How long till your breast heals from Rads



  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    cbharvest said:

    Just Finished Today
    Hi All,
    I just finished my rads today, 16+5 boosts. What a relief to get done! Anyway, I guess my skin is as good as can be expected, but my nipple and whole breast are VERY tender. I've been pumping Advil for a week, with the doctor's approval, applying Aquaphor daily, and recently starting putting cortisone cream on my nipple. That's really why I'm writing. It works very well to kill that itch or under the skin creeping feeling. However, don't put it on before treatment and you might want to make sure that your doctor says okay. But when you're done, go for it! What a relief!

    Good luck!

    @cbharvest I wound up going
    @cbharvest I wound up going into the rads place and was given these "skins", they come in a silver wrapper and are covered with a jellike substance. I wore then every day for 4 days and was 98% better. My nipple was so sore it was worse than when I breastfed years ago!! Good luck11
