Ostomy bag

coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Anyone experienced using ostomy bag due to colostomy from colorectal cancer? How long from surgery did the bad pain last? How do you get comfortable?Over time,does life really return to what had been "normal" prior to op? Had my op month ago....


  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    I have a permanant colosomy bag,the pain lasted about a few months,but I took vicodon and that helped.I spent most of the first few months lying on the couch during the day,and walking around once in a while.I started out useing a walker to start out with,one with a seat so I could rest when I needed.After the draining part healed,dealing with the bag became part of the daily routine,and life returned to "normal" after a few months.My biggest problem was with fatiuge and I had to take iron pills,and they helped,it took a few months for them to kick in.Good luck and best wishes.
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    How did you get comfortable?
    How did you get comfortable? I can't sleep for more than half an hour or so at a time. I take
    oxycodine, tylenole with codeine 3 or percocet in evening/night when pain gets annoying. Lucky to have girlfriend replace bags.Thanks for responding
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    Just over a month
    I had my surgery Aug 13th 2009 and I'm just getting to where I have no pain. Just to touch it hurt. Today most of the pain is gone (but not all the time). You need to talk to your dr about something for sleep many pain pills will keep you from sleeping well. Yes I'm getting to the point where my bag is the "NEW NORMAL" At first I hated it and did't even want to look at it but now it's not so bad. It's great fun to lift up my shirt and chase my daughter around the house. She hates that kind of stuff!!!
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member

    Just over a month
    I had my surgery Aug 13th 2009 and I'm just getting to where I have no pain. Just to touch it hurt. Today most of the pain is gone (but not all the time). You need to talk to your dr about something for sleep many pain pills will keep you from sleeping well. Yes I'm getting to the point where my bag is the "NEW NORMAL" At first I hated it and did't even want to look at it but now it's not so bad. It's great fun to lift up my shirt and chase my daughter around the house. She hates that kind of stuff!!!

    ostomy bag
    thanks for responding....Its lonely when your family abandons you and all that's left is your girlfriend, without whom I could not have survived chemo/rad/surgery (9/2/9)and 4 more months of chemo to come....What I am going thru is not what I had read about.Still can't sit on ****(stitches removed 2 weeks or so ago),can't get comfortable, sleep is difficult, lost 35 pounds of muscle, never been this weak. Don't know when your picture was taken, assumimg thats you,before or after op, but you look good (though of course don't know what you feel like). Have difficult time accepting what I look like (do not know what sewn up **** looks like, can barely touch it.....)with stitches from staples going up lower ab and stoma on left.You seem to have a good sense of humor about your bag....sorry for responding directly to you but I appreciate your responding to my situation.....
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    coloCan said:

    ostomy bag
    thanks for responding....Its lonely when your family abandons you and all that's left is your girlfriend, without whom I could not have survived chemo/rad/surgery (9/2/9)and 4 more months of chemo to come....What I am going thru is not what I had read about.Still can't sit on ****(stitches removed 2 weeks or so ago),can't get comfortable, sleep is difficult, lost 35 pounds of muscle, never been this weak. Don't know when your picture was taken, assumimg thats you,before or after op, but you look good (though of course don't know what you feel like). Have difficult time accepting what I look like (do not know what sewn up **** looks like, can barely touch it.....)with stitches from staples going up lower ab and stoma on left.You seem to have a good sense of humor about your bag....sorry for responding directly to you but I appreciate your responding to my situation.....

    I have.....
    ...a Temporary one, mine was in February, and I do get some pain now and then, not even pain, but it feels weird, the huge incision, like the folds are rubbing against the belly area, but I don't mind it, it's just another part of a daily routine, it was annoying at first.

    I'm sorry to hear about your family abandoning you, and glad you are being taken care of by your girlfriend, my hubby changed my bags when I was unable too right after surgery, but I now do it all by myself, I take showers without it on, and change it at least 2-3 times a week.

