Diagnosed Today.....



  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    PGirlSTL said:

    Hi Carolyn, I know how you feel, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal AND invasive lobular carcinoma July 24 (my doc says only 10% get both at the same time, I guess I'm an overachiever)It's such a roller coaster, especially at first. In four weeks I've had 2 ultrasounds, an MRI, a mammo, and I'm having my third lumpectomy attempt next week. I haven't found a support group I really fit into, most of the BC groups are older women with grandkids, and the young people groups are for people 20-30. I turned 41 2 days after my diag. I'm divorced with a 5 year old son and family out of town. Lean on your family and friends! The hardest part for me is going home to the empty house and having no one to cry on. Stay strong, we will beat this!!

    Welcome PGirlSTL-you will
    Welcome PGirlSTL-you will find a strong band of sisters on this board. Stop by often & let us know ho everything is going!

    Hugs & prayers headed your way....
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    DEwill said:

    I know how you feel
    Take deep breathes. I have 2 sons also and went thru this starting April 11, 2009. Sometimes I think my sons have taken it worse than I have.
    Try to encourage them to stay calm until all the information is avaialable. ONe of my sons stayed strong and the other one stuck his head in the sand and when he does realize what is going on, panicks over and over. I guess this is just the nature of each one. My husband had a major heart attach 1 week after we learned of my breat cancer. He is doing well but I have that additional worry.

    I was also scaread and didn't feel like I could show it to my husband and boys because I wanted to save them from the terror I was feeling.
    Once I met with the Breast Cancer Surgeon, and I asked my sons and husband to go to the appt. with me. She talked to them and me, gave us details of what would happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. etc. This seemed to calm them some and I was able to open up a little more.

    I am so sorry about your mother. No one understands unless they have gone through this loss. It took me 6 months to speaak about mother without crying. I cannot imagine going through this crazy cancer along with such a loss.

    I will pray for you and your family to have strength and guidance.

    Write your questions down as they come up. When you get to the Dr. I could not think of anything. My first visit I had 26 questions. Some were important and some were just curious. If you have a good dr they will not mind answering..

    Keep us informed and if there is anything I can do to help you through this let me know.

    Hi Dewill and welcome! You
    Hi Dewill and welcome! You have been thru a lot to. I hope you find support here.

  • dodysobas
    dodysobas Member Posts: 1
    I am 46 was diagnosed in
    I am 46 was diagnosed in May 2008 with ductal carcinoma and I know it is so scary. Had my mastectomy in June 2008 and no lymph node involvement. I am doing great now and have gotten through it and you will too, any questions, just ask.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    dodysobas said:

    I am 46 was diagnosed in
    I am 46 was diagnosed in May 2008 with ductal carcinoma and I know it is so scary. Had my mastectomy in June 2008 and no lymph node involvement. I am doing great now and have gotten through it and you will too, any questions, just ask.

    Hi Dodysobas and Welcome to the board! Glad to hear that you are doing great! We love that kind of news around here!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    Diagnosed this week
    Hi Carolyn. I am Liz and I was diagnosed this week too. I also have Stage I well differentiated invasive ductal breast cancer. (That's the good news!!!) I am still waiting to find out if I am HER2+ and the MRI results. Once I have those results I will decide if I am having a lumpectomy with radiation or mastectomy and/or chemo. We are going to do the sentinel node biopsy when I have my surgery. I am 38 and have two little girls: 10 and 7. I am also going to be tested for the BRAC gene when i meet my oncologist in 1 1/2 weeks. I am scared too. I am finding that the more people I talk to, the more informed I am, then the easier it is to breathe. Good luck. I have a feeling we'll be talking to each other a lot in the next few months.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    pitt said:

    Diagnosed this week
    Hi Carolyn. I am Liz and I was diagnosed this week too. I also have Stage I well differentiated invasive ductal breast cancer. (That's the good news!!!) I am still waiting to find out if I am HER2+ and the MRI results. Once I have those results I will decide if I am having a lumpectomy with radiation or mastectomy and/or chemo. We are going to do the sentinel node biopsy when I have my surgery. I am 38 and have two little girls: 10 and 7. I am also going to be tested for the BRAC gene when i meet my oncologist in 1 1/2 weeks. I am scared too. I am finding that the more people I talk to, the more informed I am, then the easier it is to breathe. Good luck. I have a feeling we'll be talking to each other a lot in the next few months.

    Hi pitt and welcome! Sorry that you are here because of bc. We are all here to support each other. Good luck!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    dodysobas said:

    I am 46 was diagnosed in
    I am 46 was diagnosed in May 2008 with ductal carcinoma and I know it is so scary. Had my mastectomy in June 2008 and no lymph node involvement. I am doing great now and have gotten through it and you will too, any questions, just ask.

    Hi Dody and Liz! Welcome to
    Hi Dody and Liz! Welcome to the board here. There are a lot of bc survivors with lots of support, encouragement and a listening ear!

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • Jula
    Jula Member Posts: 1

    Diagnosed today
    Welcome to the network. We understand it is a very tough! Please, Do be scared, cancer should be scared of your determination to win.
    I was diagnosed about 12 months ago. I have had a Stage 3 and underwent surgery, Chemo, and Radiation.
    New Flower

    I was diagnosed with stage 3 BC and wanted to ask you how you did? I'm so sad right now. My husband past away this past March and I feel so alone. I have my mother and brothers but still. I had problems with my bone marrow years ago and my dr. says if the chemo is too strong for my body they might have to stop. I'm scared. I have told some of my closest friends and some family members but not many people at work. Will I be able to work during Chemo? I will be having two weeks on and two weeks off for two rounds. Should i just tell people?
  • Wolfi
    Wolfi Member Posts: 425
    Jula said:

    I was diagnosed with stage 3 BC and wanted to ask you how you did? I'm so sad right now. My husband past away this past March and I feel so alone. I have my mother and brothers but still. I had problems with my bone marrow years ago and my dr. says if the chemo is too strong for my body they might have to stop. I'm scared. I have told some of my closest friends and some family members but not many people at work. Will I be able to work during Chemo? I will be having two weeks on and two weeks off for two rounds. Should i just tell people?

    Telling people

    You should tell people when you feel like it and not before. I only told a handful of people at work about my bc because I didn't want to deal with all of the (nosey) questions or looks of pity from everyone else. I've worked with a woman for the past 8 years and yet she was one of the last people I told before I left for my surgery. Out of the few that know I have bc, only two of them know I had a bilateral mastectomy.

    Only tell those on a need to know basis until you feel like sharing more. This forum is a good place to "talk" where you will not be judged and you will be supported by many others who have gone through some of the same things.

    I pray that you are able to handle the chemo treatments that you need or that they can find alternative treatments for your situation.

    Take care.
