Roll Call: Oldies and Newbies, tell me your weekend plans!!



  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    KathiM said:

    For our precious last few weekends...
    We have 3 left here in The Netherlands.

    Tomorrow or Sunday, we will go by train to The Hague for an antique market. It depends on which day the rain doesn't. (lol). We got our new freezer delivered today. It replaces a unit that was using so much electricity, and it was huge, and never did we fill it. So, we will be changing things around to accomodate it.

    We also made reservations for our mini trip to Switzerland. I'm VERY excited...never been there.

    Today was Hans' mom's birthday. We had forgotten a bit, but many called to share their sympathy (she passed last year, first part of August...sigh...I miss her). There are so many lovely people here.

    Hugs, Kathi

    Wonderful, Kathi
    Wow, your weekend sounds just excellent. I've never been to Switzerland either, but would LOVE to go. Hope you fill your new freezer with lots of delicious things.

  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    Fri-work; rads #19;
    Fri-work; rads #19; chores
    Sat. - church event; chores
    Sun. - church; chores

    No workouts scheduled for this weekend-radiation is taking its toll!
    Hope everyone has relaxing weekend!
  • Sherry_Ranuio
    Sherry_Ranuio Member Posts: 28
    Family Weekend
    Sounds like you are going to have a great weekend with your parents! Someday I hope to see our great capitol lit up at night. It must be a weekend for family because I have my daughter and son-in-law coming over Sat. and staying the night then on Sun. my husband, myself, our two youngest, our eldest son, both our married daughters and their husbands are all going to get family pictures taken and then we are going to the park to have a going away BBQ for one of our son-in-laws because he is being deployed to Iraq for a year. My eldest son is joining the Air Force and soon he'll be going off to boot camp. I can't believe I was able to get all our children together for pictures! These will be the last pics of all of us together for quite awhile, so I am very delighted about it!
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Family Weekend
    Sounds like you are going to have a great weekend with your parents! Someday I hope to see our great capitol lit up at night. It must be a weekend for family because I have my daughter and son-in-law coming over Sat. and staying the night then on Sun. my husband, myself, our two youngest, our eldest son, both our married daughters and their husbands are all going to get family pictures taken and then we are going to the park to have a going away BBQ for one of our son-in-laws because he is being deployed to Iraq for a year. My eldest son is joining the Air Force and soon he'll be going off to boot camp. I can't believe I was able to get all our children together for pictures! These will be the last pics of all of us together for quite awhile, so I am very delighted about it!

    Saturday and Sunday ☻
    Saturday, we are having a few couples out for a bbq! Hubby wants to show his expertise in cooking the perfect steak again. I have to admit, he does GOOD! So, looking forward to a fun and lively evening.

    On Sunday, we will do some work outside. He will probably mow and weedwak and I will probably work in my gardens. Or, I might go inside and sneak in a nap. haha

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Thanks for posting Mimi!

    ♥ Noel
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Noel said:

    Saturday and Sunday ☻
    Saturday, we are having a few couples out for a bbq! Hubby wants to show his expertise in cooking the perfect steak again. I have to admit, he does GOOD! So, looking forward to a fun and lively evening.

    On Sunday, we will do some work outside. He will probably mow and weedwak and I will probably work in my gardens. Or, I might go inside and sneak in a nap. haha

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Thanks for posting Mimi!

    ♥ Noel

    Wow! I want to do all these things too! But, son was home with the flu all week and decided to share it with me! It hit me this morning. YUK!!
    Usually, I go garage saleing on Sat. morning, yard work, cleaning the rest of the day. Sunday I watch Joel Osteen-I like him. Wish his show was longer. Then CBS news, the rest of the day I try to R & R with HGTV for creative ideas.
    I need a life 2! I've only been to the beach twice this summer, fishing maybe 3 times, no movies, not much shopping, what's wrong with me?! I'm not me. I'm always tired, don't feel like doing much, when I do, I get wore out easily. Hmmm...Have a feeling this is just the beginning.
    Glad you asked-interesting seeing what everyone is up to!
    Have a great time with your visitors!
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Noel said:

    Saturday and Sunday ☻
    Saturday, we are having a few couples out for a bbq! Hubby wants to show his expertise in cooking the perfect steak again. I have to admit, he does GOOD! So, looking forward to a fun and lively evening.

