Packing for Hospital

leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Ok. So this may be silly, but my surgery date (hyster/debulking) is Wednesday. Called the docs office, and if I can get there, they will be there. (Thinking of hiring a dog sled as we live in Baltimore). At any rate, are there any things that I should pack that I wouldn't normally think of?

Already have the following:
Prayers (lots of them from all over)
Loose Night Shirts (longish so no pants needed)
Granny Panties
Pink Fluffy Robe
Novel or two

If anyone has any ideas on how I might be able to "dry wash" my oily hair, I'd appreciate it! (Or will I not even be thinking about that one?)

I know, a somewhat silly question, but one that's been bugging me!


  • kathryn1
    kathryn1 Member Posts: 88 Member
    A nurse came and dry washed my hair. I don't know what she used, but it was wonderful! You really won't care about your hair for several days tho.

    I really needed a pen and note pad. The pain meds really did a number on my memory. I couldn't remember who I had called or what day it was for that matter. I had to ask several times who had sent me which flowers ect..

    I pray everything goes well!
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Don't forget your own personal toiletries (maybe your favorite body lotion, body wash, etc.), as you will eventually be able to take a shower. And some hard candy to suck on (if they let you). Maybe just a few dollars (not much), because sometimes someone will bring around the gift shop cart and you may see something you'd like to read, etc.

    I've seen the dry-wash hair products but sure can't remember what it's called. You might try looking it up on the internet. Also, if you have a favorite blanket, wrap or afghan - I always found the hospital to be very cold and those thin blankets they have just don't cut it for me.

    That's all I can think of right now. Otherwise, you seem to have it covered.

    Sending lots of Luv and Hugs as you head for surgery, and prayers for an easy recovery. Please let us know how you are doing when you return home.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    mopar said:

    Don't forget your own personal toiletries (maybe your favorite body lotion, body wash, etc.), as you will eventually be able to take a shower. And some hard candy to suck on (if they let you). Maybe just a few dollars (not much), because sometimes someone will bring around the gift shop cart and you may see something you'd like to read, etc.

    I've seen the dry-wash hair products but sure can't remember what it's called. You might try looking it up on the internet. Also, if you have a favorite blanket, wrap or afghan - I always found the hospital to be very cold and those thin blankets they have just don't cut it for me.

    That's all I can think of right now. Otherwise, you seem to have it covered.

    Sending lots of Luv and Hugs as you head for surgery, and prayers for an easy recovery. Please let us know how you are doing when you return home.


    Definitely a pad and pen.
    Definitely a pad and pen. Books to read. Your laptop, if you have one.

    I was in the hospital a lifetime (or so it seemed - 16 days), so when I left, I had a ton of stuff to take back home.

    I recommend the little packs of toothbrushes with mouthwash and toothpaste in them. You don't need water and they really make your mouth feel much nicer. They are called Wisps, I think.

    Nightshirts might be a problem. They have to thread the IV lines, NG tube, etc up/down the sleeves and neckline. If they install your port at the same time, it will be hard to access in a nightshirt,unless it has a very low-cut neck. Hospital gowns with sleep pants may work best for the first few days. Also, they are going to want you to walk in the hallway, and robes can be a bother, with the IV lines, etc. Another good argument for sleep pants, unless you plan on taking granny gowns (to the floor).

    I took my own pillows (two of them). Hospitals are notorious for poor quality pillows and a shortage, even of those.

    I also took my own supply of Equal. All the hospital had to offer was generic stuff. Blech. If you use lots of sugar in coffee, oatmeal, etc, take some of that, too, because they are very stingy with it and it's a pain to get someone to bring you more.

    I washed my hair in the shower, since they had me in there within a day or two - IV pole and all. They wrapped cling wrap around me from hips to underarms, to keep the incision and port site dry. My hospital was big on getting in a daily shower, no matter what. And truth to tell, it was the highlight of my day. I felt so much better afterward.

    If possible, I would discourage family and friends from sending flowers. I ran out of places to put them and by the time I left, there were literally vases sitting on the floor, all down one wall of my room. They had to move a couple of them in order to get the bed out when I had to go for a "ride".

    Fuzzy socks are ten times better than slippers. I changed mine every day and just never took them off, until time to put on clean jammies.

    I hope it goes well for you. Please post as soon as you can.

