difficulty swallowing after radiation for throat cancer
Vitashake, etc.Scambuster said:I found one
HI Bugalatta,
I was intolerant to the Ensures and hospital muck. I found and used Vitashake - made and sold by Sunrider. It is made from 100% Plant Based natural ingredients. It is sold through distributors or from their outlets. It is a MLM Co. but don't let that get in your way. The product is very good. I joined and get a 20 or 25% discount. Do a Google search to get their Toll free No.s and nearest location. There are some other similar products. Look for 'Dairy Free'.
Vitashake comes in sachets as powder. 10 Sachets per box.
I mixed mine with Rice Milk and you can also use Soy or Almond milk or rotate among those. I used 200ml per serve so you get about 400 cals each Shake and 200ml is a good size for the tube. I put mine in via the PEG from week 3 of treatment till about 2 mths post treatment and still take one a day now but the normal way with my cereal and fruit in the morning. During treatment I only managed 3-4 a day but it kept me alive.
It may be a a little expensive but I have no comparison and also think my health was worth it regardless. I had mucus issues but nothing compared to many people here and I give credit to this product.
PM me if you need more info.
Aloha, Scambuster and thanks for the info. I did google Vitashake and Sunrider and yes, was put off by MLM but will go back and look again. Also googled g-tube real food recipes and some really great ones came up for every day which I'm going to try. You're right, your health is worth the very best!
Bugalatta0 -
i need your helpamy_evan2005 said:update
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to let everyone know how evan is doing. We found him another doctor that was able to {with the help of a Thorasic surgeon} get his esophagus open. He still isn't able to swallow, but he's getting there. They removed his trach this past Tuesday. They thought it might be inhibiting his ability to swallow. It does seem to have helped some.
I have to go for now,but I am back online so I will be posting again soon.
Amy & Evan
I have a l/s dead larnyx and they removed a tumor with radiation and chemo, pure hell, sorry, but my life is turmoiled, they went in about 3 weeks ago remove dead radiation tissue, and i woke up with a trach, I'm sorry, for all the postive messages from the doctors of how it was needed and you will be able to breath easier is be on me!!!!, I feel like I'm suffocating, I cough and phlem more than ever, and worrying about blood etc. THIS IS NOT CUTTING IT!!!!Besides being a mental and physical eyesore, have to suction, there has to be alternatives. They said they would see in 2 weeks after my radiation had gotten any better, in replacing good tissue with the bad, I think they got carried away with the radiation and fried me. I'm going tomorrow to see about another trach, please amy and evan, i want to see what they say, I can't do this, sorry, thanks, i keep everyone here in my prayers, and want to hear answers of a positive cure, not, we'll see, could be, we'll have to wait....as you can see i ready to knock walls out..take care. Dennis0 -
Need Some Help with Swallowing
I am now over three years post treatment (35 Rads, 7 Chemo) treatments for pharyngeal(spelling)cancer. I am being treated for my swallowing at a large medical center in North Carolina. To date a have had four dilations with a fifth scheduled in June. Still major problems with swallowing. I have had barium swallow tests, modified barium test, checked by two speech therapist, vital stem therapy, you name it I have had it. I had radical neck dissection with 14 lymph nodes removed and have a problem with lymphedema and my neck is hard as a rock and I have the turkey neck sag. My doctor looks at me and basically just shakes her head as boy you are about the worst I've seen, if not the worst close to it. Could there be some other help out there for me? This has been a difficult last three years. I initially lost fifty pounds and have slowly gained about thirty five of them back. Eating is no longer a pleasure but a chore and a necessity to survive. My saliva glands were burned up as well as my thyroid gland. I am to the point where I would go just about anywhere to see if I can get any more help with my problems. I am hard headed and do not like to accept the answer I am getting is that this is all we can do for you. This is a great board and I have read some great advice on here. I would like to know some more about acupuncture and would it possibly help my saliva production. Also anywhere I might go to get another opinion on my swallowing. Thanks for any help I can get.0 -
Acupunture & Green Smoothiessportsman said:Need Some Help with Swallowing
I am now over three years post treatment (35 Rads, 7 Chemo) treatments for pharyngeal(spelling)cancer. I am being treated for my swallowing at a large medical center in North Carolina. To date a have had four dilations with a fifth scheduled in June. Still major problems with swallowing. I have had barium swallow tests, modified barium test, checked by two speech therapist, vital stem therapy, you name it I have had it. I had radical neck dissection with 14 lymph nodes removed and have a problem with lymphedema and my neck is hard as a rock and I have the turkey neck sag. My doctor looks at me and basically just shakes her head as boy you are about the worst I've seen, if not the worst close to it. Could there be some other help out there for me? This has been a difficult last three years. I initially lost fifty pounds and have slowly gained about thirty five of them back. Eating is no longer a pleasure but a chore and a necessity to survive. My saliva glands were burned up as well as my thyroid gland. I am to the point where I would go just about anywhere to see if I can get any more help with my problems. I am hard headed and do not like to accept the answer I am getting is that this is all we can do for you. This is a great board and I have read some great advice on here. I would like to know some more about acupuncture and would it possibly help my saliva production. Also anywhere I might go to get another opinion on my swallowing. Thanks for any help I can get.
