Still good....

Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I finished my initial chemo seven months ago and today my CA125 was 6.9, so I'm a happy camper.



  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    6.9... Wonderful :)
  • This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205
    WTG Carlene....
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Six down and six more to go.
    Six down and six more to go. I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero, but it still reassures me to see those tiny little numbers. A year from now is what will tell the tale, most likely. Then, if my number is still in single digits, that will really be cause to celebrate. And I will be bringing out the big guns....champagne, pina coladas, or maybe a really nice trip.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Double Post....sorry
    Gremlins in my computer, I guess.
  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314

    Six down and six more to go.
    Six down and six more to go. I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero, but it still reassures me to see those tiny little numbers. A year from now is what will tell the tale, most likely. Then, if my number is still in single digits, that will really be cause to celebrate. And I will be bringing out the big guns....champagne, pina coladas, or maybe a really nice trip.


    Happy for you!
    Keep on dancing! I am at a CA-125 of 4 so if you don't mind I shall dance with you!
    WOO HOO!
  • South Jersey
    South Jersey Member Posts: 89

    Six down and six more to go.
    Six down and six more to go. I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero, but it still reassures me to see those tiny little numbers. A year from now is what will tell the tale, most likely. Then, if my number is still in single digits, that will really be cause to celebrate. And I will be bringing out the big guns....champagne, pina coladas, or maybe a really nice trip.


    Congratulations, that's
    Congratulations, that's wonderful news!
  • South Jersey
    South Jersey Member Posts: 89

    Six down and six more to go.
    Six down and six more to go. I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero, but it still reassures me to see those tiny little numbers. A year from now is what will tell the tale, most likely. Then, if my number is still in single digits, that will really be cause to celebrate. And I will be bringing out the big guns....champagne, pina coladas, or maybe a really nice trip.


    Double Post
    I guess there are gremlins in my computer, too!
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    MK_4Dani said:

    Happy for you!
    Keep on dancing! I am at a CA-125 of 4 so if you don't mind I shall dance with you!
    WOO HOO!

    We will make a great looking
    We will make a great looking couple, Mary. LOL

    I noticed that we joined CSN the same week. I was diagnosed 9-17-2009, stage IIIc. I did not get to do the IP chemo because of my bowel resection (tumors in small intestine and Duodenum). I had 6 rounds of IV Taxol and Carboplatin, then went immediately onto Taxol maintenance - one infusion per month, at a reduced dosage.

    One of the reasons I agreed to do the maintenance chemo was because I knew it practically guaranteed me a Cancer-free year. And I am trying my best to enjoy it!

  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    Great news
    and hope for the rest of us. I love hearing googd news on this board because much of the time there is just a lot of sad news. Thank you again.

  • Karen9182
    Karen9182 Member Posts: 60

    Six down and six more to go.
    Six down and six more to go. I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero, but it still reassures me to see those tiny little numbers. A year from now is what will tell the tale, most likely. Then, if my number is still in single digits, that will really be cause to celebrate. And I will be bringing out the big guns....champagne, pina coladas, or maybe a really nice trip.


    Way to go!
    Got to love those single digits!
    Congrats to you....
  • sanam
    sanam Member Posts: 106
    kikz said:

    Great news
    and hope for the rest of us. I love hearing googd news on this board because much of the time there is just a lot of sad news. Thank you again.


    It is something to celebrate
    It is something to celebrate carlen.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Just had to chime in with the congratulations. Bonnie
  • NCEllen
    NCEllen Member Posts: 115 Member
    Smiles = great days..
    Wonderful news! Where would you like to travel? It's nice to have that trip file ready to go. How have your side effects been with the Taxol? Any additional fatigue or eating problems? The pina colada mixer's that are 'ready to go' are tasty :) Keep on the Faith track, Ellen
  • froggy1
    froggy1 Member Posts: 205

    Six down and six more to go.
    Six down and six more to go. I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero, but it still reassures me to see those tiny little numbers. A year from now is what will tell the tale, most likely. Then, if my number is still in single digits, that will really be cause to celebrate. And I will be bringing out the big guns....champagne, pina coladas, or maybe a really nice trip.


    Maintenance(for Carlene)
    "I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero,"
    Gosh, I didn't know that. So why can't we just stay on maintenance forever?? LOL
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    NCEllen said:

    Smiles = great days..
    Wonderful news! Where would you like to travel? It's nice to have that trip file ready to go. How have your side effects been with the Taxol? Any additional fatigue or eating problems? The pina colada mixer's that are 'ready to go' are tasty :) Keep on the Faith track, Ellen

    I have done very well on the
    I have done very well on the Taxol - very minimal neuropathy and no nausea to speak of. Eating is definitely not a problem!

  • Disneynutt
    Disneynutt Member Posts: 134 Member
    Doing happy dance!!!

    Doing happy dance!!!
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Carlene, dancing right here with you scorching hot Japan! What kind of dosage to you do with the maintenance taxol? Is it monthly?

    Just got back from vaca, to a clear CT and a steady number, but will be starting weekly taxol next week. He is putting me on 60mg/m2 to start. I had 175mg/m2 with my carbo/taxol 3 years ago, and haven't had taxol since. It worked well on me and gave me a good 14month remission (including the time on it) so I am hoping it is a good one for me. I sure know a lot of people, including you, who have good success with just the taxol.

    Dance on,
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    kayandok said:

    Carlene, dancing right here with you scorching hot Japan! What kind of dosage to you do with the maintenance taxol? Is it monthly?

    Just got back from vaca, to a clear CT and a steady number, but will be starting weekly taxol next week. He is putting me on 60mg/m2 to start. I had 175mg/m2 with my carbo/taxol 3 years ago, and haven't had taxol since. It worked well on me and gave me a good 14month remission (including the time on it) so I am hoping it is a good one for me. I sure know a lot of people, including you, who have good success with just the taxol.

    Dance on,

    I keep forgetting to ask
    I keep forgetting to ask what the dosage is, but I receive an infusion every 4 weeks. I know it's not a "treatmenet" dose, though.

    My doctor says that in his practice, he has had good success with the monthly Taxol, as far as pushing back a recurrence. I call it chicken soup for can't hurt, and maybe it will help.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    froggy1 said:

    Maintenance(for Carlene)
    "I know that the chances of a recurrence while I am on maintenance is virtually zero,"
    Gosh, I didn't know that. So why can't we just stay on maintenance forever?? LOL

    I have wondered the same
    I have wondered the same thing......why not just leave us on low-doze chemo forever. I guess we would eventually build up a tolerance to it?

    Must remember to ask my doctor about this.