    I had to laugh at Just4Brooks, chasing his kid with it, that soooo made me crack up LOL

  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    coloCan said:

    ostomy bag
    thanks for responding....Its lonely when your family abandons you and all that's left is your girlfriend, without whom I could not have survived chemo/rad/surgery (9/2/9)and 4 more months of chemo to come....What I am going thru is not what I had read about.Still can't sit on ****(stitches removed 2 weeks or so ago),can't get comfortable, sleep is difficult, lost 35 pounds of muscle, never been this weak. Don't know when your picture was taken, assumimg thats you,before or after op, but you look good (though of course don't know what you feel like). Have difficult time accepting what I look like (do not know what sewn up **** looks like, can barely touch it.....)with stitches from staples going up lower ab and stoma on left.You seem to have a good sense of humor about your bag....sorry for responding directly to you but I appreciate your responding to my situation.....

    Ostomy bag
    I had to sit sideways,from side to side,and it still hurt.I used a foam pad folded over in a pillow case for a cushion to sit on,even in the car.The only pain pill I took is vicoden,and I slept ok.I had to sleep on my sides,still do.After several months I had to quit taking the pain pills or I couldn't sleep.I lost 60 pounds,and had a hard time gaining it back.The stitches on my butt tore loose,and that's what took a long time to heal.It healed quicker with the wound vac but that hurt alot,I couldn't sleep or get comfortable because of the pain.My surgery was july,08,and I still get sore if I sit for a long time.But I can do everything I did before,and I don't have to go running to bathroom when I have stomach problems.It will take time,at first I couldn't even get up by myself ,I was so weak.So don't give up,just keep on trying,and you will be ok.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    I had my surgery at the end of March and even though my incision is better, I still can't sit for very long, still not long enough to sit entirely through church but I'm able to almost sit through dinner. My ileostomy hurts if I reach too far or step up into the truck without supporting myself. You are so just out of surgery that a month is not near enough time to think you will heal. You need to give yourself a lot more time and be patient with your healing - I know easier said than done. I'm sorry about your family abandoning you, I hope it was not because of your ostomy. My husband has been wonderful about it and even got up with me at 4:30 the other morning because I had a blow out (ohhhhh I hate those). He didn't need to help me, but just wanted to be there to make sure I was warm enough (I go in the basement where my supplies are) and just to keep me company and to help me if I needed it. Glad your girlfriend is there to support you. Welcome to the board. You have a new family here.

  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    coloCan said:

    ostomy bag
    thanks for responding....Its lonely when your family abandons you and all that's left is your girlfriend, without whom I could not have survived chemo/rad/surgery (9/2/9)and 4 more months of chemo to come....What I am going thru is not what I had read about.Still can't sit on ****(stitches removed 2 weeks or so ago),can't get comfortable, sleep is difficult, lost 35 pounds of muscle, never been this weak. Don't know when your picture was taken, assumimg thats you,before or after op, but you look good (though of course don't know what you feel like). Have difficult time accepting what I look like (do not know what sewn up **** looks like, can barely touch it.....)with stitches from staples going up lower ab and stoma on left.You seem to have a good sense of humor about your bag....sorry for responding directly to you but I appreciate your responding to my situation.....

    I also got a Blow-up donut thing
    I also got a Blow-up donut thing to sit on. It helped a lot. I also lost abut 25 lbs sence this cancer thing started. The pic is fron just before surgery (after radation/chemo). Dude... I'm telling ya. We're going to be okay. I have days I get blue but this will make me and all of us stronger and no I dont look as good as I once did on the outside but I'm looking better on the inside by becoming a better person. And look at it this way... you never wanted to look at your assh%&e before all of this. Why do you want to see it now?

