Road trip here i come!!!!

jo jo
jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Since this breast cancer journey has begun i have been feeling like a prisoner in my own home from the side effects of chemo or from the numerous surgeries and my only outing being to one of my many doctors...this was how i was feeling while i was in chemo not more than 4 months ago...i just wanted my life back. Well my other half gave me something to look forward to and try to cheer me up...he said once i finished chemo and had my implant surgery and healed from that, that he would take me on a road trip anywhere i wanted to over the months we have been planning it and finally we leave for our 2 week vacation...roadtrip on Wednesday! I feel like a kid in a candy store!

Our road trip includes:
I live in Iowa so we go thru South Dakota, to Wyoming to Yellowstone, Thru Montana & Idaho, thru Washington and up to Canada, back down thru washington & Oregon, Into California Seeing the redwoods, San Francisco, Monterey and Los Angeles Then thru Arizonia to the grand canyon, antelop canyon, monument valley to Colorado to see mesa verde then back home. Plus we will see alot of other sights inbetween. Whew thats sounds like alot but im soooo ready for it!!!
Im already packed and i still have monday and tuesday to get thru, then we leave wednesday yeah...woooo hoooo!
I probably wont be on the board much after Wednesday cuz i will be having to much fun but i will be thinking about all of you while im gone wishing i could take everyone of you with me!

P.s. My other half wanted to make a stop in Las Vegas to get married but i told him no!
I didnt want a vegas wedding so he said he would ask me again later to marry him and this time a real traditional wedding and proposal...but SHHHHH nobody knows yet, not even my family.


  • LadyParvati
    LadyParvati Member Posts: 328
    You've made me smile!
    Jo Jo, this is such wonderful news--in fact, I should say so MUCH wonderful news! Congratulations on every bit of it--being done with chemo and the implant surgery, the fantastic road trip, the proposal (woooo hoo!!) AND MOST OF ALL--the truly special guy!

    I'm wishing you a fabulous time on that trip--it sounds like heaven!

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Oh JoJo so happy for you your guy sounds like a real keeper! The trip sounds wonderful, lots to see, I know you will love it. The California Redwoods are astonishing, I am sure you will be amazed, and Monterey is lovely and of course San Francisco...too much fun make sure you ride a cable car! Have a great time celebrating LIFE JoJo you have earned it! I look forward to hearing all about the fun you will have when you get back.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    JoJo how exciting!!! I am so
    JoJo how exciting!!! I am so happy for you. Hope you have a wonderful time. Be that Kid in a candy store the whole two weeks. Your other half sounds like a wonderful man.
    Go enjoy yourself you deserve it. And give us all the details when you get back OK? PICS!!
  • Emilyfimily
    Emilyfimily Member Posts: 141
    jo jo, you make me smile
    I love your post, jo jo!! :D You're going to have a blast on your road trip! Wow, what a fun time, and you deserve every bit of it! What a bunch of great places to go see! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back!
    And, the wedding and proposal - my heart just jumped straight up for you :) That's even more exciting than the road trip! Course, I'm sappy when it comes to that stuff, haha. Well anyhow, I just love your post, and I'm so happy for you. Take care, and you two be safe and have fun!
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    on the road again...........
    Have a wonderful so deserve this..... I will be thinking of you and all the beautiful sights, smells, and sounds that you will encounter on this trip with your guy.
    And, another adventure to follow? Congratulations JoJo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iam so happy for you.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Have a great time Jo Jo!
    We will miss you. Have a wonderful trip. Sounds like a lot of fun. Make sure to take pictures. CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming engagement. Sounds like you have a wonderful man in your life. Take care, enjoy & celebrate!!!!!!! Hugs, Jean
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Have a great time Jo Jo!
    We will miss you. Have a wonderful trip. Sounds like a lot of fun. Make sure to take pictures. CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming engagement. Sounds like you have a wonderful man in your life. Take care, enjoy & celebrate!!!!!!! Hugs, Jean

    Have a wonderful time and will see you post when you get home. Your homework will be for you to write a post " What I did on my summer vacation ". Be safe
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    This land is your land...this land is my land...
    From California to the New York Islands...through the Redwood Forest and the something something waters...this land was made for JoJo's road trip!!!!!!! Can ya hear the song?? :)

    My Dad's family is from Montana and I truly believe the sky IS bigger in Montana! Enjoy EVERY minute of it! You deserve it JoJo!!!