    On Sunday, we will do some work outside. He will probably mow and weedwak and I will probably work in my gardens. Or, I might go inside and sneak in a nap. haha

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Thanks for posting Mimi!

    ♥ Noel

    Thanks Mimi
    (I love this Thread!).. Ok, Saturday, not working...CHILL OUT DAY!.. Sunday - First visitors to my new apartment!! Woohooooo! My friend Cheryl told me that the kids are dying to see my new home (Childrens Aid kids, both very special and I love them to bits!) Anyway, they will be my first visitors, I look forward to it very much..

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Mimi that sounds like a wonderful weekend. My husband and I will be attending a wedding for a friend from our high school days. I even went out and bought a little black dress, well not that little LOL!!! I am looking forward to getting out, I just hope my tummy relaxes enough so that I can have a bit of fun, it is in an uproar again as of yesterday. Frankly I simply refuse to let it ruin my weekend, I AM GOING TO HAVE FUN!!!

    My best to each and every one of you!

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Thanks Mimi for keeping the
    Thanks Mimi for keeping the weekend plans thread going, I really enjoy reading what everyone has planned. Yours sounds like fun, so I hope that the weather holds out and Tropical storm Danny stays far off in the Atlantic. (crossing fingers). Our plans are college, college, and more college. My son starts Monday, so we need to buy last minute things. He already received an email from one of his professors with homework, so I guess we need to buy books. My daughter needs more things too, so, more shopping for her also. Hopefully, I'll be able to fit in a night out with hubby in between. Hugs, Lili
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Yippee....I finally get to do something this weekend
    My whole summer has passed me by and just when I am feeling the most tired I get invited to go to Amish country for a day of shopping!! Of course I wasn't turning this down! Poor hubby is working late and I have set the alarm very early for him! We will leave with our friends and get there in time to have breakfast. Then shop, shop, shop!! Then sample some Amish wine. Head to dinner. And crash on the ride home. Poor hubby just couldn't say no to retail therapy. Besides, I pointed out that he could not possibly be as tired as me, therefore, if I could make it, so could he!! Was that wrong of me to guilt him into it? Naaa, he'll survive. We'll have all day Sunday to rest our feet and relax! Pammy
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Akiss4me said:

    Yippee....I finally get to do something this weekend
    My whole summer has passed me by and just when I am feeling the most tired I get invited to go to Amish country for a day of shopping!! Of course I wasn't turning this down! Poor hubby is working late and I have set the alarm very early for him! We will leave with our friends and get there in time to have breakfast. Then shop, shop, shop!! Then sample some Amish wine. Head to dinner. And crash on the ride home. Poor hubby just couldn't say no to retail therapy. Besides, I pointed out that he could not possibly be as tired as me, therefore, if I could make it, so could he!! Was that wrong of me to guilt him into it? Naaa, he'll survive. We'll have all day Sunday to rest our feet and relax! Pammy

    Dress up, then dinner, then ------who knows! lol
    Mimi, thanks so much for doing this! I have missed it as the others!

    Tomorrow, we are sleeping in and taking it easy. Then we are going to get all cleaned up and all dressed up and go out to dinner with some friends to a really nice restaurant that we all like. I love to dress up, so, I can't wait!

    Then Sunday, I don't know. lol We have no plans, so that is GOOD! I guess we will just do whatever pops up. OMG! lol

    Bad Lex♥
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    Alexis F said:

    Dress up, then dinner, then ------who knows! lol
    Mimi, thanks so much for doing this! I have missed it as the others!

    Tomorrow, we are sleeping in and taking it easy. Then we are going to get all cleaned up and all dressed up and go out to dinner with some friends to a really nice restaurant that we all like. I love to dress up, so, I can't wait!

    Then Sunday, I don't know. lol We have no plans, so that is GOOD! I guess we will just do whatever pops up. OMG! lol

    Bad Lex♥

    Mimi, I just want to thank you for starting this thread again! It looks like everyone is going to have a great weekend! I look at everyday as a gift, no matter what I do!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    mimivac said:

    Sounds relaxing, Diane. I know what you mean about Sundays. I try not to schedule anything on those days because I like to stay in Pajamas all day and watch movies and eat. Nothing like a good, lazy Sunday!

    Hi! Back from shopping and
    Hi! Back from shopping and I made out like crazy! I found so much stuff and hubby just kept saying ok, ok ok. Yeaaaaa! He is the best! Ofcourse, he has never told me no for anything.