    My name is Brooks, What is yours?
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member

    I had my surgery at the end of March and even though my incision is better, I still can't sit for very long, still not long enough to sit entirely through church but I'm able to almost sit through dinner. My ileostomy hurts if I reach too far or step up into the truck without supporting myself. You are so just out of surgery that a month is not near enough time to think you will heal. You need to give yourself a lot more time and be patient with your healing - I know easier said than done. I'm sorry about your family abandoning you, I hope it was not because of your ostomy. My husband has been wonderful about it and even got up with me at 4:30 the other morning because I had a blow out (ohhhhh I hate those). He didn't need to help me, but just wanted to be there to make sure I was warm enough (I go in the basement where my supplies are) and just to keep me company and to help me if I needed it. Glad your girlfriend is there to support you. Welcome to the board. You have a new family here.


    Blow outs
    Annabelle41415 > I laughed at you blow out thing. Mine has blown twice. First time I had a dream I was painting.... I need not to go any further!!!

    Life is funny sometimes
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    I had my surgery at the end of March and even though my incision is better, I still can't sit for very long, still not long enough to sit entirely through church but I'm able to almost sit through dinner. My ileostomy hurts if I reach too far or step up into the truck without supporting myself. You are so just out of surgery that a month is not near enough time to think you will heal. You need to give yourself a lot more time and be patient with your healing - I know easier said than done. I'm sorry about your family abandoning you, I hope it was not because of your ostomy. My husband has been wonderful about it and even got up with me at 4:30 the other morning because I had a blow out (ohhhhh I hate those). He didn't need to help me, but just wanted to be there to make sure I was warm enough (I go in the basement where my supplies are) and just to keep me company and to help me if I needed it. Glad your girlfriend is there to support you. Welcome to the board. You have a new family here.


    I remember....
    ...the wound vac was very painful, the "sponges" they used to put inside the wound would sometimes stick to the inside when the home health nurses changed it, I couldn't wait till I was done with that, I had it for 5 weeks out of surgery, but it does keep you from getting infected, and healed faster. It's still very deep, now, I don't have stitches in my rectum or anything, but sometimes I have discomfort from wearing my jeans, I wish they would have made it a little higher, I don't wear hip huggers lol...

    You will be alright, just as Brooks said, you will get used to it. I always have slept on my sides, but now I just sleep mostly on my right hand side, since the ostomy is on my left, and I'm afraid of it busting on me if I fell asleep on it lol...

    If vicodin isn't helping the pain, try Oxycontin, I am on that, 40mg, and it works very well with the pain, and Oxycodone 15 mg for the breakthrough pain. I was on morphine, but didn't like it, it did nothing but made me loopy. I also take Ativan for sleep (it's also good for nausea) and Xanex also helps knock me out as well.

    Kim, that was so funny, I've had one myself, how embarrassing and gross it was...me running to the bathroom with it dripping out, UGH!!! LOL!!

    Take care and hope you feel better!

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member

    I also got a Blow-up donut thing
    I also got a Blow-up donut thing to sit on. It helped a lot. I also lost abut 25 lbs sence this cancer thing started. The pic is fron just before surgery (after radation/chemo). Dude... I'm telling ya. We're going to be okay. I have days I get blue but this will make me and all of us stronger and no I dont look as good as I once did on the outside but I'm looking better on the inside by becoming a better person. And look at it this way... you never wanted to look at your assh%&e before all of this. Why do you want to see it now?

    My name is Brooks, What is yours?

    My name is Steve. You have a great attitude Would like to keep in touch.Live in Brooklyn.
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    coloCan said:

    My name is Steve. You have a great attitude Would like to keep in touch.Live in Brooklyn.

    Hi Steve... Open a facebook account
    I'll PM you now... Does anyone know how to PM somebody?

    I GOT IT, Thanks everyone
  • kapper48
    kapper48 Member Posts: 85
    ostomy bag
    Hi Steve,
    I had my surgery on June 21st of 2009 and am now finally getting used to having a bag. It really sucked at first but now its just a part of my life now, I am going through Chemo every other week and I have no problem with the bag. People said it would be difficult during chemo but I see no difference. Hang in there man things will get better for you. If you ever need someone to talk to let me know I would be glad to talk to you. My Dr. said I have about 2-3 years left but I plan on proving her wrong. You can read my story on caringbridge.org if you want to. just type in patrickkapper and it should take you right to it.
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    kapper48 said:

    ostomy bag
    Hi Steve,
    I had my surgery on June 21st of 2009 and am now finally getting used to having a bag. It really sucked at first but now its just a part of my life now, I am going through Chemo every other week and I have no problem with the bag. People said it would be difficult during chemo but I see no difference. Hang in there man things will get better for you. If you ever need someone to talk to let me know I would be glad to talk to you. My Dr. said I have about 2-3 years left but I plan on proving her wrong. You can read my story on caringbridge.org if you want to. just type in patrickkapper and it should take you right to it.