  • Mawty
    Mawty Member Posts: 133
    Hi there,

    Just make sure you have your thumb ready to hit the pain button. Nothing else needed. Honestly, I didn't take anything but the clothes on my back and they were very loose so I could wear them home. I wore the ugly hospital gowns so they could get to me easy. I can't think of a thing I needed except for the phone not to ring when my husband wasn't there because I felt so tired and yucky. Not trying to bring you down. Just being real. But you're so young, you'll probably do much better than I did!

    For shower, I got up and took showers just because I wanted to move off the bed. It was hard, but I really wanted to do that. So I just washed my hair.

    I'm praying for you to have an easier time of it. Truly.


  • Mawty said:

    Hi there,

    Just make sure you have your thumb ready to hit the pain button. Nothing else needed. Honestly, I didn't take anything but the clothes on my back and they were very loose so I could wear them home. I wore the ugly hospital gowns so they could get to me easy. I can't think of a thing I needed except for the phone not to ring when my husband wasn't there because I felt so tired and yucky. Not trying to bring you down. Just being real. But you're so young, you'll probably do much better than I did!

    For shower, I got up and took showers just because I wanted to move off the bed. It was hard, but I really wanted to do that. So I just washed my hair.

    I'm praying for you to have an easier time of it. Truly.



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  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good luck
    I am just wishing you all the best for Wednesday. I never had surgery (Just 4 chest drains which aren't as invasive as surgery) I hope all goes well and you can tells us all about it. Why not do in a diary format??

  • minky1225
    minky1225 Member Posts: 70

    Good luck
    I am just wishing you all the best for Wednesday. I never had surgery (Just 4 chest drains which aren't as invasive as surgery) I hope all goes well and you can tells us all about it. Why not do in a diary format??


    Lipbalm!!!! Mom really needed lipbalm. Get one that you can squeeze out of a tube and put on your lips. Mom said that the chapstick one hurt because it felt like it was pulling her lips. Also, it doesn't hurt to bring your favorite drinks. Mom has been craving ginger ale since being diagnosed with OVC.We bring it to her all the time.It's odd because she never liked it before...

    Best of luck to you. You're gonna be just fine! I will pray for you.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    minky1225 said:

    Lipbalm!!!! Mom really needed lipbalm. Get one that you can squeeze out of a tube and put on your lips. Mom said that the chapstick one hurt because it felt like it was pulling her lips. Also, it doesn't hurt to bring your favorite drinks. Mom has been craving ginger ale since being diagnosed with OVC.We bring it to her all the time.It's odd because she never liked it before...

    Best of luck to you. You're gonna be just fine! I will pray for you.

    Just a hug.
    I remember my post-surgery recovery as the hardest part of my cancer journey, but only about the first week or so and each day it gets a little better. You'll be amazed how much better you feel as soon as your digestive system is working again. They delivered FOOD to me almost immediately after my surgery and thereafter, but in retrospect I wish I wouldn't have eaten solid food so soon. With no bowel function for many days, that undigested food in me added greatly to my discomfort, so I encourage you to go easy if they allow you to eat. You'll want to get up and walking almost the day after surgery to help awaken your digestive system from the anesthesia. Remember that the pain meds and anti-nausea slow the awakening of your digestion, so go easy. I drank glass after glass of warm water that first week; for some reason that was the only thing that felt good. Please try and stay hydrated to give the stool softeners something to work with and be as 'mobile' as you can as soon as you can. Once you recover from your surgery you will KNOW that you can do anything, and in reality, you've made it through the hardest part and chemo is easy after that! (((((HUGS))))). YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Things to Pack

    It sounds like the ladies have covered everything.

    One thing more, just in case; you may feel really groggy/foggy on the meds and all, so I would definitely take-along a portable dvd player and favorite movies you may enjoy, there are going many times where you may not even feel like lifting up a pencil let alone write anything.

    My prayers are with you.
  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    Things to Pack

    It sounds like the ladies have covered everything.

    One thing more, just in case; you may feel really groggy/foggy on the meds and all, so I would definitely take-along a portable dvd player and favorite movies you may enjoy, there are going many times where you may not even feel like lifting up a pencil let alone write anything.