HI Sport,
Sorry to hear of the long struggle. Sometime I wonder about the treatments we are subjected to but we can't reverse that now.
I had my Salivary glands fried as well and have been getting Acupuncture for a couple of months and am getting a little back. Not a lot mind you, but enough that I can wet my teeth and get some moisture when I keep my mouth closed. It seems to be slowly improving though I have a way to go. Most of the points they work on are in your ears. I would guess any Acupuncturist will find you have a lot of imbalance as a result of the treatment you have had. They may help to restore some balance.
On you other issues, I can't really offer much help but to give yourself a boost and a break, you may want to consider taking green smoothies. They are a great way to get a lot of vital nutrients into you with minimal effort. It takes a lot of the 'work' of eating away, and allows you to get bigger quantities of all the great vits into your system. You body will have a much better chance to heal and restore if you give it all the stuff it needs to get all organs working right. There are many sites on green smoothies, and here is one for example >>> http://www.squidoo.com/green-smoothies?utm_campaign=search-discovery&utm_medium=greet4&utm_source=google
PM me if you need any more help along these lines.
Scambsuter0 -
trache helpdennis318 said:i need your help
I have a l/s dead larnyx and they removed a tumor with radiation and chemo, pure hell, sorry, but my life is turmoiled, they went in about 3 weeks ago remove dead radiation tissue, and i woke up with a trach, I'm sorry, for all the postive messages from the doctors of how it was needed and you will be able to breath easier is be on me!!!!, I feel like I'm suffocating, I cough and phlem more than ever, and worrying about blood etc. THIS IS NOT CUTTING IT!!!!Besides being a mental and physical eyesore, have to suction, there has to be alternatives. They said they would see in 2 weeks after my radiation had gotten any better, in replacing good tissue with the bad, I think they got carried away with the radiation and fried me. I'm going tomorrow to see about another trach, please amy and evan, i want to see what they say, I can't do this, sorry, thanks, i keep everyone here in my prayers, and want to hear answers of a positive cure, not, we'll see, could be, we'll have to wait....as you can see i ready to knock walls out..take care. Dennis
Dennis sorry to hear about all the issues and troubles you have had. Maybe I can help a bit with the trache. I have had mine for a year now and in the beginning it was a nitemare because your body has to learn to breathe thru a hole in your neck. Coughing is good and you will do quite a bit of it for the first month or so then it will get better. Do you use a humidifier with it? I sleep with a hot and humid humidifier attache to my trache every night. It helps replace the moisture lost by not breathing thru your nose. Thats where we get the moisture for our lungs. It helps makes the mucus and pleghm loose and easier to cough up. It took me a few weeks to adjust to mine. I have an unexplained tumor on the base of my tongue growing into my tonsil area so I had to have mine placed because the tumor cuts off my airway. And I still suction but not as often. If you aren't being humidifed then call your dr. immediately and have him get you a machine. It is just like the ones they use in the hospital. It's a pain in the butt but definitly makes things easier. I understand the mental and emotional end of the trache. it is an eyesore. I am assuming they have you in a SHiley..it is a big plastic white one. If so ask your dr. for a Jackson one. The are metal, smaller, and all you have to do to speak is place your finger over the hole. And you will have much less infection with it. Best of luck and if you need anything just ask.
