SoCal Sisters, Hoping the Winter Storm Will Not Affect You



  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Like Kathi M and Hans .. Pete and I woke up to a soaked
    upstair hallway .. with smoke detectors going off - leak in our clay tile roof - new home of 7 years .. it took my husband and 2 children 3 hours to clean up and mop up the attic. I think we used every bucket, tupperware and the majority of my kitchen pots to stop the roof leak .. heavy winds, and 7 days of continual rain does a number on any roof - or so I am told by our insurance agent. There are 2 ... 1 foot by 8 inch ripes in our ceiling where the rain dripped for hours during the night .. carpets wet // and ruined. I've had the central heat on for 24 hours at 70 and fan on the floor blowing away. I've taken 24 photo's for safe keeping and insurance reasons.

    More importantly .. we are all safe.

    I went shopping .. yesterday .. sported my new Ugg's boots ... after about 2 hours, I decided that I could walk, shop and drive faster in my flip flops ... so I slipped on my flip flops - yes, even in the rain and continued on my merry way! Put my wool socks on when I arrive home to defrost my toes! LOL

    Kathi .. thinking about you my friend ...

    Vicki Sam

    Kathi and Vicki,
    So sorry

    Kathi and Vicki,
    So sorry for the soaking. You guys have really been hit with it down there. Kathi, glad you are letting others do the cleanup and relaxing with V on the sofa. Have a ball in your other home and enjoy the skating as audience only please.
    And Vicki,that was a good idea to take pictures. Did the carpet get soaked through to the pad? You need to keep an eye out for mold signs. Does your insurance cover this? Is so, be sure you make them replace the carpet and pad and even the sub floor if necessary. Mold can be a problem and one you don't want.
    Hoping all the weather issues everywhere clear up. Too bad weather does always understand moderation. No one needs a year's worth of rain in a week.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    KathiM said:

    Moopy, don't you worry....
    Hans' kids came over and made short work of it....

    I had wrenched my back this morning cleaning leaves out of a plugged drain in our side yard...then tried to lift books...NOT a good idea!!! So, took some vicodin, stopped lifting, and curled up on the couch (ya gotta love old 'vitamin V' lol!). We are leaving on Tuesday for The Netherlands, so I MUST be careful...

    BTW, my dutch friend just e-mailed...a skating race that has not taken place in over 10 years may happen next week (hopefully after we get there)...the entire country stays glued to their TV to watch...sort of the dutch version of the Iditarod...

    Hugs, Kathi

    Kids and Vitamin V
    Very glad to hear Hans' kids took care of those books, Kathi--but you wrenching your keep resting up for that trip to yours and Hans' other home. The one with lots of canals, which it seems as if we need more of on this side of the Atlantic.

    A national skating race. Would love to see that. Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates was one of my favorite books.

    Take care and thanks for keeping in touch. Will look forward to new photos from your Amsterdam life.
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Like Kathi M and Hans .. Pete and I woke up to a soaked
    upstair hallway .. with smoke detectors going off - leak in our clay tile roof - new home of 7 years .. it took my husband and 2 children 3 hours to clean up and mop up the attic. I think we used every bucket, tupperware and the majority of my kitchen pots to stop the roof leak .. heavy winds, and 7 days of continual rain does a number on any roof - or so I am told by our insurance agent. There are 2 ... 1 foot by 8 inch ripes in our ceiling where the rain dripped for hours during the night .. carpets wet // and ruined. I've had the central heat on for 24 hours at 70 and fan on the floor blowing away. I've taken 24 photo's for safe keeping and insurance reasons.

    More importantly .. we are all safe.

    I went shopping .. yesterday .. sported my new Ugg's boots ... after about 2 hours, I decided that I could walk, shop and drive faster in my flip flops ... so I slipped on my flip flops - yes, even in the rain and continued on my merry way! Put my wool socks on when I arrive home to defrost my toes! LOL

    Kathi .. thinking about you my friend ...

    Vicki Sam

    Vicki Sam
    Only you would sub flip flops for Uggs and go on about your way. Just wish I were there to see you!

