Not leaving you, but taking a break from the boards...I hope you understand

chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Kindred Spirits...

I know that our recent bad news has hit us at lightning speed, with scarcely time to breathe inbetween onslaughts. I have been reeling from the events, and Reggie is lovingly and undersandably worried about me. Though none of us is exactly the same, in 2 regards we are: We are doing battle with the beast, and we are human, with all of the frailties of being such. I know I am not a carbon copy of either Heidi or Lisa, medically speaking, and yet....I am stage 4, fighting a recurrance with liver mets and I would be lying if I didn't admit that I am scared witless.
I have done what I can do~ I was honored to spearhead the flowers and donations to the ACS and the ASPCA. I am honored that you trust me with your names, your addresses and your money. You humble me with that trust.
The human part of me that I am trying to ignore is enveloping me. I need, for my own good, to step back for a bit. The emotional toll and stress level is more than I wanted to admit to; but I can see that it isn't healthy and I do need to keep as well as I can for as long as I can. Logging on is difficult these days; I truly feel I am not in a position to welcome the new ones or encourage the long-timers. My heart races just wondering what I am going to see on the boards.
I know that I am not alone in the reaction. I know each of us is waging war and that makes me sad, too.

It's just that I love you all! But I need some "me" time to recharge my spirit and be of value to this amazing family. And today, I am not that person.

I won't stay away too long...but if you don't see me for a bit, you know why. Some of you have my email address; I would be happy to hear from any of you.

Hopefully, my heart will settle down and I will be back in the fold sooner rather than later. But Reggie and I agree that we both need me to do this. I hope you understand.



  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Of course
    The most important thing right now is to take care of you.

    Take whatever time you need and come back, not ever out of guilt, but only when it will be a good thing for YOU.

    While you are away from the boards, you will never leave our hearts, and we will continue sending positive thoughts and prayers to you.

    Love and Hugs,
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    My dear friend, sister,
    My dear friend, sister, kindred spirit... I must say that I whole heartidly appreciate, your honesty... these days have been difficult I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for you, and our other stage 4 sisters. Though I am sorry that you will not be participating on the boards as you always have for now, I am so glad that you see and are acting on the need to care for yourself at this time. That needs to be the number one priority... without taking time for ourselves we are unable to truly care for others.... rest my friend... recharge those batteries... take all the time you need... and as Kathy said we will be here...waiting ... for your return... we love you!! So glad that you have your sweet Reggie by your side... Rest my friend! And remember ... you are loved.

    Hugs, to last until your return.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    From one 'old-timer' to another....
    I know your pain, because it is also my own...

    Together, you and I have had to say 'goodbye' to so many, it breaks my heart...

    I can also say that these sudden passings of 2 of our sisters have left my world shaken..and also dealing with my mom and her swift decline.

    I am slipping my arms around you, dear soul. Rest now, and recharge that very large heart of yours! Lay your head against my shoulder, I will keep you safe....

    And, when you feel strength return, stop in....I'll leave the light on for you....and the kettle on the stove just ready for tea...

    Dutch hugs, Kathi
  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
    taleena said:

    My dear friend, sister,
    My dear friend, sister, kindred spirit... I must say that I whole heartidly appreciate, your honesty... these days have been difficult I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for you, and our other stage 4 sisters. Though I am sorry that you will not be participating on the boards as you always have for now, I am so glad that you see and are acting on the need to care for yourself at this time. That needs to be the number one priority... without taking time for ourselves we are unable to truly care for others.... rest my friend... recharge those batteries... take all the time you need... and as Kathy said we will be here...waiting ... for your return... we love you!! So glad that you have your sweet Reggie by your side... Rest my friend! And remember ... you are loved.

    Hugs, to last until your return.


    O Chen you are such an
    O Chen you are such an important part of our group but we understand your needs. As you know I too am stage IV and am scared out of my mind expecially with Monday looming over me. Take the time you need for yourself it is whats important. We will ALL BE HERE when you return.

    ♥ Libby
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    I totally get it, like Im
    I totally get it, like Im sure many others do too. I take a break once in awhile then come back. Dont worry we will be here when you are ready.

    Love and kisses

  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    You are a wise woman!
    Settle your heart and keep the fight. Take a break and think on happy and positive things. I was thinking the very same thing and I am very "new" here; Peace and love to you all if you read this posting.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    O Chen you are such an
    O Chen you are such an important part of our group but we understand your needs. As you know I too am stage IV and am scared out of my mind expecially with Monday looming over me. Take the time you need for yourself it is whats important. We will ALL BE HERE when you return.

    ♥ Libby

    I am glad you are taking
    I am glad you are taking care of you. I worry sometimes that you expect too much from yourself. you are strong but you are human. I have issues with my liver functions, and some probably muscle pain in that area and I stress stress stress. I had the NP check my liver and I went in with sinus issues. she said you are somewhat "anxious" understandably so. It is hard to see your fears front and center and we have had so much lately. I feel that everything I do for myself, It allows me to help others, which I love. but like the airplane when they tell parents, put on your oxygen mask first......You are just a blessing to us Chen, take all the time you need. Be well!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Dear Chen,
    I completely understand and Reggie is right (as usual), you need to take care of #1, you!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Dear Chen,
    I completely understand and Reggie is right (as usual), you need to take care of #1, you!