Debbie0 -
Thanks Debbielady4darknight said:trache help
Dennis sorry to hear about all the issues and troubles you have had. Maybe I can help a bit with the trache. I have had mine for a year now and in the beginning it was a nitemare because your body has to learn to breathe thru a hole in your neck. Coughing is good and you will do quite a bit of it for the first month or so then it will get better. Do you use a humidifier with it? I sleep with a hot and humid humidifier attache to my trache every night. It helps replace the moisture lost by not breathing thru your nose. Thats where we get the moisture for our lungs. It helps makes the mucus and pleghm loose and easier to cough up. It took me a few weeks to adjust to mine. I have an unexplained tumor on the base of my tongue growing into my tonsil area so I had to have mine placed because the tumor cuts off my airway. And I still suction but not as often. If you aren't being humidifed then call your dr. immediately and have him get you a machine. It is just like the ones they use in the hospital. It's a pain in the butt but definitly makes things easier. I understand the mental and emotional end of the trache. it is an eyesore. I am assuming they have you in a SHiley..it is a big plastic white one. If so ask your dr. for a Jackson one. The are metal, smaller, and all you have to do to speak is place your finger over the hole. And you will have much less infection with it. Best of luck and if you need anything just ask.
Hello Debbie, Thanks for the message back, i went to the dr yesterday and my airway seemed to open a slight bit, so we down sized the trach, yes, i'm stuck with it for 4 more weeks so we can try to cap it and i can breath with out it, i put the cap on and feels like a pillow, so i will try shorter starts, the problems stems from phlem, especially in the morning, i have to empty my throat out to eat, yes i can eat after my pain pills, the problem stems from radiation of my throat and killing the cells, over cooked, so it is taking longer for new growth, I am scheduled to see a new doctor that uses hydrogen treament, for 2 hours a day, we will see, they said this would speed up recovery and hopefully a better outcome. I
'm sorry, mentally the trache has thrown me for a loop, i keep it covered with a hankerchief. Debbie, question please, did your phlem stop over time, mine seemed to the end when they place this piece of plastic in my throat, now it's started back over again. Also I work in retail, I have gone to part time which is going to be a struggle for money, I am going to file for SSI dissability, and input. Please let me know, And thanks for your help. P.S your family looks wonderful! Dennis0 -
trachScambuster said:Acupunture & Green Smoothies
HI Sport,
Sorry to hear of the long struggle. Sometime I wonder about the treatments we are subjected to but we can't reverse that now.
I had my Salivary glands fried as well and have been getting Acupuncture for a couple of months and am getting a little back. Not a lot mind you, but enough that I can wet my teeth and get some moisture when I keep my mouth closed. It seems to be slowly improving though I have a way to go. Most of the points they work on are in your ears. I would guess any Acupuncturist will find you have a lot of imbalance as a result of the treatment you have had. They may help to restore some balance.
On you other issues, I can't really offer much help but to give yourself a boost and a break, you may want to consider taking green smoothies. They are a great way to get a lot of vital nutrients into you with minimal effort. It takes a lot of the 'work' of eating away, and allows you to get bigger quantities of all the great vits into your system. You body will have a much better chance to heal and restore if you give it all the stuff it needs to get all organs working right. There are many sites on green smoothies, and here is one for example >>> http://www.squidoo.com/green-smoothies?utm_campaign=search-discovery&utm_medium=greet4&utm_source=google
PM me if you need any more help along these lines.
hello everyone,
Evan did finally have his trach removed a few weeks ago because they thought it may help with swallowing to have it removed. But before they did that they got him a smaller trach because when he capped off the other one it was a little difficult to breathe because it was size 8. Once they swithched him out to a size 4 he was able to cap it off and breathe easier.
He is almost nine months out of treatment and still has alot of saliva (thick/foamy). He has been dilated four times since March. Last week they got him open and he was able to drink water,but it closed back up in about three days. So we'll find out this week when they're going to dilate again and where to go from here.
The trach was hard for Evan also. He couldn't sleep with the humidifier on him. He would use it during the day when he was sitting or resting. We also use a cool mist humidifier in the bedroom on his side of the bed.
I would like to tell you that once they got his esophagus open everything was fine,but unfortunately I can't. He still can't eat(feeding tube only) and when one problem is fixed two more are found. He did all the treatments to save his voice box only to possibly have to lose it to eat again. But he is still cancer free and that is awesome.
Thanks all,
Amy & Evan0 -
A&Eamy_evan2005 said:trach
hello everyone,
Evan did finally have his trach removed a few weeks ago because they thought it may help with swallowing to have it removed. But before they did that they got him a smaller trach because when he capped off the other one it was a little difficult to breathe because it was size 8. Once they swithched him out to a size 4 he was able to cap it off and breathe easier.