    My prayers are with you.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Things to take
    I traveled from Japan, and so I took my favorite instant soups that I have here, with me. I didn't care for the liquid diet menu. I agree with LInda, don't rush the solid foods. I had a very bad experience where I started too soon, and the following day they started my chemo and I got impacted. It was awefull. I will spare you the details, but listen to your body and take it slow.
    I took slippers too, can't remember if that was mentioned.

    The other ladies have given you great suggestions, now just take some deep breaths! Post your update when you get a chance.

    Sending many prayers and hugs,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hugs ♥ Prayers
    You sound like you got it covered, except for the pen and paper and if you don't have it the nurses well get it for you. Same with the rest of the things..they well take good care of you. :-)
  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    Curious: what hospital? I
    Curious: what hospital? I was at GBMC. One thing I wish I had: a portable DVD player. I don't have time to watch TV, I would have purchased a season 1 episode of Greys Anatomy and watched. Or any TV shows they sell at Best Buy. That passed the time away very quickly when I was home after surgery. I watch 5 seasons in two commercials.

    One thing no one told me that I will give you heads up: after surgery when your bowels start to "work" again....the gas pains can be very scared me! You will get thru it!

    Slippers, sleep pants.

    Don't be afraid to ask the nurses for meds or help. Esp. over the weekend - I found the weekend shift nurses were sometimes very busy. The squeaky wheel gets the oil!

    I cried all the way to the operating room!

    Good Luck to you and I am praying for you!
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    MK_4Dani said:

    Curious: what hospital? I
    Curious: what hospital? I was at GBMC. One thing I wish I had: a portable DVD player. I don't have time to watch TV, I would have purchased a season 1 episode of Greys Anatomy and watched. Or any TV shows they sell at Best Buy. That passed the time away very quickly when I was home after surgery. I watch 5 seasons in two commercials.

    One thing no one told me that I will give you heads up: after surgery when your bowels start to "work" again....the gas pains can be very scared me! You will get thru it!

    Slippers, sleep pants.

    Don't be afraid to ask the nurses for meds or help. Esp. over the weekend - I found the weekend shift nurses were sometimes very busy. The squeaky wheel gets the oil!

    I cried all the way to the operating room!

    Good Luck to you and I am praying for you!

    Have I mentioned lately....
    How much I love you ladies and how grateful I am to have found this board? I have taken all of your suggestions and have my bags packed. MK, we are going to St. Agnes since Dr. Im has privileges there and it's close to my house (also has a good reputation for gyn oncology).

    The only decision left to make is: Do we leave at 2 a.m and spend the night in the waiting room or risk getting snowed in? I've put in calls to friends with four wheel drive, but my husband is the independent type who doesn't like asking (or accepting) help. Me..I'm all about asking for help!

    I'm hoping they knock me out well before the operating room, MK, because I'm going to be some kind of stressed out all night long! The nurse wanted me to be sure to "get a good night's sleep." huh. ok. I'll work on that one. ;)

    Hugs to all and Thank you so very much!

  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    leesag said:

    Have I mentioned lately....
    How much I love you ladies and how grateful I am to have found this board? I have taken all of your suggestions and have my bags packed. MK, we are going to St. Agnes since Dr. Im has privileges there and it's close to my house (also has a good reputation for gyn oncology).

    The only decision left to make is: Do we leave at 2 a.m and spend the night in the waiting room or risk getting snowed in? I've put in calls to friends with four wheel drive, but my husband is the independent type who doesn't like asking (or accepting) help. Me..I'm all about asking for help!

    I'm hoping they knock me out well before the operating room, MK, because I'm going to be some kind of stressed out all night long! The nurse wanted me to be sure to "get a good night's sleep." huh. ok. I'll work on that one. ;)

    Hugs to all and Thank you so very much!


    Cancer Patient TRUMPS Independent Husband!
    It would be one of your friends privledge to drive you with their 4-wheel drive. You know when your friends say, " if you need ANYTHING...! This is what they are talking about! You need this pre-planned so that you will not worry tonight. Praying your husband accept help. More importantly, praying for you.

  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    MK_4Dani said:

    Cancer Patient TRUMPS Independent Husband!
    It would be one of your friends privledge to drive you with their 4-wheel drive. You know when your friends say, " if you need ANYTHING...! This is what they are talking about! You need this pre-planned so that you will not worry tonight. Praying your husband accept help. More importantly, praying for you.


