Oncologist did not have good news yesterday



  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    aysemari said:

    Meena.... this made me cry
    I love your posts and I love how dish out the dirt for us.

    Please hang on to your hope, without hope, we got nothing. And who knows..
    honestly who know in some small lab in a far away land or maybe just in a lab across
    town, someone may just make a breakthrough.

    Dear Meena, this is what I tell myself and I hang on for that moment. So should you.

    I wish I could give your a real but this has to suffice, so consider yourself
    squeezed tight and held.

    Sending you lotsa of love!


    Meena, my positive energy and
    so, so many prayers are with you. Let's hope this is a bump in the road (well, okay, a major pothole). Try to keep positive, hang in there and never give up. You've already demonstrated that you are an incredible fighter--keep going.

    Caring, warm, constant hugs,

  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    Sending you hugs and prayers!
    I am sorry for your news. I had been given Emend and Aloxi during my infusions and while I had every other side effect possible I had absolutely no nausea. Perhaps adding the Aloxi in addition to the Emend may help you too.

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you all so much for
    Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. Went for my neulasta shot and they were having a support meeting at the hospital so i stayed for that. i was the only stage 4 patient there, so i did not want to scare anyone, but i met some wonderful woman. There were about 20 woman there, and at the end a few of the woman hugged me, so much love. i hope that each one of you find a support group like this. I may start a new post about it. They meet each month, so i will defintely be there next month. Oh Yeah, GO PHILLIES!!!!

    I've never been to a support
    I've never been to a support group at my cancer center yet. I am glad that you had such a positive experience with yours. Glad you got some hugs! You deserve them!

    Prayers and hugs to you today!
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440

    Sending you hugs and prayers!
    I am sorry for your news. I had been given Emend and Aloxi during my infusions and while I had every other side effect possible I had absolutely no nausea. Perhaps adding the Aloxi in addition to the Emend may help you too.


    Your ALWAYS in my Prayers.
    Meena, you are so strong and positive.
    I don't post very often, but I do come on this board to see how everyone is doing!
    And I see your still fighting and as strong and positive as ever.
    You really should be commended on your attitude and strength.
    Hang in there my sister.
    God Bless You
    Weazer aka Karie
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    At no time during my treatment did I ever feel "chipper," and I didn't go through half of what you're going through, Meena.

    I think Kay said it best -- with everything you've got going on, you do NOT need the burden of thinking you have to be Miss Mary Sunshine -- use your strength to take good care of yourself, both physically and spiritually, and anyone who says differently can just go to...can just kiss my...well, you know. :-)

    John Travolta's batting for the other team now? Liberace was gay?!? Say it isn't so...next thing you know, they're going to be saying that Freddie Mercury and Rock Hudson were gay....

    :-o Traci

    Happy that you are feeling
    Happy that you are feeling somewhat better. I pray that you feel better and stronger with each day Meena.

    What is going on with John Travolta? Guess I missed that.

    Sending prayers and hugs,

  • reeseslover1234
    reeseslover1234 Member Posts: 87
    We love you, Meena
    Remember we've been there, too and it's ok to feel bummed out sometimes. Please know that we love you and want to know what's on your mind. I wish you the very best and I'm sending prayers your way.


  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Meena, I pray and think of
    Meena, I pray and think of you every day, Your one of the first people I look for when I come on C.S.N. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I know you will keep fighting. And you do not have to be chipper with us. Just be yourself, that is the way we love you. I hope the pain is better. Take care Sweetie Love you Kay,
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    You're such a special lady!
    Meena, I'm so sorry for what you're going through! You were always one of my main strengths here and it's so hard to think of you feeling weak and tired! Pray for strength as I will for you. As you know, I haven't been coming here much, but I think of you very often and I keep you in my prayers. Maybe with the Emend you can get your strength back, and I'm sure going to the support group will help you too. I have one locally, but the time they hold it, I'm at work so I can't partake. Day by day, little by little, step by step I hope you continue to get stronger, Meena! Don't put away those boxing gloves. You have to beat the sh** out of cancer. You're a VERY SPECIAL lady, Meena, and I just know you're gonna win!

    Love, Mar
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Mad at your news
    Meena, Do you ever get plain mad? Mad enough to go break some dishes? OK, deep breath...please always feel that you can come here for support, no matter what your news is. I think we're all at a place that we can give and take the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thank goodness for Star magazine, to help us keep our lives in perspective, eh? My prayers are with you. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    lynn1950 said:

    Mad at your news
    Meena, Do you ever get plain mad? Mad enough to go break some dishes? OK, deep breath...please always feel that you can come here for support, no matter what your news is. I think we're all at a place that we can give and take the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thank goodness for Star magazine, to help us keep our lives in perspective, eh? My prayers are with you. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    You are so much


    You are so much stronger then you think. I can tell by your words. So glad you can physically share with a group of sisters. Hang in there Meena. Sending you a huge hug!


