemo your body should heal.
Wishing you well
Hondo0 -
Surgical wound not healing
I understand your frustration. I had an abdominal operation after chem and radiation in which my wife had to continually pack & unpack the wound. The surgeon continued to assure me that it would heal....he did not seem concerned. I remember it being more like 4-5 months, but in time it did heal! Patience my friend as it will heal. Just sounds like a very drawn out 7 months because it is, but you'll do fine. God's best riches to you. Hal H. 15 years free of my liver/abdominal sarcoma!0 -
Hi Halhebrews1014 said:Surgical wound not healing
I understand your frustration. I had an abdominal operation after chem and radiation in which my wife had to continually pack & unpack the wound. The surgeon continued to assure me that it would heal....he did not seem concerned. I remember it being more like 4-5 months, but in time it did heal! Patience my friend as it will heal. Just sounds like a very drawn out 7 months because it is, but you'll do fine. God's best riches to you. Hal H. 15 years free of my liver/abdominal sarcoma!
Is there a massage in your post name hebrews 1014
Just wondering,
God bless and keep you while in his workshop
Hondo0 -
Message in my Post-name....Yes!Hondo said:Hi Hal
Is there a massage in your post name hebrews 1014
Just wondering,
God bless and keep you while in his workshop
O', yes indeed there is a message there. In Hebrews cpt.10 vs.14 God reveals to us, through the finished WORK OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST that he has brought us back into union with Him, and by "..the one offering.." He sees us as perfect in our IDENTITY. How MARVELOUS! Now [don't hang up yet], our behavior/sin patterns/character continues as a work in progress and we daily need his forgiveness. We see in other scripture that He will sanctify us over time, as we cooperate with Him. But to have the revelation at age 46 that he sees me as a believer ".....without spot or blemish" was quit liberating as I grew up understanding that He saw me as wretched.....a helpless sinner. Remember, we're talking IDENTITY here in my post-name. Jeremiah 17:9 of the Old Testament seems to contradict "For the heart of a man is desperately wicked". But this was before the Cross. So Jesus/God now looks at us as having the promised "new heart". We are not " poor ole' sinners".........but "saints" [which means "Christian"...we expanded that title to include church positions way after the Bible was written]........who ocassionally sin. Blessings to you Hondo! In His Path, Hal0 -
G’day Halhebrews1014 said:Message in my Post-name....Yes!
O', yes indeed there is a message there. In Hebrews cpt.10 vs.14 God reveals to us, through the finished WORK OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST that he has brought us back into union with Him, and by "..the one offering.." He sees us as perfect in our IDENTITY. How MARVELOUS! Now [don't hang up yet], our behavior/sin patterns/character continues as a work in progress and we daily need his forgiveness. We see in other scripture that He will sanctify us over time, as we cooperate with Him. But to have the revelation at age 46 that he sees me as a believer ".....without spot or blemish" was quit liberating as I grew up understanding that He saw me as wretched.....a helpless sinner. Remember, we're talking IDENTITY here in my post-name. Jeremiah 17:9 of the Old Testament seems to contradict "For the heart of a man is desperately wicked". But this was before the Cross. So Jesus/God now looks at us as having the promised "new heart". We are not " poor ole' sinners".........but "saints" [which means "Christian"...we expanded that title to include church positions way after the Bible was written]........who ocassionally sin. Blessings to you Hondo! In His Path, Hal
Great having you here with us my brother, continue in your saving work and my the God of our Fathers watch over and keep you in His tender care.
Hondo0 -
Hi Claire
I agree that a second opinion on why you aren't healing might be a worthwhile idea, why not?, you want to be sure that you are covered with a fresh pair of eyes perhaps.
I don't know your entire situation though of course and I am certainly not a doctor but I am a 25 year cancer survivor and one thing I learned through it all is that the body's healing process goes to the area of the body that needs the most help in terms of survival and in the cancer scenario that pretty much means the healing is happening all over. The body is fighting the cancer plus being hit by toxic chemo that is helping get rid of the cancer but is also destroying normal cells too. I have a feeling, and it's just my feeling, that the wound is healing just at a much slower pace because the body is tryihg to repair alot of damage from the treatments and the cancer. Still I would get that second opinion too just in case something else is going on you don't want to leave it a long time.
