Today was not a good day...

minky1225 Member Posts: 70
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi to all. Today was a day for the birds...

I went to visit Mom at the hospital. When I got there, I saw all of the nurses scurrying around the nurse's station and they kept saying my Mom's room number-I knew something was wrong... I went into her room and she was hooked up to pure oxygen and pale as a ghost. She said that she has a terrible pain in her lung area and couldn't breath well. The nurse pulled me aside and said that her oxygen level was dropping fast and her heart rate was extremely high. They were possibly going to put her back into ICU and put a ventilator in. I knew this was not going to be a good conversation. The nurse told me that it would be a good time to sit and have a talk with Mom about what her wishes are. Would she want to be put on a ventilator? The nurse also said that we should get her to sign a living will with her wishes. She informed me that Mom's prognosis is poor and we have to start talking about the inevitable...

They did stabilize her breathing-thank GOD, They did take her off the oncology floor for now and put her on the heart floor due to her high heart rate. They have her on a special medicine that brings that down and can only administer it to her from the heart floor. They need to figure out why she is having severe pains in her lung area. They are going to do tests tonight to see if it might be due to tumors, blood clots, or if the pleural effusion is back.

Mom popped back to her normal self again for a few hours until the pain took over. The o2 levels did drop again but came back up.

This really can be like living in a nightmare. I pray that tomorrow will be a better day and for a miracle.

I will not give up hope, Mom told me so. We always do what our Mothers tell us to.


  • catcan
    catcan Member Posts: 119
    I'm so sorry your mom had a bad day today. I know it is hard to watch a parent or anyone go through this. You stay strong and never give up hope. There is only one person who decides our outcomes. I will be praying for your mom.
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    I am so sorry to hear about
    I am so sorry to hear about your mom.

    I know it is hard to see her going through this, but stay strong in your moms weakest time,because she needs you right now.

    We are all praying for you.

    Please keep in touch.


  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    Terrible day and..
    I think the nurses may be right in that you might want to have a conversation with your Mom about her wishes..I know that my mother put that all down in writing last July when diagnosed, we haven't had to use it and you may not have to either, know what it is an important conversation. I will pray for you and your Mom..for peace...take care. we are thinking about you..
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    health care proxy
    Mink, I hope your Mom has stabilized and that she's feeling better.

    A few weeks ago we started looking for my mother's health care proxy, or living will, and it finally turned up yesterday. I am so relieved that we now know her wishes!Far from morbid, it's an empowering tool for people who may feel like they have little power at all. In addition to appointing people to speak for you if you cannot, it addresses specific issues like ventilators and supplemental nutrition.

    Wishing you and your family the best of luck in this heartbreaking situation.
  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    Extra prayers coming

    Extra prayers coming your way. Stay strong...your are so wonderful to be there for your Mom.