How do I hang on?



  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Welcome to the best place
    in the world to be even if it's for the worst of reasons - BC. 24/7 is pretty normal, but with the support and love from the women on this site, I've come through this. I was first diagnosed in August, have had a bilateral mastectomy (my choice due to family history), have finished 3 of 4 rounds of chemo (due to Oncotype score) and will begin my 5 years of Armidex in Feb (I think).
    I've had highs and lows, read jokes and condolences, made weekend plans, made week goals, and all with these wonderful warriors. I was able to accept myself as not the super woman I had always thought I was to a normal BC survivor doing what she needed to and not alone in this battle.
    I hope that you find peace and some enjoyment through this holiday season. Sending you ((((internet hugs)))) and {{{{{{positive vibes}}}}}}.
    Come visit us often to read, vent, ask question (lots of smart women here), and post. Remember, we are spread through 5 time zones east to west (hawaiian islands) North to south (canada to some posts that came from Mexico I believe) and we never close. I have found that sometimes when I post late at night, there may not be a response immediately but I'll generally have something by morning.
    Merry Christmas - Lola

    Seeing that beautiful child
    Seeing that beautiful child you are holding should help you to hang on. We are all here for you whenever you need us. Come and vent, cry or just say a hi.

    Happy Holidays!

    Sue :)
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598

    Another question
    All they have told me so far is that I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) And a lot that tells me lol Nothing yet about what stage. I guess the trip to the doctor Jan 5 will tell me a lot. Thanks to all that replied! I know all of you have been in the same crappy boat I'm in and that helps a lot. Just knowing there are women out there at care really helps. Just one more question if you don't mind. How in the world do all these people think it helps when they see you cry and say,,"It's going to be ok,,you'll be fine?" What do you say without sounding like an idiot? I want to say "No it's not going to be alright! Good Lord I Have Cancer!"

    Thoughts suck
    I have stage 3c,aggressive(hate that word)ER and PR positive,IDC w 18/20 pos. nodes. Wow, that's a whole sentence on it's own. Diagnosised 6/09. It's always there,but not as much now. I seem to formulate plans on defeating it. More of a positive thought process. My life has changed forever. I have, had, or may get cancer. I'm not as obsessed as I was in the beginning. I tell people I "caught" cancer. Kind of throws them a little. Fun to watch reactions. I have a bit of a sick sense of thought. I got it, might as well make the best of it. Can't change it, only make it better for me and those I come in contact with. It scares people I meet,so I try to put them at ease. Just about everyone I've talked to, have had someone close to them that had cancer. Esp. sad for young people that their mom had/has breast cancer and felt unsure what to say to her. They enjoy talking w me. It helps them talk to their mom. You will cope. Takes time. You have a little girl in ur pic. Focus there first a,nd the other coping skills will come. Yes,I think about it alot, but I try to spin a positive out of it, and yes, a little sick humor. I'm beating it own my terms not the cancers terms. Good luck and stay positive, cry and be angry. Katz
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    jbug said:

    Sorry and Welcome
    Sorry you are here, but you'll find the best support group of women who have walked where you are gonna go, whether it is surgery, chemo, radiation and/or all three. Take your time absorbing and remember, information/knowledge is power.
    Best of luck and God Bless...


    This is a great support
    This is a great support group as you will find. My advice is like what so many say, just take it one day at a time. Good luck!
