I've been in the hospital!

lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Gals, I haven't been around too much because I was in the hospital. So consequently, I've missed my RADS treatments. I have 9 left to go. I was hoping to be finished this week, but now won't be untill the end of next week I hope I didn't loose my time slot. Remember me telling you about my GI problems, my hernia surgery. Well, I really got bad with dehydration from diarrhea, vomiting,nausea, I haven't even been on CHEMO. so, I could expirience some of what you chemo-chicks had without the chemo! It's horrible, isn't it! Well, they ran a lot of tests on me, actually, I've had the symptoms off and on for a year, with varrying degrees, Now I finally have an answer. I have Celiac Disease! So, on top of having the breast cancer this summer, I now have this lifelong condition! 2009 has really been my year from hell. So, I now have to be on a Gluten-free diet. What happens with Celiac disease is that it is an audioimmune disease/condition, it can be heriditary,I have been reading up on it a lot. So, I met with the nutritionist and she gave me a lot of info. Did you know left untreated it can cause certain types of cancers, lymphoma being one of them. With Celiac it messes up your small intestine, destroys the villi in your small bowel, so the diet will eventually help you return to normalcy. I have to be on steriods(prednisone) for about 6 weeks to knock down the inflamation. I also developed thrush on my tongue, so I have to use Nystatin mouth rince. Also Potassium was very low, so I have to take pills for that. I have lost a lot of weight. I'm just glad to have a diagnosis---FINALLY
Celiac is much more common than you would think, a lot of people have it and their Dr's could have written them off as IBS. My new GI Dr. said that IBS is the LAST RESORT dx when all else comes back normal.So, hopefully i will start feeling better sometime soon.
The Thrush and the RADS, i think messed with my tastebuds, but they are slowly returning.
OH, and my hubby noticed my right nipple is tan! It's really kinda weird. this break in the RADs, I hope has helped. my skin is so dry from the dehydration, the nurse gave me some really nice light smelling cream for the dry areas.
Well, take care all you sweet ladies.


  • sgamtd
    sgamtd Member Posts: 124
    Welcome back
    Dear lanie, know how you feel, finding out about breastcancer is hard enough, then on top of that having other, new or old health problems pop up sure does add up to a bad experience.
    I am glad you finally do know about the Celiac and can move forward and finish rads.
    I am sure it will be a challenge to live on a gluten free diet, hopefully the GI doc. has ideas and can help you along with a diet good for your Celiac. Best of luck to you.
    I also had to stop rads due to other health concerns, and was in the hospital for a while, and I think that saved my skin as far as not having bad radiation burns, although at the time I was unhappy about not being able to finish rads on time.
    I started rads in Sept and did not finish until middle of nov.
    Welcome back and best wishes to you
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    sgamtd said:

    Welcome back
    Dear lanie, know how you feel, finding out about breastcancer is hard enough, then on top of that having other, new or old health problems pop up sure does add up to a bad experience.
    I am glad you finally do know about the Celiac and can move forward and finish rads.
    I am sure it will be a challenge to live on a gluten free diet, hopefully the GI doc. has ideas and can help you along with a diet good for your Celiac. Best of luck to you.
    I also had to stop rads due to other health concerns, and was in the hospital for a while, and I think that saved my skin as far as not having bad radiation burns, although at the time I was unhappy about not being able to finish rads on time.
    I started rads in Sept and did not finish until middle of nov.
    Welcome back and best wishes to you

    I have been wondering about you!! So glad your back and on the road to feeling better!! AND now you know what's really going on!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

    Big Hugz!!!

  • elm3544
    elm3544 Member Posts: 748
    You sure have been through alot. I'm sorry that you have been feeling so awful and sure hope your meds and mouth rinse work quickly for you. I bet you are relieved and glad to be home! Take care of yourself!
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    elm3544 said:

    You sure have been through alot. I'm sorry that you have been feeling so awful and sure hope your meds and mouth rinse work quickly for you. I bet you are relieved and glad to be home! Take care of yourself!

    Lanie, I am so sorry to hear
    Lanie, I am so sorry to hear about all of your problems, but glad to hear the doctors have finally come up with a diagnosis. Sometimes that is the most stressful thing....not knowing what is wrong, but knowing there IS something wrong. I have a granddaughter who at age 21 was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue. It is a disease that can be controlled by diet, and believe me sometimes it is difficult to cook for her. However, she has settled into an eating lifestyle that has been good for her disease, and really doesn't have that hard of a time finding things she can eat. For instance, corn tortillas instead of flour, most any kind of meat, etc. There are lots of places you can get help with this diet on the internet, and we have spent many an hour getting her information so that she can function quite well. Good luck on your search, and I know you will be feeling much better soon. Get those rads over with, and the it is nowhere but up. Hugs.