    I understand completely, no question about it.
    You need time to heal -- and worry about you! You are by nature a 'true' caretaker, so we will see you back here on our boards - providing loving support and help == only when the time is right.

    Take care of your health, body and spirit.

    Going to miss you a whole bunch!

    Vicki Sam
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Our dearest Chenheart...
    Totally understand. Completely. Actually, as a caring friend truly concerned for your own well-being, am glad for it - because of all the reasons you've already described.

    Please - do not put a time limit on your recharge period. Whatever it takes, no matter how long - please, take good care of yourself first & foremost. Your Reggie is a very wise man, in tune with your feelings & needs maybe even more so than you sometimes are... Or, maybe more so than you sometimes admit to yourself (a nod to your "Ostrich Therapy" - which doesn't always work).

    Know that you are precious & cherished. And, as you taught me long ago, the Kindred Spirits who remain active here will certainly look after each other.

    Love you.

    12/25 xo
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    VickiSam said:

    I understand completely, no question about it.
    You need time to heal -- and worry about you! You are by nature a 'true' caretaker, so we will see you back here on our boards - providing loving support and help == only when the time is right.

    Take care of your health, body and spirit.

    Going to miss you a whole bunch!

    Vicki Sam

    Yeah. I hear you. I am glad
    Yeah. I hear you. I am glad that you are stepping away for awhile, Chen. Go out and play and frolic in the beautiful California sun....Your "Kindred Spirits" will be here when you feel like checking in.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Our dearest Chenheart...
    Totally understand. Completely. Actually, as a caring friend truly concerned for your own well-being, am glad for it - because of all the reasons you've already described.

    Please - do not put a time limit on your recharge period. Whatever it takes, no matter how long - please, take good care of yourself first & foremost. Your Reggie is a very wise man, in tune with your feelings & needs maybe even more so than you sometimes are... Or, maybe more so than you sometimes admit to yourself (a nod to your "Ostrich Therapy" - which doesn't always work).

    Know that you are precious & cherished. And, as you taught me long ago, the Kindred Spirits who remain active here will certainly look after each other.

    Love you.

    12/25 xo

    Sweet sisters...I knew I
    Sweet sisters...I knew I could count on you~ I am leaving Hogwarts in your excellent care while I take my own stolen advice and "do what I have to do so I can do what I want to do!"

    Thank you. I am feeling better aleady!

    Hugs and heartfelt gratitude,
  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    Our dearest Chenheart...
    Totally understand. Completely. Actually, as a caring friend truly concerned for your own well-being, am glad for it - because of all the reasons you've already described.

    Please - do not put a time limit on your recharge period. Whatever it takes, no matter how long - please, take good care of yourself first & foremost. Your Reggie is a very wise man, in tune with your feelings & needs maybe even more so than you sometimes are... Or, maybe more so than you sometimes admit to yourself (a nod to your "Ostrich Therapy" - which doesn't always work).

    Know that you are precious & cherished. And, as you taught me long ago, the Kindred Spirits who remain active here will certainly look after each other.

    Love you.

    12/25 xo

    Take good care of yourself.
    Take good care of yourself. Warmest thoughts coming your way.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    We understand. Take a
    We understand. Take a break, go recharge. It has been an incredibly difficult time. Chenheart you are an amazing gift to us. Take care, God bless.
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    We understand. Take a
    We understand. Take a break, go recharge. It has been an incredibly difficult time. Chenheart you are an amazing gift to us. Take care, God bless.

    Love you Chen, take your
    Love you Chen, take your time and take good care of yourself.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    We understand. Take a
    We understand. Take a break, go recharge. It has been an incredibly difficult time. Chenheart you are an amazing gift to us. Take care, God bless.

    Take care and remember that
    Take care and remember that I love you. I am fighting along with you and I also am so scared. I have a great life, i cannot emphasisze that enough. I also am so tired, I do not have good news to report but I still am trying to live my life, my biggest concern right now is the financial end. I hope that you can heal and will be back soon.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    I totally understand! This has been a lot and you are having to battle the beast again yourself.
    Yes,do take a break for as long as you need to! We all appreciate you and love you...
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    We all have to do it from time to time
    You are making the best decision for you. Of course you will be welcomed back with open arms and love. See you soon.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    mimivac said:

    We all have to do it from time to time
    You are making the best decision for you. Of course you will be welcomed back with open arms and love. See you soon.


    Claudia we all understand
    Please take care of yourself.
    I mail you a letter today and hope you will accept my donation in Lisa' behalf.
    New Flower
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Understand completely. Have had to take a hiatus myself, now and then. You need to do what's best for you, and I agree with your dear Reggie. It's time for you to think about YOU.

    Love you!