    Yea Mimi, I love Sundays like that. Well, we both like that. Just hanging out.

    Have a great weekend!

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Noel said:

    Mimi, I just want to thank you for starting this thread again! It looks like everyone is going to have a great weekend! I look at everyday as a gift, no matter what I do!


    You guys are an inspiration. I look forward to your energy. on third day on chemo so am a little pooped. (first cycle) I have tickets to concert on next cycle day 3 am planning on going - any tips? enjoy!!!
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    carkris said:

    You guys are an inspiration. I look forward to your energy. on third day on chemo so am a little pooped. (first cycle) I have tickets to concert on next cycle day 3 am planning on going - any tips? enjoy!!!

    Being dragged back out in the trailer~~
    ~~he has to "squeeeeeze" one more weekend camping trip in before summer is gone....didn't we just get home from a week in it?? Oh, i would rather be seeing the monuments at night, or switzerland and all that swiss chocolate......sigh.
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670

    Being dragged back out in the trailer~~
    ~~he has to "squeeeeeze" one more weekend camping trip in before summer is gone....didn't we just get home from a week in it?? Oh, i would rather be seeing the monuments at night, or switzerland and all that swiss chocolate......sigh.

    Has a port installed monday, chemo tuesday and ive been down most days since. The evenings is when i start to get a little life back into me. I actually went and saw a good friend this evening i hadnt seen her in a while, so that was nice to get out and not be laying around tired and feeling sick. Its wierd how most of the day i feel sick and tired and toward the evening better. Who knows. Only two more treatments to go though and then i get to make the tamoxifen decission, not sure on what to do about that yet though. Take care, hope all are doing good.

  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769

    Weekend plans
    I'm cleaning early in the morning and then having a couple of HUGE Oak trees taken down because they are infested with carpenter ants and I don't need those creatures in my house and I don't need one of those trees to come down on my house this winter.

    Sunday-church and then retail therapy for Jake for school--sneakers, socks, undies.


    No tree cutting
    No tree cutting on Saturday because Tropical Storm Danny hit us with a huge amount of rain but the men did come out in the rain to look at the trees I need cut. They will be over to do it before winter and take all the wood so they can either use the good wood themselves or sell it and it won't cost me anything to have them cut. Woo Hoo!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    lolad said:

    Has a port installed monday, chemo tuesday and ive been down most days since. The evenings is when i start to get a little life back into me. I actually went and saw a good friend this evening i hadnt seen her in a while, so that was nice to get out and not be laying around tired and feeling sick. Its wierd how most of the day i feel sick and tired and toward the evening better. Who knows. Only two more treatments to go though and then i get to make the tamoxifen decission, not sure on what to do about that yet though. Take care, hope all are doing good.


    Hi. My oncologist has said
    Hi. My oncologist has said that he wants me to take tamoxifen too when I finish my radiation treatments. I am not sure that I want to though. It is good to see someone else indecisive, and, not just me.

  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    KathiM said:

    For our precious last few weekends...
    We have 3 left here in The Netherlands.

    Tomorrow or Sunday, we will go by train to The Hague for an antique market. It depends on which day the rain doesn't. (lol). We got our new freezer delivered today. It replaces a unit that was using so much electricity, and it was huge, and never did we fill it. So, we will be changing things around to accomodate it.

    We also made reservations for our mini trip to Switzerland. I'm VERY excited...never been there.

    Today was Hans' mom's birthday. We had forgotten a bit, but many called to share their sympathy (she passed last year, first part of August...sigh...I miss her). There are so many lovely people here.

    Hugs, Kathi

    Um Kathi?
    Would you like to adopt me? lol I would love to travel overseas!

    ♥ Noel
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Hi. My oncologist has said
    Hi. My oncologist has said that he wants me to take tamoxifen too when I finish my radiation treatments. I am not sure that I want to though. It is good to see someone else indecisive, and, not just me.


    I forgot to thank you for starting this thread again. We all missed it! So, thanks! Had a great weekend. Hope everyone else did!

    Kristin ♥
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Noel said:

    Um Kathi?
    Would you like to adopt me? lol I would love to travel overseas!

    ♥ Noel

    We are living here for half a're welcome!
    Just let me know so I can set out the wooden shoes!!!

    We are planning every 3 months to change countries...2 homes, 2 times the stuff, 2 times the! BUT, if nothing else, cancer taught me to live life while it's good...

    Hugs, Kathi