All the best,
Bluerose0 -
Hi Bluerosebluerose said:Hi Claire
I agree that a second opinion on why you aren't healing might be a worthwhile idea, why not?, you want to be sure that you are covered with a fresh pair of eyes perhaps.
I don't know your entire situation though of course and I am certainly not a doctor but I am a 25 year cancer survivor and one thing I learned through it all is that the body's healing process goes to the area of the body that needs the most help in terms of survival and in the cancer scenario that pretty much means the healing is happening all over. The body is fighting the cancer plus being hit by toxic chemo that is helping get rid of the cancer but is also destroying normal cells too. I have a feeling, and it's just my feeling, that the wound is healing just at a much slower pace because the body is tryihg to repair alot of damage from the treatments and the cancer. Still I would get that second opinion too just in case something else is going on you don't want to leave it a long time.
All the best,
How did you do the other week with all your test, I know you have been going through quite a bit and I like many have been keeping you in prayer.
Hondo0 -
Hey HondoHondo said:Hi Bluerose
How did you do the other week with all your test, I know you have been going through quite a bit and I like many have been keeping you in prayer.
Thanks for remembering my situation. Heck I don't even remember it half the time. lol.
The nerve conduction test wasn't too bad but I was pretty stressed about it beforehand and during. Only when they did the shocks under my knees was it really painful. They did shocking from my feet to the thighs and then did what was like an acupuncture needle they put deep into my calves to measure the muscle tone. Diagnosis: nerve damage from chemo drugs. Duh. Sigh. Had to have it for the records though. Nothing that really can be done about it but I am glad the test is over so one down.
I also had a tiny minor surgery which was the removal of a blemish from my upper lip, that was a surprise. Didn't think she would take it off on the spot but glad it's gone. They are biopsying it but said it's almost sure it's nothing. Not too worried about that one.
Tomorrow I have 2 docs in one day, yikes. I see a gastroenterologist (sp) in the morning then my GP in the early evening. The gastro doesn't realize I have developed what I think is acid reflux (why not, lol) so have to update her on that plus I think my digestioin is off too so probably have to do some other horror test. I am scheduled for colonoscopy for mid November I think it is with this gastro. I heard that nerve damage can affect the bowels and digestion too so I am wondering if that is what is going on.
I was supposed to have 2 CT scans yesterday but they screwed up the times so they moved it to this Friday at 1pm so that is coming up too this week. Will be really glad when Saturday comes I can tell you. Next week is clear as the respirologist appt for Wed has been moved to a couple of weeks from now. Whew.
The week of Nov 7th is a nightmare. Monday have a neurologist to discuss the nerve damage so maybe she will have ideas then (ya right, lol) then the next day I see my gyne/onc to discuss the CT scan and a decision will be made then whether I need a total hysterectomy or what. That's going to make me crazy. Wed that same week I have a meeting with a group that helps people with rides to medial appts. then the next day I have that rescheduled respirologists appt which means all those breathing tests I'm sure. Next day my INR has to be done. Monday of the next week the colonoscopy. THE FUN JUST NEVER ENDS. lol.
So I will be doing the happy dance on the 15th of November when all these hellish medical things are finally over. Sure hope that means they are over. The only thing is that no doubt before Xmas I might have that total hysterectomy which will mean alot of post treatment issues. A little worried about that because I have two cats and am on my own so hope that I can attend to them when I am convalesing myself. One of them is disabled too which makes it harder.
Sorry you asked how I am doing? lol. It's alot but for some reason I always have a ton of medical issues hit me in the Fall. It's been that since diagnosis of cancer in the Fall almost 25 years ago. Fall used to be my favourite time of the year, well still is, but I greet it with caution now. lol.
How have you been doing?
Again, thanks for thinking of me.
Bluerose0 -
Bluerosebluerose said:Hey Hondo
Thanks for remembering my situation. Heck I don't even remember it half the time. lol.
The nerve conduction test wasn't too bad but I was pretty stressed about it beforehand and during. Only when they did the shocks under my knees was it really painful. They did shocking from my feet to the thighs and then did what was like an acupuncture needle they put deep into my calves to measure the muscle tone. Diagnosis: nerve damage from chemo drugs. Duh. Sigh. Had to have it for the records though. Nothing that really can be done about it but I am glad the test is over so one down.
