Sad news about Deb1969

meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
It is with a broken heart that I bring you the news that Deb1969 passed away last Saturday. She has not been on the boards for awhile but she started over 2 years ago. Her story is similar to mine. We were diagnosed about the same time with similar cancer, we both went into remission, and then we both had a reoccurance which spread to our liver. We kept in touch via private message. Her daughter sent me a message tonight to let me know. I will tell you what I know about her. Deb was only 40 years old, she was a nurse until her diagnosis, she lost her job since she was unable to work. She was married with a daughter who is going to have her first baby in February. Deb told me that this was her reason to fight. Her family loved her and were so worried about her. She had a hysterectomy in the spring where it was found that the cancer had spread to her liver. She was trying to get well enough to go on chemo, then they found brain mets. She kept fighting! She had cyber knife and was waiting to go on chemo again, however, she became too weak and her liver started to fail, she went into hospice and passed within a couple of days. This was unexpected since she was fighting so hard, and the end came too fast (doesn't it always). Her daughter told me that she fought so hard to see her first grandchild and that she so proud of her mama. I will miss her as a friend. So please stop and say some prayers for Deb and her family.


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    I will pray
    I remember her. I am so sorry. Too many are dying. And it makes me angry. I hate this d@*& disease.

    I will keep you and her family in my prayers.

    I am so sorry.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    I am lighting a candle for
    I am lighting a candle for Deb and for you dear Meena. It is so hard to lose someone that we care for and to lose a sister who is in such a similar fight is doubly tough. You inspire me with her determination and the fact that throughout your battle you have managed to maintain a sense of humor and a drive that I pray will take you years and years into remission. So my prayers tonight send a special blessing to a lost friend and a friend who is fighting the hard fight.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    fauxma said:

    I am lighting a candle for
    I am lighting a candle for Deb and for you dear Meena. It is so hard to lose someone that we care for and to lose a sister who is in such a similar fight is doubly tough. You inspire me with her determination and the fact that throughout your battle you have managed to maintain a sense of humor and a drive that I pray will take you years and years into remission. So my prayers tonight send a special blessing to a lost friend and a friend who is fighting the hard fight.

    Thank you, fauxma. Deb's
    Thank you, fauxma. Deb's last message to me was on Sept 14. She told me that she was feeling better and was getting stronger, she was still waiting to go on chemo. She had so much fight in her! Thank you for your prayers. I am still in chemo, so now i will be thankful that I am well enough to get chemo and I will remember Deb as a sister and as a friend. Love Meena
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you, fauxma. Deb's
    Thank you, fauxma. Deb's last message to me was on Sept 14. She told me that she was feeling better and was getting stronger, she was still waiting to go on chemo. She had so much fight in her! Thank you for your prayers. I am still in chemo, so now i will be thankful that I am well enough to get chemo and I will remember Deb as a sister and as a friend. Love Meena

    I miss her
    Deb and I joined CSN at about the same time, and she was always there to offer her support and advice whenever I needed it. I miss her, and am so sad that cancer took so much so quickly from her and her family.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    I miss her
    Deb and I joined CSN at about the same time, and she was always there to offer her support and advice whenever I needed it. I miss her, and am so sad that cancer took so much so quickly from her and her family.


    I will keep you and Deb in
    I will keep you and Deb in my prayers. I am sorry you lost your dear friend. I also hate cancer!
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    My prayers are with
    the family. She sounds like she was an incredible person that will be greatly missed.

    My condolences,

  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    In my prayers for her
    In my prayers for her family. Cancer so does suck. Sighh
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Sending prayers for her family...
    Hugs, Kathi
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    So Sorry to Hear
    My heart goes out to her family and friends...this includes you Meena. I know how hard it is. My good friend passed away 2 years ago after an 8 year battle. It just plan sucks.


  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    postings like this break my heart. . .
    unfortunately it is a reality in the world we live in and the cancer journey that we share. i am sending prayers to her family and friends, and will light a candle in her honor as i say my morning prayers today.

    hugs to you meena from heidi
  • dee1962
    dee1962 Member Posts: 99
    heidijez said:

    postings like this break my heart. . .
    unfortunately it is a reality in the world we live in and the cancer journey that we share. i am sending prayers to her family and friends, and will light a candle in her honor as i say my morning prayers today.

    hugs to you meena from heidi

    So Sorry to hear about Deb
    So Sorry to hear about Deb my prayers go out to her family and friend this is cancer really does suck....Dee
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm sorry to hear this...I
    I'm sorry to hear this...I will say prayers & light a candle for Deb tonight. That this disease had to take another mom, warrior, daughter, sister from us makes me furious. So sorry for the loss of your friend meena1.
  • kya911
    kya911 Member Posts: 157
    dee1962 said:

    So Sorry to hear about Deb
    So Sorry to hear about Deb my prayers go out to her family and friend this is cancer really does suck....Dee

    My heart goes out to her &
    My heart goes out to her & her family.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Please convey to her family
    Please convey to her family my deep sorrow and sympathy in hearing this. They are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb was a valiant pink warrior and she will be sorely missed.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    Please convey to her family
    Please convey to her family my deep sorrow and sympathy in hearing this. They are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb was a valiant pink warrior and she will be sorely missed.

    will pray
    for her!
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    pepebcn said:

    will pray
    for her!

    So sad to hear the news.
    Even with all the advancements there is still no cure...only hope for the future. She will be missed but remembered.

  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    This is very sad news Meena.
    This is very sad news Meena. Deb was obviously a very special, and brave lady. Only 40 years old and she had to suffer so. Heartbreaking. She and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Thanks Meena for letting us know about our sister...
    even though I didn't have the honor of knowing Deb. Sending prayers to her family. Hugs, Jean
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Rest in peace, Deb. I'll light my candle tonight.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    I am sorry to hear your
    I am sorry to hear your friend passed away. She was too young. I lost a dear friend recently, too. God bless.