    Snow Update
    Got a call from the Dr. this evening to let me know he couldn't make it to St. Agnes as he was spending the night at another hospital. God Bless him, he arranged for a hotel room for hubby and me in the hotel across the street from the other hospital (very nice hotel, wish this was a second honeymoon). Don't know when the surgery will be, but at least have a warm cozy safe place to wait from.

    Of course, I forgot half of what I wanted to bring!

    Hugs to all!

  • upsofloating
    upsofloating Member Posts: 466 Member
    leesag said:

    Snow Update
    Got a call from the Dr. this evening to let me know he couldn't make it to St. Agnes as he was spending the night at another hospital. God Bless him, he arranged for a hotel room for hubby and me in the hotel across the street from the other hospital (very nice hotel, wish this was a second honeymoon). Don't know when the surgery will be, but at least have a warm cozy safe place to wait from.

    Of course, I forgot half of what I wanted to bring!

    Hugs to all!


    My thoughts are with you
    My thoughts are with you Leesa -- and don't worry about what you don't have with you. The first few days they have everything you need! I ended up a week in ICU so didn't need anything right away, but still the nurses took great care of me even after I was in a regular room. The handy notebook and pen was my most useful item!
    Take care and you WILL make it through. Looking forward to hearing from you :-)

  • msfanciful
    msfanciful Member Posts: 559
    MK_4Dani said:

    Curious: what hospital? I
    Curious: what hospital? I was at GBMC. One thing I wish I had: a portable DVD player. I don't have time to watch TV, I would have purchased a season 1 episode of Greys Anatomy and watched. Or any TV shows they sell at Best Buy. That passed the time away very quickly when I was home after surgery. I watch 5 seasons in two commercials.

    One thing no one told me that I will give you heads up: after surgery when your bowels start to "work" again....the gas pains can be very scared me! You will get thru it!

    Slippers, sleep pants.

    Don't be afraid to ask the nurses for meds or help. Esp. over the weekend - I found the weekend shift nurses were sometimes very busy. The squeaky wheel gets the oil!

    I cried all the way to the operating room!

    Good Luck to you and I am praying for you!

    Curious: what hospital?

    The hospital I stayed in (for almost 1month) was at St. Davids Hospital, Austin, Texas. So it was wonderful to have some of the comforts of home (my portable dvd player) since I had to stay there such a long time.

    It was important for me because I'm a horror movie buff (not the gory stuff). But I remember the nurses would always peep into my room laughing and saying how they thought it was funny to hear screaming emanating from my room and that couldn't be good for healing. LOL!

    They were absolutely wrong, because having my favorite movies took my mind off of the stark reality I found myself in at the time and until I could finally deal with it, which of course I am now doing.

    God Bless,

  • leesag said:

    Snow Update
    Got a call from the Dr. this evening to let me know he couldn't make it to St. Agnes as he was spending the night at another hospital. God Bless him, he arranged for a hotel room for hubby and me in the hotel across the street from the other hospital (very nice hotel, wish this was a second honeymoon). Don't know when the surgery will be, but at least have a warm cozy safe place to wait from.

    Of course, I forgot half of what I wanted to bring!

    Hugs to all!


    The Other Hospital
    Are you across the street from Mercy Hospital? Paula
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
    Leesa's Husband Here!
    Hello everyone - Leesa was just taken to the OR a few minutes ago, and she asked me to post a few words here.

    As Leesa has already mentioned, we switched hospitals at the last moment due to our little snow shower here in Baltimore. Baltimore is now closed, and no cars are allowed on the road. Thank God Dr. Im called and set us up with a room across from Mercy Hospital. (We were a little surprised when we discovered our "room" was a two bedroom suite.. and we were even more surprised when we found out that this was Dr. Im's room, and he gave it up for us). We all know a good doctor cares for his/her patients, but what he did for her was a whole new level of caring.

    We had to wait all day in pre-op, and Leesa's nerves were shot. I asked the nurse to get the anesthesiologist, and he hooked her up with some sedation. (Sadly, he would not give any to me, as my nerves are a little fried too).

    We expect at least an overnight stay in the ICU, and with luck, we'll be home by the weekend.

    Thank you all for your support, advice, friendship, caring, and kindness. It is all much needed, and very appreciated.

    God Bless You All.