  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Lanie, I am so sorry to hear
    Lanie, I am so sorry to hear about all of your problems, but glad to hear the doctors have finally come up with a diagnosis. Sometimes that is the most stressful thing....not knowing what is wrong, but knowing there IS something wrong. I have a granddaughter who at age 21 was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue. It is a disease that can be controlled by diet, and believe me sometimes it is difficult to cook for her. However, she has settled into an eating lifestyle that has been good for her disease, and really doesn't have that hard of a time finding things she can eat. For instance, corn tortillas instead of flour, most any kind of meat, etc. There are lots of places you can get help with this diet on the internet, and we have spent many an hour getting her information so that she can function quite well. Good luck on your search, and I know you will be feeling much better soon. Get those rads over with, and the it is nowhere but up. Hugs.


    Lanie, i had been so worried
    Lanie, i had been so worried about you. I kept checking chat for you. I also was diagnosed with IBS, so i think I may need to look into this. Thank you for the info. I hope you are all snuggly today since i heard it is snowing up your way. Take care of yourself, and i will talk to you later. Take care.
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    meena1 said:

    Lanie, i had been so worried
    Lanie, i had been so worried about you. I kept checking chat for you. I also was diagnosed with IBS, so i think I may need to look into this. Thank you for the info. I hope you are all snuggly today since i heard it is snowing up your way. Take care of yourself, and i will talk to you later. Take care.

    Oh Meena, Get them to test
    Oh Meena, Get them to test you for it. What is different with Celiac is you loose a lot of weight because you are unable to proces the gluten in the small intestine. I had a lot of tests! It was the small bowel series that gave the answer. The Dr.s took samples from my colon and my esophagus and sm bowel, also the blood tests. It seems too many people are written off as having IBS. Believe it or not, stress and surgery can sometimes trigger it to come to a head, what was my case. I could of had mild symptoms too vague until the dramatic weight loss. My first GI Dr. wanted to conclude I had IBS. IBS can't kill you, but untreated Celiac can, if left undiagnosed for too long. Elizabeth Hasselbeck from The View has it! I think she had a family member with breast cancer, and she has the Celiac so they are her "causes" she supports.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Lanie thank goodness you now
    Lanie thank goodness you now know what you have to deal with, as miserable as it may be. Being ill without a proper diagnosis is agonizing. I'm happy you know but sorry this has been added to your health conditions. Hang in there.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    natly15 said:

    Lanie thank goodness you now
    Lanie thank goodness you now know what you have to deal with, as miserable as it may be. Being ill without a proper diagnosis is agonizing. I'm happy you know but sorry this has been added to your health conditions. Hang in there.

    Welcome back. I wish you speedy recovery and feel better. The good news is that the problem has been identified and you under good care now. Stay positive and take everything except you health easy.
    Big Hug
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Calleen said:

    I have been wondering about you!! So glad your back and on the road to feeling better!! AND now you know what's really going on!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

    Big Hugz!!!


    Happy that you are on the
    Happy that you are on the road to recovery. I missed you on here!

  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537 Member
    Hi Lanie
    Wow, I am so sorry you are going thru celiac disease on top of breast cancer. Isnt it enough you have one thing to deal with and now you have another?? Sometimes it just doesnt stop does it?

    Hang in there

    Linda T
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    Welcome back. I wish you speedy recovery and feel better. The good news is that the problem has been identified and you under good care now. Stay positive and take everything except you health easy.
    Big Hug

    Hi Lanie
    Welcome back Lanie! Hoping that you recover very quickly! Take care!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    lanie940 said:

    Oh Meena, Get them to test
    Oh Meena, Get them to test you for it. What is different with Celiac is you loose a lot of weight because you are unable to proces the gluten in the small intestine. I had a lot of tests! It was the small bowel series that gave the answer. The Dr.s took samples from my colon and my esophagus and sm bowel, also the blood tests. It seems too many people are written off as having IBS. Believe it or not, stress and surgery can sometimes trigger it to come to a head, what was my case. I could of had mild symptoms too vague until the dramatic weight loss. My first GI Dr. wanted to conclude I had IBS. IBS can't kill you, but untreated Celiac can, if left undiagnosed for too long. Elizabeth Hasselbeck from The View has it! I think she had a family member with breast cancer, and she has the Celiac so they are her "causes" she supports.

