


  • My grandson, now 20 years
    My grandson, now 20 years old, has had two colostomies - the first when he was just 2 days old (for a year) and the second when he was 8 or 9 (for almost 4 years). Both have been reversed, but neither slowed him down one bit. He raced bicycles, joined the gymnastics team, swam....all the things a normal kid does.

    Nick (my grandson) has a rare bith defect called Hirschsprung's Disease, as well as Crohn's Disease. He knows there could be another bag in his future and he's very philosophical about it - if he does, he does.

    Personally, I think agressive cancer calls for agressive treatment, but this is an incredibly personal decision that only you can make.


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  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Hello Natalie,
    I would like

    Hello Natalie,

    I would like to add; is there any way you could look for a second opinion?

    Are truly comfortable with the answer your oncologist is giving you?

    If not follow these little nudges and perhaps speak with individuals who have had the same prognosis and see what they have to say as well. It may help you come to a decision in the long run.

    Hope and pray for you,

  • hockeygolf7
    hockeygolf7 Member Posts: 52
    Hi, just wanted to see how
    Hi, just wanted to see how things were going for you. Haven't seen any posts in a while. I was also dx with OVAC 3C. I am a 13 month survivor. Dx May 1, 2009. No chemo since Oct. 2009 and all check ups so far are good. Prayers to you, hope that things are going well.
  • Chemo_Princess
    Chemo_Princess Member Posts: 105

    Hi, just wanted to see how
    Hi, just wanted to see how things were going for you. Haven't seen any posts in a while. I was also dx with OVAC 3C. I am a 13 month survivor. Dx May 1, 2009. No chemo since Oct. 2009 and all check ups so far are good. Prayers to you, hope that things are going well.

    I met with a colorectal
    I met with a colorectal surgeon and she said she can remove the tumor, do a temporary ileostomy and then put me back together!! Praise the Lord :)
    I was so scared of having a permanent bag. I have switched from Avastin to a Doxil/Carbo combo in preperation for surgery. It will be in mid to late August.
    Blessings to all of you!
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member

    I met with a colorectal
    I met with a colorectal surgeon and she said she can remove the tumor, do a temporary ileostomy and then put me back together!! Praise the Lord :)
    I was so scared of having a permanent bag. I have switched from Avastin to a Doxil/Carbo combo in preperation for surgery. It will be in mid to late August.
    Blessings to all of you!

    Hi Natalie
    I am so pleased to hear that you can have a temporary ileostomy. This is really encouraging news.

    Tina xxx