    Hope the central heating and fan are doing a good job of drying everything. Waking up to the smoke alarms, and then hours of cleaning must have been scary and exhausting. Plus, you've been ironing and washing and preparing for the Christmas Dinner for days. So glad that everyone is fine and safe. Wishing you and Pete and your family a dry and joyous holiday.
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    VickiSam said:

    Like Kathi M and Hans .. Pete and I woke up to a soaked
    upstair hallway .. with smoke detectors going off - leak in our clay tile roof - new home of 7 years .. it took my husband and 2 children 3 hours to clean up and mop up the attic. I think we used every bucket, tupperware and the majority of my kitchen pots to stop the roof leak .. heavy winds, and 7 days of continual rain does a number on any roof - or so I am told by our insurance agent. There are 2 ... 1 foot by 8 inch ripes in our ceiling where the rain dripped for hours during the night .. carpets wet // and ruined. I've had the central heat on for 24 hours at 70 and fan on the floor blowing away. I've taken 24 photo's for safe keeping and insurance reasons.

    More importantly .. we are all safe.

    I went shopping .. yesterday .. sported my new Ugg's boots ... after about 2 hours, I decided that I could walk, shop and drive faster in my flip flops ... so I slipped on my flip flops - yes, even in the rain and continued on my merry way! Put my wool socks on when I arrive home to defrost my toes! LOL

    Kathi .. thinking about you my friend ...

    Vicki Sam

    Wondering how you are making out with the storm damage?

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Moopy23 said:

    Kids and Vitamin V
    Very glad to hear Hans' kids took care of those books, Kathi--but you wrenching your keep resting up for that trip to yours and Hans' other home. The one with lots of canals, which it seems as if we need more of on this side of the Atlantic.

    A national skating race. Would love to see that. Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates was one of my favorite books.

    Take care and thanks for keeping in touch. Will look forward to new photos from your Amsterdam life.

    sitting here playing with my laptop Santa gave me for Christmas
    Oh my Lord .. what a week! First the weather, soaked carpeting, roof leaks etc and last minute preparation for Christmas .. I am happy to say that I made it .. Christmas dinner was a joy .. lots of food, love, happiness and tears .. Very emotional day for me and my family.. having missed last year's festivities due to fatigue, chemo and low white blood cell counts.. I said a few words of thanks, after our Holiday prayers .. and spent the next 2 hours crying -- breast cancer is emotional, uncertain times for all last year. Dancing and praising our Lord this year! My outlook and appreication for life, family and love ones -- is different after breast cancer. It is difficult to explain or put into words.

    I spent Sunday in bed, tired beyond words and the majority of today washing linens and putting china away .. and I'll do it all again next year -- LOL.

    SavoriSg my life after breast cancer and loving every moment === never thought I would ever get here .. this time last year.. amazing how our bodies, mind and spirits - heal, 1 day at a time.

    Warm wishes, health, strength and Peace to all,

    Vicki Sam
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    VickiSam said:

    sitting here playing with my laptop Santa gave me for Christmas
    Oh my Lord .. what a week! First the weather, soaked carpeting, roof leaks etc and last minute preparation for Christmas .. I am happy to say that I made it .. Christmas dinner was a joy .. lots of food, love, happiness and tears .. Very emotional day for me and my family.. having missed last year's festivities due to fatigue, chemo and low white blood cell counts.. I said a few words of thanks, after our Holiday prayers .. and spent the next 2 hours crying -- breast cancer is emotional, uncertain times for all last year. Dancing and praising our Lord this year! My outlook and appreication for life, family and love ones -- is different after breast cancer. It is difficult to explain or put into words.

    I spent Sunday in bed, tired beyond words and the majority of today washing linens and putting china away .. and I'll do it all again next year -- LOL.

    SavoriSg my life after breast cancer and loving every moment === never thought I would ever get here .. this time last year.. amazing how our bodies, mind and spirits - heal, 1 day at a time.

    Warm wishes, health, strength and Peace to all,

    Vicki Sam

    Oh Vicki
    Congratulation!!! it is a great accomplishment Hosting a Christmas Party of 27 people. It is amazing, so proud of you and little jealous.
    You are fortunate to have family and friends who love you.
    New Flower