I also had a tiny minor surgery which was the removal of a blemish from my upper lip, that was a surprise. Didn't think she would take it off on the spot but glad it's gone. They are biopsying it but said it's almost sure it's nothing. Not too worried about that one.
Tomorrow I have 2 docs in one day, yikes. I see a gastroenterologist (sp) in the morning then my GP in the early evening. The gastro doesn't realize I have developed what I think is acid reflux (why not, lol) so have to update her on that plus I think my digestioin is off too so probably have to do some other horror test. I am scheduled for colonoscopy for mid November I think it is with this gastro. I heard that nerve damage can affect the bowels and digestion too so I am wondering if that is what is going on.
I was supposed to have 2 CT scans yesterday but they screwed up the times so they moved it to this Friday at 1pm so that is coming up too this week. Will be really glad when Saturday comes I can tell you. Next week is clear as the respirologist appt for Wed has been moved to a couple of weeks from now. Whew.
The week of Nov 7th is a nightmare. Monday have a neurologist to discuss the nerve damage so maybe she will have ideas then (ya right, lol) then the next day I see my gyne/onc to discuss the CT scan and a decision will be made then whether I need a total hysterectomy or what. That's going to make me crazy. Wed that same week I have a meeting with a group that helps people with rides to medial appts. then the next day I have that rescheduled respirologists appt which means all those breathing tests I'm sure. Next day my INR has to be done. Monday of the next week the colonoscopy. THE FUN JUST NEVER ENDS. lol.
So I will be doing the happy dance on the 15th of November when all these hellish medical things are finally over. Sure hope that means they are over. The only thing is that no doubt before Xmas I might have that total hysterectomy which will mean alot of post treatment issues. A little worried about that because I have two cats and am on my own so hope that I can attend to them when I am convalesing myself. One of them is disabled too which makes it harder.
Sorry you asked how I am doing? lol. It's alot but for some reason I always have a ton of medical issues hit me in the Fall. It's been that since diagnosis of cancer in the Fall almost 25 years ago. Fall used to be my favourite time of the year, well still is, but I greet it with caution now. lol.
How have you been doing?
Again, thanks for thinking of me.
I am always thinking about how you are doing and hoping and praying for you as I know we both have so many problems. Somehow I always learn something from your posting that I can apply to my health problems. I have server constipation and every doctor I talk too gives me something different to try and do and nothing works, when I say bad you can’t believe just how bad it is. Maybe my problem is nerve damage to my bowels and digestion system. Also I can’t gain any weight I am stuck at 152lbs and I am 6”1 tall so I look like a tooth pick, and sometimes I am afraid to eat because of the constipation problems.
Keep remembering this life is not forever it is just a stage we pass through to get to the life that will last forever with our friend Jesus. Where there is no sickness, no cancer, and no pain. I would love so much to meet you someday. I don’t have skipe but maybe some day I will get it and we can talk over it.
Vent on me anytime as I have little big shoulders that can help carry your burden.
God Bless you
Hondo0 -
Thank you HondoHondo said:Bluerose
I am always thinking about how you are doing and hoping and praying for you as I know we both have so many problems. Somehow I always learn something from your posting that I can apply to my health problems. I have server constipation and every doctor I talk too gives me something different to try and do and nothing works, when I say bad you can’t believe just how bad it is. Maybe my problem is nerve damage to my bowels and digestion system. Also I can’t gain any weight I am stuck at 152lbs and I am 6”1 tall so I look like a tooth pick, and sometimes I am afraid to eat because of the constipation problems.
Keep remembering this life is not forever it is just a stage we pass through to get to the life that will last forever with our friend Jesus. Where there is no sickness, no cancer, and no pain. I would love so much to meet you someday. I don’t have skipe but maybe some day I will get it and we can talk over it.
Vent on me anytime as I have little big shoulders that can help carry your burden.
God Bless you
Thank you for your kind words. I think this is such a special site with the ability for all of us to validate each others feelings about what we are experiencing and validating emotions as well. It's amazing.
Ya check out the nerve damage issue, you have had the nerve conduction tests right? IF not you should have that done. You know you have it but we need the docs stamp of approval for other specialists too. Someone on this site mentioned the nerve damage that can affect bowels too so that's how I found out and sure enough the neurologist I saw confirmed it was a possibility as did my Gastroenterologist.