    Thanking you all for responding to my question about life with a bag and what to expect after surgery.
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Blow outs
    Annabelle41415 > I laughed at you blow out thing. Mine has blown twice. First time I had a dream I was painting.... I need not to go any further!!!

    Life is funny sometimes

    Oh Too Funny
    You dreaming of painting while you had a "blow out". Doesn't that just wake you up in a hurry. I seem to have a lot of them now that I have a prolapsed stoma. I have changed ostomy supplies to help with them but I think I figured it out. My prolapse stoma has a whole in it too, so I'm leaking from two different places. So weird because I finally noticed it the other morning when changing appliances (hence the big blow out). We just need to deal with it when it comes. Hoping my new change will at least last longer than the last one. Yes life is funny sometimes even when dealing with cancer consequences LOL :)

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member

    I had my surgery at the end of March and even though my incision is better, I still can't sit for very long, still not long enough to sit entirely through church but I'm able to almost sit through dinner. My ileostomy hurts if I reach too far or step up into the truck without supporting myself. You are so just out of surgery that a month is not near enough time to think you will heal. You need to give yourself a lot more time and be patient with your healing - I know easier said than done. I'm sorry about your family abandoning you, I hope it was not because of your ostomy. My husband has been wonderful about it and even got up with me at 4:30 the other morning because I had a blow out (ohhhhh I hate those). He didn't need to help me, but just wanted to be there to make sure I was warm enough (I go in the basement where my supplies are) and just to keep me company and to help me if I needed it. Glad your girlfriend is there to support you. Welcome to the board. You have a new family here.


    What's a "blowout"?
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    coloCan said:

    Thanking you all for responding to my question about life with a bag and what to expect after surgery.

    That is when the bag comes off either because it was sticking good enough or like mine it started leaking from under the wafer. You just have to find the right appliance for you.

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member

    That is when the bag comes off either because it was sticking good enough or like mine it started leaking from under the wafer. You just have to find the right appliance for you.


    Does your bag occasionally fill with air/gas and tug at your skin? I've learned to undo clip at bottom(use two-piece ConvaTec bags)and gently squeeze ouy the air--if bag is not too full.I also started emptying stool as it drops toward bottom of bag. Health plan provides only 20 bags/month which I do not think adequate so I will buy extra on my own.
  • just4Brooks
    just4Brooks Member Posts: 980 Member
    coloCan said:

    Does your bag occasionally fill with air/gas and tug at your skin? I've learned to undo clip at bottom(use two-piece ConvaTec bags)and gently squeeze ouy the air--if bag is not too full.I also started emptying stool as it drops toward bottom of bag. Health plan provides only 20 bags/month which I do not think adequate so I will buy extra on my own.

    Dont change too often.. Skin Breakdown
    Steve... Try to have them last two days... the skin around your stoma will breakdown and you'll really run into proplems. Did they give you a ostomy nurse when you where in the hospital? If you still have questions call them. I also got some free things to try through Hollister. Plus they have lots of onfo. >> Oh ya.. blow out is the bag opens up and you have **** all over you and your bed
  • New Ostomy
    Hey, I got mine done 2 weeks ago, the pain is still intense, I'm doing Lohrtab and Motrin off and on. I hate that I can't sit for more than about 15 minutes. Sleep is ok, though. Getting used to the bag, but I think there is a problem with my stoma and they are talking about redoing it next week. Hang in there friend, the alternative is worse! K