Tomorrow is the BIG DAY :(

pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ok I gotta tell you, I'm really freaking out here...tomorrow I will no longer have my nice symmetrical 38 C breasts....YIKES!!! I really thought I was prepared for this and I am now realizing that every time I even think of it my chest tightens up and the tears start to the heck do you get past this????? God please help me out here, I know this is one step closer to being cancer free but I don't know if I can pull this off (both ovaries, bilateral, immediate reconstruction, 7+ hours in surgery)!! Anyhow, I know most, if not all of you, who have undergone a bilateral mastectomy had to have these feelings...tell me it's going to be ok, that's all I need to hear and I need to hear it from my sisters in pink.
Shaking in my shoes,


  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    We can do whatever we have
    We can do whatever we have to in our lives. It is scary and I completely understand your thoughts. You are not alone. We will be the pink angels in the operating room trying to get in between the docs to hold your hand. This is just one more step in the journey. Try to think positive thoughts today and think ahead to recovery and being free of this disease. I still have the expanders in and am getting more comfortable emotionally with the fact that the implants will be my new normal. Get all the rest you need and take care of yourself. Marilyn
  • Marlene_K
    Marlene_K Member Posts: 508
    The feeling when you wake up and realize that you no longer have cancer is just overwhelming and I hope those feelings overwhelm the negative ones! I was not a candidate for immediate reconstruction. I only had a radical mastectomy of one breast, but I continue to have to look down or at my reflection and see only one boob. On the brighter side of things, at least you will have something there! None of this is easy, Kari. All the things that breast cancer takes away from us is sometimes unbearable, but we are strong. We will kick it's butt and one day look back on all of this like it was a horrible nightmare! They are only body parts and can be grateful that it's not a limb. It's not easy to do, but try to stay focused on the positive. And there's nothing wrong with crying because it helps to relieve the stress.

    Best wishes for a successful surgery and hopes that you can feel relieved instead of scared and sad!

    Hugs ~ Mar
  • terri805
    terri805 Member Posts: 122
    You will be fine. Of course you are scared but you just have to keep telling yourself that you are strong and after tomorrow you will be on the road to recovery. I know when I was facing surgery, the days leading up to it was torture. My every waking moment was consumed with the thoughts of it but I just kept telling myself how brave and strong all the people on this site are and that if they could do it then by darn I could to. We will all be there with you in mind spirit and prayer. May peace be with you.Hugs....Terri
  • BunnyJane
    BunnyJane Member Posts: 213
    terri805 said:

    You will be fine. Of course you are scared but you just have to keep telling yourself that you are strong and after tomorrow you will be on the road to recovery. I know when I was facing surgery, the days leading up to it was torture. My every waking moment was consumed with the thoughts of it but I just kept telling myself how brave and strong all the people on this site are and that if they could do it then by darn I could to. We will all be there with you in mind spirit and prayer. May peace be with you.Hugs....Terri

    It is overwhelming to think about the sudden change to your body, but you will be fine.
    I had a bilateral in December and was pretty stressed out before the surgery. I actually think that the surgery and recovery was easier than 4 rounds of chemo.-- I did not have reconstruction. Best of luck-- before you know it, you will be as good as new! Jane
  • canoegirl
    canoegirl Member Posts: 169
    Good Luck!
    Good luck tomorrow. I pray the surgery goes well and you wake up relieved that it's over.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Waiting is the hard part. It
    Waiting is the hard part. It will be ok. I'm not wearing pink tho. :>) Just a little humor. Hugs.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Kari, yes, tomorrow you no
    Kari, yes, tomorrow you no longer have your beautiful breasts, but even better than no longer have the beast inside your body. I didn't have a mastectomy and can't even begin to understand the fear but I did have a lumpectomy and ridding my body of the cancer was monumental!! We'll be there with you and I hope that all goes well and you wake up with relief that this is over. Best of luck with your surgery and the recovery. Keep us posted, when you can.
  • sandycr
    sandycr Member Posts: 16
    You Can Do It!
    I had a Bilateral Mastectomy in October. I had Tissue Expanders when I woke up from surgery. I totally understand how you are feeling. Keep in mind-you are doing this so you can live!! I read a book Prepare for Surgery/Heal Faster by Peggy Huddleston, it helped me a great deal in preparing for surgery. It said to Thank your breast for everything they have done for you (sounds strange, I know) then say goodbye to them. I thought this was strange, but one night while in the shower, it just happend, i did those things. I felt better prepared for what was about to happen. Remember to stay calm, if you feel yourself getting anxious, take a few deep breaths and relax. You'll be OK, you WILL get through this. You will have your Sisters-in-Pink praying for you.

    Keep in mind the end result-Living Life!

    B I G Hug
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    I will be thinking of you
    I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck & let us know how everything is going...

    Hugs & prayers sent your way...
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    A very big day, indeed...
    My heart goes out to you, Kari. Although my own surgery was "only" lumpectomy - nothing frightened me more except the original diagnosis itself (my first surgery, ever). During the days leading up to surgery, there were times when I simply wanted to run away...