  • jennytwist
    jennytwist Member Posts: 896
    Pinkpower said:

    You are so much


    You are so much stronger then you think. I can tell by your words. So glad you can physically share with a group of sisters. Hang in there Meena. Sending you a huge hug!



    Keeping you
    in my thoughts and prayers. You certainly are an inspiration to all of us!
    take care, much love,
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    worth asking about
    Just last week an acquaintance who knows of my diagnosis (which is basically like yours) called to ask me if I had heard of a new trial. I know that you're seeing one of the foremost doctors in the country but it might be worth asking about. This comes from Dr. Sledge at IU Medical Center in Indianapolis. He is a researcher/doctor who has spent years working on HER2+ cancers. This new study (trial) combines Herceptin with a VERY OLD chemo drug that goes by just a couple of letters and numbers-it has no name. I know this is vague, but the point is that Dr. Sledge told my friend that it is showing remarkable results, VERY PROMISING. I'm going to my onc on Friday and plan to ask about it. I'm pretty sure at this time I would not qualify and am not quite ready to give up on other options. I will however try to find out more about it.

    I am sorry that your news was not what you, or any of us wanted to hear. I know first hand that it's not always easy to be "perky, positive, and strong" but try hard! Though attitude may not cure cancer, it can add a lot to our daily lives.

    As always, best wishes.


    I think support groups can
    I think support groups can do so much good for some. I am really happy that you went and that you liked it. Continued best wishes and prayers for you.

    Hugs, Jan
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762

    Keeping you
    in my thoughts and prayers. You certainly are an inspiration to all of us!
    take care, much love,

    Well Meena, Now I know why I've been so tired.....too
    Emend worked well for me, except for the weirdness I felt in my brain. I hated that!
    God bless,
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Mama G said:

    Well Meena, Now I know why I've been so tired.....too
    Emend worked well for me, except for the weirdness I felt in my brain. I hated that!
    God bless,

    I am glad that
    I am glad that you met good women who cancer sisters and like the group. So sorry to hear about no progress in your fight. I have been thinking of you everyday even when I am not participating on the board.
    Sending you a big hug,
    New Flower
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Pinkpower said:

    You are so much


    You are so much stronger then you think. I can tell by your words. So glad you can physically share with a group of sisters. Hang in there Meena. Sending you a huge hug!



    So glad you like the support
    So glad you like the support group Meena! I bet you will get lots more hugs and lots more support in your fight!

    Praying for you,

  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    jnl said:

    So glad you like the support
    So glad you like the support group Meena! I bet you will get lots more hugs and lots more support in your fight!

    Praying for you,


    I thought about going to the
    I thought about going to the support group at my cancer center, but, I just don't think I am ready yet. I will be anxious to hear all about yours Meena. It might help me to go to mine.

    Hugs and prayers,

  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    Megan M said:

    I thought about going to the
    I thought about going to the support group at my cancer center, but, I just don't think I am ready yet. I will be anxious to hear all about yours Meena. It might help me to go to mine.

    Hugs and prayers,


    Meena, your spirit, courage,
    Meena, your spirit, courage, humor and love of life touch hundreds of hearts both in CSN community and those that come into contact with you in daily life. I can sense the outpouring of support and compassion for you as shown by the members here will inspire you to live life to its fullest and endure long into the future.

    Were all here for you
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    RE said:

    ~Gentle Loving Hugs~
    Meena I agree with Aortus, please don't hesitate to post when you feel the need we can take it we care for you and want to give what support we can! No need to feel chipper and positive all the time, geez there are folks out there who are not dealing with all you have on your plate and they whine all the time so no worries there! Happy to hear that the Emend seems to be working for you that most certainly is good to hear! Keep you chin up and know that you are loved and cared about!

    ..... (¯`v´¯)♥
    ... (
    / \ ♥♥RE

    So sorry Meena that you have
    So sorry Meena that you have to even go through all of this. I admire your strength and courage. And, I appreciate your posting to keep us updated on how you are. We want to know as you are a true sister and a true fighter.

    Keep fighting the fight!

    Hugs, Lex
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Tinabug said:

    So sorry
    My thoughts & many prayers are with you.

    Huge hugs,

    You are a warrior!
    I am so very sorry Meena. You will remain in my prayers! As shortscake would say,

    Girl Power!
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Dear Meena, I am so sorry
    Dear Meena, I am so sorry that you must suffer. I will pray that God will give you strength and get you in remission and good health. Be strong and we are with you. Eil