    I have relatives in Fairfield,IA too! I remember driving through IA as a child and the dark black dirt on the farms was so beautiful! My brother spent a summer on a relative's pig farm too...OINK! ;)

    ON a much more important note keep us posted on the engagement!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Come back to us safe and sound!!

    The Other JoJo
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member

    This land is your land...this land is my land...
    From California to the New York Islands...through the Redwood Forest and the something something waters...this land was made for JoJo's road trip!!!!!!! Can ya hear the song?? :)

    My Dad's family is from Montana and I truly believe the sky IS bigger in Montana! Enjoy EVERY minute of it! You deserve it JoJo!!!

    I have relatives in Fairfield,IA too! I remember driving through IA as a child and the dark black dirt on the farms was so beautiful! My brother spent a summer on a relative's pig farm too...OINK! ;)

    ON a much more important note keep us posted on the engagement!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Come back to us safe and sound!!

    The Other JoJo

    What a lucky guy!

    Your vacations sounds like a wonderful adventure. I hope your man gets how very special you are. You have been a real blessing on the boards with your outlook and sense of humor. Enjoy!

  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Ohhh jo jo I was so happy
    Ohhh jo jo I was so happy for you that I cried... tears of joy! Have a great time with that wonderful man of yours. Cant wait to see some pics when you get back.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Jojo, have a wonderful
    Jojo, have a wonderful time!! I love taking trips like you are doing. You see so much more from the car and are much more comfortable too. Have a great trip, you sure deserve it. Can't wait to hear your stories and see your pics. A wedding on the horizon, too???? Sounds marvelous!!
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Jojo, have a wonderful
    Jojo, have a wonderful time!! I love taking trips like you are doing. You see so much more from the car and are much more comfortable too. Have a great trip, you sure deserve it. Can't wait to hear your stories and see your pics. A wedding on the horizon, too???? Sounds marvelous!!

    The Willie Nelson in me is coming out.!!
    I will be thinking of you when the song, "On the Road Again" sneaks into my head! What a wonderful trip, and you are grinning like a 'possum, aren't you??!? Rightly so. ***whispered----congratulations!!....we'll all keep your secret! ;-)*******

    Have a fantabulous time!! Pictures when you get back!!!

  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    jo jo
    Have a great trip. How long will you be gone?
  • kakie
    kakie Member Posts: 38
    laurissa said:

    jo jo
    Have a great trip. How long will you be gone?

    Have a fantastic time!!! What a wonderful trip...You certainly deserve it.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    kakie said:

    Have a fantastic time!!! What a wonderful trip...You certainly deserve it.

    that sounds amazing have a
    that sounds amazing have a great time!
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    carkris said:

    that sounds amazing have a
    that sounds amazing have a great time!

    Sounds like a wonderful

    Sounds like a wonderful trip! Being from the Easr Coast, I haven't seen many of the areas that you will be visiting, but I do know that the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley are awesome. Even Las Vegas is awesome in its own way (where else do you find a hotel that is blocks long?)

    And, it sounds like your other half is a keeper. Enjoy your time away and make it the celebration that it should be.

  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Sounds like you are going to
    Sounds like you are going to be very busy. Watch out for the Buffalo Jams in Yellowstone.


  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Sounds Wonderful
    and you certainly deserve it. Enjoy the sights and take lots of pictures.

  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    One more stop ?
    I have been following your posts and wish you a wonderful trip. I thought that I would mention a place to see, if you have not already planned for it.
    When in California, you MUST go to Yosemite National Park. It is only a few hours from San Francisco. Any trip to Calif must include Yosemite. This time of year is the very best !!
    Have a great trip..
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Sounds heavenly! OK, except for all the many hours of driving! Especially through SD! We did that this summer and I had no idea how desolate it is! LOL. There really is NOTHING through 99% of SD! LOL.

    Plus the fact that I had two little children with me! LOL. Don't get me wrong, we had a fun time. Just too much driving with kids for me!

    Have a WONDERFUL time! The Redwoods are truly awesome! You SO deserve to get away and enjoy yourself! And, may I add, you also deserve one BIG, SPARKLY, PROPER ring! LOL.

