Feeling Cranky.



  • backachedp
    backachedp Member Posts: 132

    I'm fairly new to this world
    I'm fairly new to this world but, sometimes I think about how the caregiver has to stay so strong throughout all of the treatment...be positive, organized, selfless...for their husband. Then, when it's "over", maybe it's your turn to let your emotions flow...be cranky or whatever. Who knows what emotions we have stuffed down so that we could keep the patient moving forward. It's bound to emerge at some point, I would think. And, surely you deserve to let yourself feel whatever comes about. And, I have no doubt that you will return to feeling grateful and joyful because you have been one of the most encouraging couples on this site. I thank you! Robinleigh

    I have been in a Funk too..Bob is having another PET Monday and I was at CVS getting a Birthday Card for our youngest Son on Monday and was crying my eyes out...over a Birthday Card??? I think they must have thought I was buying a Sympathy card..waqtched Dirty Dancing Sunday and cried for Patrick Swayze...I jusr hope this will pass as soon as we find out the Scan results...Bob will be having his 4 teeth checked Monday as well..they seem to be healing ok...all of his teeth are loose so he is having issues eating again. He is still working 4 hours a day and said if his scan is clean he WILL go back Fulltime as a Welder...but that is up to the Dr's...as per his Employer...he seems to be chipper and I am the one who is a wreck....he has been choughing ever since his Surgery in Nv when they took the Biopsies of his Lungs...he never choughed before...we may get SNOW here in Minnesota Friday..;( Bob went up to our Cabin Saturday and we still have a foot of snow...
  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Catherine Zeta-Jones needed
    Catherine Zeta-Jones needed to check into rehab. I don't deny that she/they went through all the same 'stuff' that we all went through. Imagine the Help and support that she had. You are not cranky, just healing emotionally as we all are.
  • Kimba1505
    Kimba1505 Member Posts: 557
    KTeacher said:

    Catherine Zeta-Jones needed
    Catherine Zeta-Jones needed to check into rehab. I don't deny that she/they went through all the same 'stuff' that we all went through. Imagine the Help and support that she had. You are not cranky, just healing emotionally as we all are.

    Hey KTeacher
    Just to answer your questions from your previous post: Yes and Yes. Yes, I had on sunblock but only 8 and soaked up the sun and felt soooo good. Mark was a good boy and put on sunscreen and sat under the umbrella. But it was so healing to be at the sea and in warm weather. And yes, Mark had the picuture blown up. He was the one who wanted this picture on the boards. He wants people to see what you can look like after going through the massive attack that comes with the treatment of this cancer. He was bummed that I cropped out the fuller picture. I already feel very exposed with what is on there now.
    As for CZJ, I watched a piece on the news this evening and felt very sad for her. It has been an emotional week anyway, but she and her husband do not get to have these "all too human moments" in private.
    Last summer when Mark was going through all of his treatments and just getting through every day, I was drawing on every coping mechanism in my arsonal, and nothing was doing the trick to help me feel better (because Mark is my best "go-to" person and I couldn't go to him). I ended up bying a 1995 VW Cabrio convertable. It was a very impulsive purchase and it is not like I have $$ to throw around...but a 1995 VW is not that pricey. But it brought me such pleasure and joy. CZJ is doing what she needs to do to strengthen herself. We are all human after all.
    Love to you all!!!
  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Kimba1505 said:

    Hey KTeacher
    Just to answer your questions from your previous post: Yes and Yes. Yes, I had on sunblock but only 8 and soaked up the sun and felt soooo good. Mark was a good boy and put on sunscreen and sat under the umbrella. But it was so healing to be at the sea and in warm weather. And yes, Mark had the picuture blown up. He was the one who wanted this picture on the boards. He wants people to see what you can look like after going through the massive attack that comes with the treatment of this cancer. He was bummed that I cropped out the fuller picture. I already feel very exposed with what is on there now.
    As for CZJ, I watched a piece on the news this evening and felt very sad for her. It has been an emotional week anyway, but she and her husband do not get to have these "all too human moments" in private.
    Last summer when Mark was going through all of his treatments and just getting through every day, I was drawing on every coping mechanism in my arsonal, and nothing was doing the trick to help me feel better (because Mark is my best "go-to" person and I couldn't go to him). I ended up bying a 1995 VW Cabrio convertable. It was a very impulsive purchase and it is not like I have $$ to throw around...but a 1995 VW is not that pricey. But it brought me such pleasure and joy. CZJ is doing what she needs to do to strengthen herself. We are all human after all.
    Love to you all!!!

    Change in subject
    Curious how Mark did in the sun. My last rad was mid October 2010. The cold this winter hurt my neck, I wore a fleece scarf outside and when it got really cold I wore a hood that also covered my mouth. I already have a hat with a wide brim (and SPF 50) for recess. It gets hot in the San Joaquin valley in California in the summer. I am wondering what I will need to do and how all that new skin will feel in the heat. Starting to purchase cotton scarves. Life is different since the 'lip lift' and 'chemical peel.'
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Change in subject
    Curious how Mark did in the sun. My last rad was mid October 2010. The cold this winter hurt my neck, I wore a fleece scarf outside and when it got really cold I wore a hood that also covered my mouth. I already have a hat with a wide brim (and SPF 50) for recess. It gets hot in the San Joaquin valley in California in the summer. I am wondering what I will need to do and how all that new skin will feel in the heat. Starting to purchase cotton scarves. Life is different since the 'lip lift' and 'chemical peel.'

    Feels great actually....

    I'm in the sun nearly every week-end, mainly fishing, and living in Florida.

    But I do wear a long sleeve fishing shirt SPF50 a buff and floppy hat. I do use sun screen, but I'm not that great at re-applying it.

    I do see the dermotogists every six months also....

    Main thing is not to expose yourself a lot during treatment, you are most at risk during that time.

  • Kimba1505
    Kimba1505 Member Posts: 557
    Skiffin16 said:

    Feels great actually....

    I'm in the sun nearly every week-end, mainly fishing, and living in Florida.

    But I do wear a long sleeve fishing shirt SPF50 a buff and floppy hat. I do use sun screen, but I'm not that great at re-applying it.

    I do see the dermotogists every six months also....

    Main thing is not to expose yourself a lot during treatment, you are most at risk during that time.


    Cold v. Sunny and warm
    Mark had a rough winter becasue of the cold. We live in PA and he wore two scarves when he went out. He had a lot of tightness in his neck and muscle spasms too. He went to PT and learned all the stretching and massage, which he does almost daily. Only when we were in the 85 degree sunny wather on Miami beach did he feel good. It has him pondering how to get through the winters ahead. Florida may be a more frequent destination if we can pull it off.
    As for sun block. Mark finished treatement in July of 2010. He was told to protect his neck from the sun completely, in that the sun can mimick the burn of radiation. I do not know if that is only an immediate post treatment concern, or ongoing. But he puts on 30spf, and sits under the umbrella when we are reading on the beach.
    Hope this helps.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Change in subject
    Curious how Mark did in the sun. My last rad was mid October 2010. The cold this winter hurt my neck, I wore a fleece scarf outside and when it got really cold I wore a hood that also covered my mouth. I already have a hat with a wide brim (and SPF 50) for recess. It gets hot in the San Joaquin valley in California in the summer. I am wondering what I will need to do and how all that new skin will feel in the heat. Starting to purchase cotton scarves. Life is different since the 'lip lift' and 'chemical peel.'

    Lip lift and chemical peel...
    Nice imagery on the lip lift and chemical peel. My daughter told me just to relax and enjoy the little radiation vacation...

    Deb (waving 'hello' from the Sierra foothills to the San Joaquin valley)