Two Years Today

Terry_s wife
Terry_s wife Member Posts: 21
edited March 2014 in Surviving Caregivers #1
It's been two years today since I lost my husband Terry. I have learned
...that I can go on and still have his memories close.
...that he loved me very much and made sure everything was prepared for me even
...when hospice pushed me to make his arrangements, it wasn't cruel as I first thought but something I needed to be prepared for and have time to prepare for
...those days that Terry lashed out at me - it wasn't really to hurt me, but because I was the one that was there
...everything I did, every decision I made I feel fine with because I did what was best for Terry at the time
...those days (like today) when it feels really hard, his presence is still there is okay to take as long as needed to clean the house (I was actually pushed by hosting a baby shower at my house) is okay to still cry
...who I can count on (on one hand with fingers left over)
...I am stronger today because of what I went through with Terry

Terry was the best thing that ever happened to me and my daughter. We had 21 years of marriage together before his death and were together for 26 years. My daughter is a strong young woman because of the values instilled by her "dad" Terry. I hope that one day his children can feel like I am still family but I am not going to hold my breath.

Terry died at 5:35 a.m. on June 30, 2008 and it still feels like just yesterday. They say you will find your soulmate at some point in life and I did with Terry.

To all the caregivers out there, there is the phrase of "time heals all" well I can tell you it is getting better but it takes one day at a time and patience.

I wish everyone only the best. Paula


  • grandmafay
    grandmafay Member Posts: 1,633 Member
    Thanks for the words of encouragement. It has been a little over 8 months for me. The good memories are what keep me going. That and a very supportive family and good friends. Take care, Fay
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hi Paula
    Thank you for your

    Hi Paula
    Thank you for your post. We lost my dad just 4 months ago, in March. You give us encouragement. You make it nice to know that we are not alone with our thoughts and actions. May peace continue to be with you and your family as you continue to grieve for your husband Terry.