    The morning of, I woke up strangely calm. Still scared, for sure. But, totally resolved and ready to get it over with. Today, I'll be hoping you somehow find that calm center. And tomorrow, I'll be hoping all goes very well.

    In addition to your family and friends - we here, your pink sister warrior army, will be with you in spirit every step of the way.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • SunnieC
    SunnieC Member Posts: 37

    A very big day, indeed...
    My heart goes out to you, Kari. Although my own surgery was "only" lumpectomy - nothing frightened me more except the original diagnosis itself (my first surgery, ever). During the days leading up to surgery, there were times when I simply wanted to run away...

    The morning of, I woke up strangely calm. Still scared, for sure. But, totally resolved and ready to get it over with. Today, I'll be hoping you somehow find that calm center. And tomorrow, I'll be hoping all goes very well.

    In addition to your family and friends - we here, your pink sister warrior army, will be with you in spirit every step of the way.

    Kind regards, Susan

    I wish you
    the easiest and calmest of days - I hope that you know we are all here for you and will be sending good thoughts your way -

    For a little humor - try drawing some directions, jokes or pictures on yourself for the operating staff to be in the best of humor - it couldn't hurt!!!

    lots of hugs

    Health and Happieness

  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    SunnieC said:

    I wish you
    the easiest and calmest of days - I hope that you know we are all here for you and will be sending good thoughts your way -

    For a little humor - try drawing some directions, jokes or pictures on yourself for the operating staff to be in the best of humor - it couldn't hurt!!!

    lots of hugs

    Health and Happieness


    ♥ Kari ♥

    I am sending you lots of prayers, hugs and positive good thoughts for today! I can't understand what you are going thru, but, I imagine it must be very difficult. Draw strength from all of us here at CSN! We will be with you in spirit, holding your hand. God bless you!

    Love, Jeanne ♥</♥</font>
  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    Prayers for you

    You will be in my prayers that all goes well and your recovery is smooth. You are so brave and so close to being cancer free!

    God bless!

    Patti (with the same last name as you!!)
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Since I had a lumpectomy, I can't say that I know what you're going through, but I can only imagine how tough it must be to lose an important part of you. I did consider a mastectomy but was too afraid to contemplate losing my breast, so I opted for the lumpectomy and radiation.

    I do know that so many beautiful sisters on this board have faced what you are facing and have come through beautifully. Just try to look at the positive aspects - the most positive being that your cancer will be gone!!! On the cosmetic side, since you are getting reconstruction, you could look at it as a positive outcome there as well.

    I don't mean to make light of your feelings, but I hope that you can find a way to get past the fear and feel better about doing what is necessary to beat this monster.

    As others have said, the OR will be VERY crowded with all of your pink sisters and brothers, so make sure to tell your surgeon to make room for us.

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Prayers for you........
    Kari............I have you in my prayers.........may God give you the strength and courage to endure all that is ahead of you........That was my prayer for myself, have the strength and courage to endure what ever it took to rid my body of this dreaded disease. Not much more I can say, encouragement helps but doesn't ease the fear of the unknown and what lies ahead....May God hold you gently, in the palm of his hand tomorrow......
    Peace be with you,
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    MAJW said:

    Prayers for you........
    Kari............I have you in my prayers.........may God give you the strength and courage to endure all that is ahead of you........That was my prayer for myself, have the strength and courage to endure what ever it took to rid my body of this dreaded disease. Not much more I can say, encouragement helps but doesn't ease the fear of the unknown and what lies ahead....May God hold you gently, in the palm of his hand tomorrow......
    Peace be with you,

    Praying for you Kari!
    Sending you my prayers Kari!

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    Just wanted to send good thoughts your way... I had mine removed in Dec also had reconstruction w/ expanders at the same time and it wasn't that bad.. I am totally comfortable with the small breasts I have now and just knowing that the cancer is gone and that I will begin to look somewhat normal in the coming months is good enough for me.... You will be okay I promise...keep us posted...

    Sending you a great big hug,
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Dot53 said:

    Just wanted to send good thoughts your way... I had mine removed in Dec also had reconstruction w/ expanders at the same time and it wasn't that bad.. I am totally comfortable with the small breasts I have now and just knowing that the cancer is gone and that I will begin to look somewhat normal in the coming months is good enough for me.... You will be okay I promise...keep us posted...

    Sending you a great big hug,

    Adding my good thoughts and
    Adding my good thoughts and prayers for you today Kari!

    Sue :)
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    pattimc said:

    Prayers for you

    You will be in my prayers that all goes well and your recovery is smooth. You are so brave and so close to being cancer free!

    God bless!

    Patti (with the same last name as you!!)

    Good luck to you today Kari!
    Good luck to you today Kari! We are all praying for you!

    Gentle Hugs!
  • AmandaMarie29
    AmandaMarie29 Member Posts: 55
    You WILL be ok. It is a
    You WILL be ok. It is a tough thing to face, but you will come out on top. The surgeons now are amazing and the work they do is great. I am very happy with how my breast look, and I am still going through the expansion process. I will be thinking of you and praying for you...Let us know how you are doing when you can. Lots of Love ~ Mandi