Speaking of cancer side effects have you ever read anything or seen anything about nana technology? I saw part of a show last night about it maybe being the next huge thing in cancer treatment - it's unreal. It targets on the tumours and has virtually no side effects and apparently the particles themselves used to kill the tumours just melts into the sytem and actually produces energy when it disipates and no side effects. You should have a look online, google nano and see what you can find on it. Amazing stuff. So much of our issues now of course are side effects from harsh treatments but if this came to be for the masses with these nano particles or whatever they actually are, didn't see the whole show just the tail end of it, it would make getting a cancer diagnosis no big deal for so many cause side effects wouldn't be a worry and this type of treatment is so gentle it seemed. Sounds too good to be true but nice to dream eh? lol.
Anywho I am off for 2 CT scans this morning so better get going. Take care and thanks again for the kind words.
Bluerose0 -
Hi Bluerosebluerose said:Thank you Hondo
Thank you for your kind words. I think this is such a special site with the ability for all of us to validate each others feelings about what we are experiencing and validating emotions as well. It's amazing.
Ya check out the nerve damage issue, you have had the nerve conduction tests right? IF not you should have that done. You know you have it but we need the docs stamp of approval for other specialists too. Someone on this site mentioned the nerve damage that can affect bowels too so that's how I found out and sure enough the neurologist I saw confirmed it was a possibility as did my Gastroenterologist.
Speaking of cancer side effects have you ever read anything or seen anything about nana technology? I saw part of a show last night about it maybe being the next huge thing in cancer treatment - it's unreal. It targets on the tumours and has virtually no side effects and apparently the particles themselves used to kill the tumours just melts into the sytem and actually produces energy when it disipates and no side effects. You should have a look online, google nano and see what you can find on it. Amazing stuff. So much of our issues now of course are side effects from harsh treatments but if this came to be for the masses with these nano particles or whatever they actually are, didn't see the whole show just the tail end of it, it would make getting a cancer diagnosis no big deal for so many cause side effects wouldn't be a worry and this type of treatment is so gentle it seemed. Sounds too good to be true but nice to dream eh? lol.
Anywho I am off for 2 CT scans this morning so better get going. Take care and thanks again for the kind words.
I never heard of nana technology but will look it up and see what I can find on it as that would be very interesting if there are no side effects. I think that is what is killing us not the cancer but the treatment for what was our cancer.
Also I go to see my family doctor on Monday and will ask her about doing a nerve conduction test of my intestine as nothing else seems to work for me with this constipation problem.
I wish you on your doctor visits today and hope you have a safe and pain free week-end
Hondo0 -
Hondo - spelling error of mineHondo said:Hi Bluerose
I never heard of nana technology but will look it up and see what I can find on it as that would be very interesting if there are no side effects. I think that is what is killing us not the cancer but the treatment for what was our cancer.
Also I go to see my family doctor on Monday and will ask her about doing a nerve conduction test of my intestine as nothing else seems to work for me with this constipation problem.
I wish you on your doctor visits today and hope you have a safe and pain free week-end
Oh no I spelled it wrong. I meant nano technology not nana. lol. I'm blaming it on chemo brain. lol.
Sorry about that.
Let me know what your doctor says. I know nerve damage can affect the bowels but not sure how easy or difficult it is to prove that is what it is. Nerve conduction tests may not cover areas like the bowels but it might be a group of your symptoms together with the nerve conduction testing that would show some nerve damage to other parts of the body that will make the diagnosis. I will be interested to hear what your doc has to say.
Take care.
Bluerose0 -
Spelling Errorbluerose said:Hondo - spelling error of mine
Oh no I spelled it wrong. I meant nano technology not nana. lol. I'm blaming it on chemo brain. lol.
Sorry about that.
Let me know what your doctor says. I know nerve damage can affect the bowels but not sure how easy or difficult it is to prove that is what it is. Nerve conduction tests may not cover areas like the bowels but it might be a group of your symptoms together with the nerve conduction testing that would show some nerve damage to other parts of the body that will make the diagnosis. I will be interested to hear what your doc has to say.
Take care.
Bluerose I have the same problem as I was born with dyslexia but grow out of some with help, now after treatment it is back again and worse than before, I have to keep checking everything I do. I go to see my family Doctor on Monday and hope she will line me up to see some kind of specialist that can help me with this. I will keep you posted on what I find.
