Scared about my marriage



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Going thru treatments made
    Going thru treatments made me realize how selfish my husband really is. I knew right away not to expect him to step-up, just wasn't going to happen. I looked for the women in my life to step-up, and they did. I was shocked and disappointed in his behavior, and words spoken. I didn't ask for much, but on a few occasions I told him what I needed him to do for me. He looked right at me, his answer was "no". I lost so much respect for him. He wasn't the man I thought him to be. I'm not going to leave, he isn't that bad. He isn't my knight in shining armor anymore.
    Nowadays I do more for me. I have learned to put some of my needs before him. I quit trying to be the 'perfect wife' which is liberating. I'm happier,and more relaxed.

    It will get better for you once the treatments have ended.

    Hubby i believe that is how
    Hubby i believe that is how my husband felt, and he had to survive this too. I wasnt mad , well ok a couple of times I was, but I did understand. We all just do our best.