He is almost nine months out of treatment and still has alot of saliva (thick/foamy). He has been dilated four times since March. Last week they got him open and he was able to drink water,but it closed back up in about three days. So we'll find out this week when they're going to dilate again and where to go from here.
The trach was hard for Evan also. He couldn't sleep with the humidifier on him. He would use it during the day when he was sitting or resting. We also use a cool mist humidifier in the bedroom on his side of the bed.
I would like to tell you that once they got his esophagus open everything was fine,but unfortunately I can't. He still can't eat(feeding tube only) and when one problem is fixed two more are found. He did all the treatments to save his voice box only to possibly have to lose it to eat again. But he is still cancer free and that is awesome.
Thanks all,
Amy & Evan
Good to get the update. Sorry to hear of the degree in which the suffering continues, but am glad he is C-free. Hopes and Prayers are with you two.
kcass0 -
good newsKent Cass said:A&E
Good to get the update. Sorry to hear of the degree in which the suffering continues, but am glad he is C-free. Hopes and Prayers are with you two.
Just wanted to let everyone know that Evan was able to start swallowing again today. The Dr. said that he could possibly just be swollen from the dilation a few days after surgery and hopefully that was it. We'll see, but hopes are high. Just water and a little bit of applesauce,but it's a start.
Amy & Evan0 -
Great News!amy_evan2005 said:good news
Just wanted to let everyone know that Evan was able to start swallowing again today. The Dr. said that he could possibly just be swollen from the dilation a few days after surgery and hopefully that was it. We'll see, but hopes are high. Just water and a little bit of applesauce,but it's a start.
Amy & Evan
Glad to hear about Evan Amy..thanks,makes a big difference to eat, I start my treatments Tuesday (Hyperbaric) in anticipation for faster recoop, and to heal faster, and get the trachout, the antibiodics he has me on seem to be taking the inflamation down and my breathing is better, Evan, go for the campbells old fashion chicken noodle soup, with whole milk or half and half, and butter, i throw crakcers, good ones and have a feast, glad to report, I have gained over 10lbs. as of today, i'm determined to get better, even when the carpet is pulled out from underneath me, I don't know if it's medication or what, what a roller coaster. take care you guys, my thoughts are with you.....DENNIS In Tennessee0 -
ScamScambuster said:Mucus Issues
Hi Amy,
I finished treatment Oct 9th 2009 for tonsil cancer. 7 weeks of radiation and Erbitux (Chemo). I had a PEG put in about week of treatment when I could no longer eat. They gave me 'Ensure' and other canned rubbish which produced huge amounts of mucus and made life miserable. I realised I was intolerant to the feeds the hospital were using. they sent in the Hospital 'Nutritionist' who had the kitchen make special mixes for me but they all failed.
I then found a product by Sunrider called 'VitaShake'. It comes in powered form in Sachets. I mixed it with 220ml (Approx) Rice Milk or Soy Milk and put that in the tube and that got me through and I still have one feed a day. You can google Sunrider or VitaShake and find a Sunrider shop or distributer as unfortunately it is a direct marketing company but the product worked well and I had my Naturopaths check it out and they all gave it a big thumbs up. We joined up as members and got the discounts so you can do that or find someone who is a 'seller'. You should find a distribution centre or be able to order and have it delivered as said google and find the nearest outlet.
I also was prescribed 'Flumicil' which was in a tiny sachet, you mix with water and drink or put in the tube and that help break up the mucus. Your Dr can prescribe that as it works well but I would say his mucus is related to the feed and Dairy /Whey products.
I hope this info helps.
Scambuster in China
I just re-read this. I've been feeding on Peptamen (Soylent Green), a whey based formula from Nestle. I'm looking at the cases of the stuff and thought "why do I need this when I'm battling all this mucus?"
My wife found something at Whole Foods (sometimes referred to as Whole Paycheck here) called "Ultimate Meal" (UM) a veggie based source of all the same nutritional components as the Peptamen so we're going to give that a try for a while. If I can maintain my weight on the UM I'm going to send the Peptamen back.
I'll keep everyone posted.
Mick0 -
Amy, Evan, Anyone...Need a answer pleasedennis318 said:Great News!