God bless and take care of you while in His workshop
Hondo0 -
Update for ClaireHondo said:Hi Claire
I don’t know if I like the sound of a wound that will not heal. I suggest you might want to get a second opinion from another doctor. Questions do you diabetes if not I would sak to be checked for it even with chemo your body should heal.
Wishing you well
Hi Hondo,
I am Claire's husband and want to thank you for your response. It is now Dec 2011, and she still has the surgical wound. She isn't diabetic. The good news is the wound is getting smaller. It is now only an inch deep. But it is healing very slowly. It also is painful for her, because I have to use a long q-tip to clean it and then pack it with gauze strips twice a day. Prayer has been the best method. The day we stopped trying to fix it ourselves and gave the healing fully over to God is the same day I pulled a surgical staple out that was stuck at the bottom of the hole. There would have been no other way to get it out and didn't know it was there. This has been our comfort that God is in control of her healing and she will be healed when it is time.0 -
Hi Hebrewshebrews1014 said:Surgical wound not healing
I understand your frustration. I had an abdominal operation after chem and radiation in which my wife had to continually pack & unpack the wound. The surgeon continued to assure me that it would heal....he did not seem concerned. I remember it being more like 4-5 months, but in time it did heal! Patience my friend as it will heal. Just sounds like a very drawn out 7 months because it is, but you'll do fine. God's best riches to you. Hal H. 15 years free of my liver/abdominal sarcoma!
Hi Hebrews,
I am Claire's husband. Although I am so sorry that you went through it, I am comforted that Claire isn't the only one to have a long healing recovery. She has in many occasions felt alone because her complications have been so severe. She has recently developed shingles on top of the unhealed wound and she's only 27. I wait with her for the chance to finally celebrate her being cancer-free (which was Feb 2011), but she feels like she can't cause she isn't healed yet. I will tell her of your experience and faithfulness. Thank you.0 -
Hi Bluerosebluerose said:Hi Claire
I agree that a second opinion on why you aren't healing might be a worthwhile idea, why not?, you want to be sure that you are covered with a fresh pair of eyes perhaps.
I don't know your entire situation though of course and I am certainly not a doctor but I am a 25 year cancer survivor and one thing I learned through it all is that the body's healing process goes to the area of the body that needs the most help in terms of survival and in the cancer scenario that pretty much means the healing is happening all over. The body is fighting the cancer plus being hit by toxic chemo that is helping get rid of the cancer but is also destroying normal cells too. I have a feeling, and it's just my feeling, that the wound is healing just at a much slower pace because the body is tryihg to repair alot of damage from the treatments and the cancer. Still I would get that second opinion too just in case something else is going on you don't want to leave it a long time.
All the best,
I am Claire's husband. You are most likely correct. It has now been over 10 months since her surgery. Although that is a long time, progress is very noticeable. In March 2011, the doctor didn't realize that fluid was tunneling through her body. By the time the fluid broke through the skin, the wound was deep (3"). Over the 10 months, the wound has healed two inches. It always easy to look back and see the difference. However, if you do the math, that's an average healing of .0478" a week; almost unnoticeable. Thanks for your concern and comment. I will pass on your message to Claire.0 -
Hi Husbandcrispycrackers said:Update for Claire
Hi Hondo,
I am Claire's husband and want to thank you for your response. It is now Dec 2011, and she still has the surgical wound. She isn't diabetic. The good news is the wound is getting smaller. It is now only an inch deep. But it is healing very slowly. It also is painful for her, because I have to use a long q-tip to clean it and then pack it with gauze strips twice a day. Prayer has been the best method. The day we stopped trying to fix it ourselves and gave the healing fully over to God is the same day I pulled a surgical staple out that was stuck at the bottom of the hole. There would have been no other way to get it out and didn't know it was there. This has been our comfort that God is in control of her healing and she will be healed when it is time.
Sorry to hear Claire is still having this problem but let her know there are a lot of us still praying for her that she will heal and soon. Every thing is by the grace of God and we look to a time where there will be no more Sin or sickness. I want to thank you as well for being a loving caregiver to her; I could not have made it with out my loving caregiver wife.
Keep you both in prayer.
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