    Welcome back Lanie! I am so
    Welcome back Lanie! I am so sorry that you have been in the hospital. Hoping you get stronger and feel better with each day.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Calleen said:

    I have been wondering about you!! So glad your back and on the road to feeling better!! AND now you know what's really going on!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

    Big Hugz!!!


    Hi Lanie ☻
    Glad that you posted Lanie to let everyone know what happened to you, though sorry for the reason you have been absent. Sending you lots of prayers! Kristin ♥
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    mlmjt1 said:

    Hi Lanie
    Wow, I am so sorry you are going thru celiac disease on top of breast cancer. Isnt it enough you have one thing to deal with and now you have another?? Sometimes it just doesnt stop does it?

    Hang in there

    Linda T

    So sorry Lanie that you are
    So sorry Lanie that you are having to deal with this besides bc. We are all here to help you!

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member

    So sorry Lanie that you are
    So sorry Lanie that you are having to deal with this besides bc. We are all here to help you!


    Thank you all for your
    Thank you all for your support! I appreciate it. I started back on my RADS today. I am so anxious to get them over with! So weather being a variable, I should be done next week. I have lost so much weight from the Celiac with the diarrhea I stopped at my fave dept store and got some new tops for the Holidays. All my others just ahng on me!
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    lanie940 said:

    Thank you all for your
    Thank you all for your support! I appreciate it. I started back on my RADS today. I am so anxious to get them over with! So weather being a variable, I should be done next week. I have lost so much weight from the Celiac with the diarrhea I stopped at my fave dept store and got some new tops for the Holidays. All my others just ahng on me!

    Well, I haven't been losing
    Well, I haven't been losing weight so i doubt that it is celiac disease, but it has me wondering. Hope the rest of your rads goes well. have you been in chat lately?
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867

    Lanie, I am so sorry to hear
    Lanie, I am so sorry to hear about all of your problems, but glad to hear the doctors have finally come up with a diagnosis. Sometimes that is the most stressful thing....not knowing what is wrong, but knowing there IS something wrong. I have a granddaughter who at age 21 was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue. It is a disease that can be controlled by diet, and believe me sometimes it is difficult to cook for her. However, she has settled into an eating lifestyle that has been good for her disease, and really doesn't have that hard of a time finding things she can eat. For instance, corn tortillas instead of flour, most any kind of meat, etc. There are lots of places you can get help with this diet on the internet, and we have spent many an hour getting her information so that she can function quite well. Good luck on your search, and I know you will be feeling much better soon. Get those rads over with, and the it is nowhere but up. Hugs.


    Lanie ♥
    I am so very sorry to read about all that has happened to you. Praying that you feel better soon Lanie. Finish up with rads and then you are in the race for the finish!

    Love, Jeanne ♥
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    lanie940 said:

    Thank you all for your
    Thank you all for your support! I appreciate it. I started back on my RADS today. I am so anxious to get them over with! So weather being a variable, I should be done next week. I have lost so much weight from the Celiac with the diarrhea I stopped at my fave dept store and got some new tops for the Holidays. All my others just ahng on me!

    Hey Lanie, welcome back!
    Hey Lanie, welcome back! Hope your rads go easy for you! Next week you are done? Yahoo!

    You will look beautiful for the holidays, new tops or not!

    KYLEZ ♥
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Kylez said:

    Hey Lanie, welcome back!
    Hey Lanie, welcome back! Hope your rads go easy for you! Next week you are done? Yahoo!

    You will look beautiful for the holidays, new tops or not!

    KYLEZ ♥

    YEAH, Yes, I start my
    YEAH, Yes, I start my "boosts" today!.Only 5 more RADS and I'm done! now to get over the sore butt from the hemmorids from pooping so much with this Celiac! ARRGH! the prednisone makes all my food tast the same, basically kinda like metal!
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    Kylez said:

    Hey Lanie, welcome back!
    Hey Lanie, welcome back! Hope your rads go easy for you! Next week you are done? Yahoo!

    You will look beautiful for the holidays, new tops or not!

    KYLEZ ♥

    Thanks, At least I have some
    Thanks, At least I have some color in my cheeks, I had been looking really pale! I'm feeling a bit better and getting back some strenght.