Glad to hear about Evan Amy..thanks,makes a big difference to eat, I start my treatments Tuesday (Hyperbaric) in anticipation for faster recoop, and to heal faster, and get the trachout, the antibiodics he has me on seem to be taking the inflamation down and my breathing is better, Evan, go for the campbells old fashion chicken noodle soup, with whole milk or half and half, and butter, i throw crakcers, good ones and have a feast, glad to report, I have gained over 10lbs. as of today, i'm determined to get better, even when the carpet is pulled out from underneath me, I don't know if it's medication or what, what a roller coaster. take care you guys, my thoughts are with you.....DENNIS In Tennessee
Amy or who ever has has a trach removed, I am breathing better, especially with the hyperbaric treatment, my air wave is openning each doctor visit, the trach is a pain in the butt still, i want to know, ask Evan how much room does he feel the trach is taking up in his windpipe, i have a four, down from a six, and the doctor won't remove it till i can breathe with out any hard strenous breathing, i feel the trach is most of the problem sitting in there, and using up some space, and creating what mucus i have left, of course the doctor doesn't have a trach or his assistant, so i can't feel the proffessional can not give me the proffessional correct answer, Ask Evan and let me know did he feel more of an open airwave with it out, was eating easier?, did his coughin stop, thanks amy, or anyone out there, but he said if i keep showing progress and the airwave is opening, I can get this tube of plastic out, i feel we are dragging a procedure on for reasons, appointments etc...i know i sound impatient but i know Evan or someone could tell me how he feels without it. Thanks Dennis0 -
Hi Enkidoenkido said:Scarring in throat
What type of treatment was done for this blockage? I have not been able to swallow since my radiation treatments started August 26 2009. I got a PEG in September and use Jevity 1.5.
Yesterday my Digestive Specialist, did an endoscopy with the intention of doing a dilation.
When I was in the recovery room the Doctor said he has seen every type of problem there is, but never seen a throat completely blocked by scar tissue, as mine is. Could this be excess radiation?
I have been referred back to my ENT doctor, but want to know what to expect.
I have already had the Barium swallow test weeks ago with no success.
Regarding nutrition, I'm putting pureed vegetables and fruits in my PEG. It usually requires an equal amount of water. When I started treatment ( 2 chemo and 35 radiation), I weighed 235 pounds, today I'm 168 pounds. So now more than ever I need the PEG. Avocados, sweet potatoes and navy beans have lots of calories.
Good luck to all you Warriors out there.
Hi Enkido how are you. I joined the forum a couple of days ago and came across your post. I have had the PEG tube for a year and 3 months. Doctors were unable to dilate my oesophagus because the stricture was too tight and I was unable to swallow barium. Have you made any progress with your swallowing since? I hop you have. Or I would love to hear from anybody who may have advice0 -
Hi Enkidoenkido said:Scarring in throat
What type of treatment was done for this blockage? I have not been able to swallow since my radiation treatments started August 26 2009. I got a PEG in September and use Jevity 1.5.
Yesterday my Digestive Specialist, did an endoscopy with the intention of doing a dilation.
When I was in the recovery room the Doctor said he has seen every type of problem there is, but never seen a throat completely blocked by scar tissue, as mine is. Could this be excess radiation?
I have been referred back to my ENT doctor, but want to know what to expect.
I have already had the Barium swallow test weeks ago with no success.
Regarding nutrition, I'm putting pureed vegetables and fruits in my PEG. It usually requires an equal amount of water. When I started treatment ( 2 chemo and 35 radiation), I weighed 235 pounds, today I'm 168 pounds. So now more than ever I need the PEG. Avocados, sweet potatoes and navy beans have lots of calories.
Good luck to all you Warriors out there.
Hi Enkido. How are you? I joined the forum a couple of days ago. I am on a PEG tube for a year and 3 months. Doctors were unable to widen my oesophagus because the stricture was too tight and I was unable to swallow barium after the attempted dilation. Have you made any progress since with your swallowing. It would be good to hear from you or anybody with advice0 -
Speech Therapy and researchdennis318 said:Amy, Evan, Anyone...Need a answer please
Amy or who ever has has a trach removed, I am breathing better, especially with the hyperbaric treatment, my air wave is openning each doctor visit, the trach is a pain in the butt still, i want to know, ask Evan how much room does he feel the trach is taking up in his windpipe, i have a four, down from a six, and the doctor won't remove it till i can breathe with out any hard strenous breathing, i feel the trach is most of the problem sitting in there, and using up some space, and creating what mucus i have left, of course the doctor doesn't have a trach or his assistant, so i can't feel the proffessional can not give me the proffessional correct answer, Ask Evan and let me know did he feel more of an open airwave with it out, was eating easier?, did his coughin stop, thanks amy, or anyone out there, but he said if i keep showing progress and the airwave is opening, I can get this tube of plastic out, i feel we are dragging a procedure on for reasons, appointments etc...i know i sound impatient but i know Evan or someone could tell me how he feels without it. Thanks Dennis
Hi everyone!
