Got bold and brave and went with the bald look today



  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Balentine said:

    Amen sister
    and I am still gowing strong. On my way to St. Louis this weekend and still going with the bald look :)

    Hope you have a great time
    Hope you have a great time in St. Louis Lorrie!
  • Maggie Ruth
    Maggie Ruth Member Posts: 16

    Hi Lorrie!!!
    Girl you've got more courage than me, I'm not bald yet but I will be within the next 2 weeks, I don't think I can even go walking around my own house, no way could I go out in public. I have bought about 8 hats already. I might even cover up all the mirrors, it's really going to be hard for me to make this adjustment. Good job Lorrie!!

    Love Ronda

    Being bald...

    Read your response to Lorrie and wanted to share my experience with you. Throughout my life I have always had one compliment I could count on: people always commented on my thick, beautiful hair. The thought of losing it bothered me alot...and as it turned out, I was more bothered by the thought than the actual occurence. Yes, the first time my hair fell out in big patches, I was upset. By then, in anticipation of what was going to happen I had it cut very short, so when the losses began, it was easier to deal with. Also, once the bald patches began, I went to the hairdresser and had her shave my head. Was upset for a couple of hours, then said, "Who cares?" In the scheme of things, like dealing with cancer, the hair issue became unimportant. Never got a wig, wore hats sometimes and, when it was hot, went bareheaded.

    Now have hair...and it's curly, not straight like I'm used to! I would change that if I could, but again, "Who cares?" I'm just happy to be well again.

    Maggie Ruth
  • Kimosabe
    Kimosabe Member Posts: 43

    Being bald...

    Read your response to Lorrie and wanted to share my experience with you. Throughout my life I have always had one compliment I could count on: people always commented on my thick, beautiful hair. The thought of losing it bothered me alot...and as it turned out, I was more bothered by the thought than the actual occurence. Yes, the first time my hair fell out in big patches, I was upset. By then, in anticipation of what was going to happen I had it cut very short, so when the losses began, it was easier to deal with. Also, once the bald patches began, I went to the hairdresser and had her shave my head. Was upset for a couple of hours, then said, "Who cares?" In the scheme of things, like dealing with cancer, the hair issue became unimportant. Never got a wig, wore hats sometimes and, when it was hot, went bareheaded.

    Now have hair...and it's curly, not straight like I'm used to! I would change that if I could, but again, "Who cares?" I'm just happy to be well again.

    Maggie Ruth

    hair or lack thereof
    My hair too is very thick. I am just starting to lose some strands as of today. As you say, the anticipation has been awful. Glad to hear when it actually falls out in earnest it's not so bad. This insomnia is making me crazy though.