RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
edited March 2014 in Humor #1
We used to own a boat and we would tool around the Delta on it. I do not swim well so even though I enjoyed myself I was always a tad bit nervous. One day we were docking in prep to go home (I am not good at docking either)which always made me more nervous. I trust my husband totally so when he told me to go to the front of the boat and grab the rope I did, when he said jump I did......AHHHHHHHH he did not mean for me to launch myself off of the boat. I disappeared under the boat on the boat launch (did I mention I do not swim well). Let me tell you I had a death grip on that rope with my one good arm as I was bashed against the boat bottom several times. For those of you who do not know (I certainly did not) a boat launch is quite deep and there is a lot of turbulence down there, you cannot simply stand up! My husband managed to rescue me thankfully. When I was safely back on the boat I noticed all the concerned folks who had gathered to see if I was okay (and to see the show I was putting on I am sure.) Many came up and asked if I needed assistance including a nurse, I did not there was nothing they could do to patch up my pride. Another successful day on the Delta.



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    no boats for me
    I've never been a 'boat' person. I never learned to swim and just was always uncomfortable around water if I thought I'd get in it. Even driving next to a river made me uncomfortable. We had an above ground pool as a kid and I was ok with that. But if I ever get on boats I always wear a life jacket or at least know where they are located if it's a business.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    I love your boat story, I am an old salty who sailed for many years. I grew up on an Island in Honduras and lived in the water everyday like a fish. I love scuba diving and just being on the water, my scuba diving days are over due to the cancer in the head. But I can’t help remembering the good old days.

    Thanks again for the laugh
  • slickwilly
    slickwilly Member Posts: 334 Member
    Hondo said:

    I love your boat story, I am an old salty who sailed for many years. I grew up on an Island in Honduras and lived in the water everyday like a fish. I love scuba diving and just being on the water, my scuba diving days are over due to the cancer in the head. But I can’t help remembering the good old days.

    Thanks again for the laugh

    Living on the edge
    I have lived on Lake Superior most of my life. And I feel pretty secure on my parents 35 foot sailboat. You put up the sails, set the auto pilot and have a cup of tea. Then my cousin bought a 17 foot sailboat and we found out quickly that sailing was not so easy. A small boat requires constant attention. We were learning everything the hard way when we decided to make a 24 mile trip across Whitefish Bay. We both had life insurance so our spouses didn't say much. We had our portable radio and cell phone in case things went for the worse. But the truth is we proubly would of froze long before anyone could get to us. So off we went. We were about 7 miles from shore and in 300 feet of water when our compass and chart blew over the side of the boat. For a normal person this might of caused some stress but we were not smart enough for that. My mother and both wifes called on the phone and we reported that everything was just fine. We just didn't know where we were ha ha. We finally noticed the sun flash off a car windshield about two miles ahead. With luck at our side we sailed right into the river we intended to find. In fact we sailed right up to a dock and made a perfect turn at the last moment that made us look like seasoned sailors. A woman was standing at the dock and stated she was impressed by our sailing ability. I guess sometimes a person is better off lucky then smart. I can't wait for next summer. Slickwilly