I think anyone suffering from swallowing difficulties after treatment should see speech pathology. They are trained to help people with swallowing exercises and manuevers that can improve swallowing and make eating and drinking a little more comfortable/tolerable. A friend of mine did not recieve an appt with speech therapy until she made a big fuss about her swallowing status not improving. Her speech therapist recently introduced her to a clinical trial going on that involves electrical stimulation. They pair electrical stimulation with swallowing exercises and great thing is she gets to do it all at home! She hasnt enrolled yet but I wanted to spread the word. I think snything is worth a shot. Take a look at their website estimclinicaltrial.com or search in clinicaltrials.gov
Remember to keep eating, keep hope and good luck!0 -
scar tissue
I am working for a company that recently had a peer reviewed study published on pubmed.com. This study is actually regarding bypass surgery and the formation of scar tissue however as the report states, our product prevents additional scar tissue from forming. My ex husband went through radiation for throat cancer. He said that one of the problems he is having now and his problem with eating is scar tissue formation in his throat. I have no idea at all whether or not this can help him or help you all but I think it might be worth a try...I have enclosed the study from Ohio State University...I have made a huge leap here but I believe that if scar tissue can be prevented in one area of the body than maybe, just maybe it could work in another...
My name is Lynda Taylor. If after you read the study, you are interested...please let me know and I will forward the information about the product.0 -
scar tissue
I am working for a company that recently had a peer reviewed study published on pubmed.com. This study is actually regarding bypass surgery and the formation of scar tissue however as the report states, our product prevents additional scar tissue from forming. My ex husband went through radiation for throat cancer. He said that one of the problems he is having now and his problem with eating is scar tissue formation in his throat. I have no idea at all whether or not this can help him or help you all but I think it might be worth a try...I have enclosed the study from Ohio State University...I have made a huge leap here but I believe that if scar tissue can be prevented in one area of the body than maybe, just maybe it could work in another...
My name is Lynda Taylor. If after you read the study, you are interested...please let me know and I will forward the information about the product.0 -
Hi Lyndamslyndataylor said:scar tissue
I am working for a company that recently had a peer reviewed study published on pubmed.com. This study is actually regarding bypass surgery and the formation of scar tissue however as the report states, our product prevents additional scar tissue from forming. My ex husband went through radiation for throat cancer. He said that one of the problems he is having now and his problem with eating is scar tissue formation in his throat. I have no idea at all whether or not this can help him or help you all but I think it might be worth a try...I have enclosed the study from Ohio State University...I have made a huge leap here but I believe that if scar tissue can be prevented in one area of the body than maybe, just maybe it could work in another...
My name is Lynda Taylor. If after you read the study, you are interested...please let me know and I will forward the information about the product.
I will check it out and see,
thanks for the tip
Hondo0 -
Is your husband still having trouble swallowing. I had jaw cancer surgery in March, 2010 and still have my G-tube. I can eat pureed foods. Please let me know.0 -
hard to swallow
I finished radiation on June 23 2010. If his mucous is green he will need tests, this happened to me for about 4 month after leaving the hospital. I was given and antibiotic, and I was on it for better than 6 month. finally the mucous changed to clear. Keep you lungs clear by deep breathing, drink water, that was my best friend over a years time, Oh almost forgot, ensure helped me a lot. Kept to soft boiled egg. I still on grated food. My stomach feed was on for a full year. It is still hard to eat because it is hard swallow, because of aspiration. My wife found that she could puree, and use it as it is better than the liquid food from the hospital. Did they take the trach yet, because it gives you the time to start with ice, then water, soup. The Oncologist is a big help believe me. Ask the oncologist if it is time for eating, using rehab to retrain the throat. Even with all of this you will have to watch that the food goes down the right tube. Good luck.0
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