Hosed off to the nth degree!

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Maybe I don't belong here either!



  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Now that is just
    Now that is just ridiculous.. I just wish all of this would stop. Someone.. anyone.. make this go away..
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    taleena said:

    Now that is just
    Now that is just ridiculous.. I just wish all of this would stop. Someone.. anyone.. make this go away..

    Explain why you feel that way. For goodness sakes Girl. You are loved.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    huuuh? where'd that ome
    huuuh? where'd that come from?
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Deep Breath.....
    if that doesn't work, try swallowing a guppie!!! (at least it will take your mind off things!) :) Pammy
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    tasha get you butt back here
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    cats_toy said:

    tasha get you butt back here

    Ditto that, Cats toy. And
    Ditto that, Cats toy. And Tasha, this too shall pass.
  • bfbear
    bfbear Member Posts: 380
    Akiss4me said:

    Deep Breath.....
    if that doesn't work, try swallowing a guppie!!! (at least it will take your mind off things!) :) Pammy

    This is not a sexist thing. Do you recall the whole hoo-ha a few months back with Kourtnee/Megan? How she got everyone so involved in her life and had us all believing she was dying, and then actually faked her own death.....but came back, miraculously, and blamed the whole thing on her mother?????

    There ARE people who do not belong here. Obviously Megan had other problems and issues that were not being addressed, but in the meantime she played out her drama and crushed a lot of people here, emotionally.

    I understand your sympathy toward a person who was scared about having bc. There have been many women, since I've joined, who were here before diagnosis and then everything turned out NED, they were greatly relieved, and then said their good-byes. In my opinion, that's appropriate behavior. Mike's is not.

    I do not think of him as a creep or a pervert...just someone whose boundaries are shaky, and who has serious, self-admitted issues that need to be addressed elsewhere, just like Megan. I believe Mike can be helped much more in other places.

    As for you leaving, please take a big breath and consider what you're saying. Would you leave all the people here who love you over this one, albeit large, issue?

    Friends fight, agree to disagree, but they don't walk out on each other. If that were the case, I'd be outta here right now too, because as mad as you are about the "feeding frenzy" is as mad as I am about this whole issue at this point. We are all spending more time asking Mike to stay on the PM side of things or defending his right to be here instead of supporting each other's day to day dealings with bc and helping newbies here get through their real bc diagnoses.

    Bottom line: What is the purpose of this American Cancer Society's Cancer Survivor's Network, Breast Cancer Discussion Board?

    We hold each others' hands and take care of each other, from the fearful feelings of "something's wrong," through the diagnosing, and then through the treatment after. And again I'll reiterate, women who have been here and then been found to be cancer-free, are more than happy to get out of here. They don't WANT to be here. They are relieved and excited to go, and they say their happy good-byes, and they go. Why not Mike? Why is it so important to him to stay on the board -- why is it so important for us to support him?

    I guess I just don't understand. I am sorry.

    But I know that this board would be a very sad place without you, and I hope that you can see the HUGE difference between yourself and Mike. Yes we are all human beings, and everyone deserves compassion, AND everyone has a responsibility to look in the mirror and see both their goodness and their flaws, and then work on changing those flaws into goodenss.

    I think that is what ALL of us really want for each other. We want to help each other, as survivors of bc, to be the best we can be. Could we ALL try to agree upon that?

    Most sincerely, and with much love,
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    bfbear said:

    This is not a sexist thing. Do you recall the whole hoo-ha a few months back with Kourtnee/Megan? How she got everyone so involved in her life and had us all believing she was dying, and then actually faked her own death.....but came back, miraculously, and blamed the whole thing on her mother?????

    There ARE people who do not belong here. Obviously Megan had other problems and issues that were not being addressed, but in the meantime she played out her drama and crushed a lot of people here, emotionally.

    I understand your sympathy toward a person who was scared about having bc. There have been many women, since I've joined, who were here before diagnosis and then everything turned out NED, they were greatly relieved, and then said their good-byes. In my opinion, that's appropriate behavior. Mike's is not.

    I do not think of him as a creep or a pervert...just someone whose boundaries are shaky, and who has serious, self-admitted issues that need to be addressed elsewhere, just like Megan. I believe Mike can be helped much more in other places.

    As for you leaving, please take a big breath and consider what you're saying. Would you leave all the people here who love you over this one, albeit large, issue?

    Friends fight, agree to disagree, but they don't walk out on each other. If that were the case, I'd be outta here right now too, because as mad as you are about the "feeding frenzy" is as mad as I am about this whole issue at this point. We are all spending more time asking Mike to stay on the PM side of things or defending his right to be here instead of supporting each other's day to day dealings with bc and helping newbies here get through their real bc diagnoses.

    Bottom line: What is the purpose of this American Cancer Society's Cancer Survivor's Network, Breast Cancer Discussion Board?

    We hold each others' hands and take care of each other, from the fearful feelings of "something's wrong," through the diagnosing, and then through the treatment after. And again I'll reiterate, women who have been here and then been found to be cancer-free, are more than happy to get out of here. They don't WANT to be here. They are relieved and excited to go, and they say their happy good-byes, and they go. Why not Mike? Why is it so important to him to stay on the board -- why is it so important for us to support him?

    I guess I just don't understand. I am sorry.

    But I know that this board would be a very sad place without you, and I hope that you can see the HUGE difference between yourself and Mike. Yes we are all human beings, and everyone deserves compassion, AND everyone has a responsibility to look in the mirror and see both their goodness and their flaws, and then work on changing those flaws into goodenss.

    I think that is what ALL of us really want for each other. We want to help each other, as survivors of bc, to be the best we can be. Could we ALL try to agree upon that?

    Most sincerely, and with much love,

    Perfectly said Debi! Thank
    Perfectly said Debi! Thank you! Love, Jeanne
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    I didn't mean to open a can of worms. My thought was to get the conflict out in the open and discuss it.

    Yes, I am uncomfortable about some things, and that is why I brought up the issue.

    But I thought that we could all work things out and I never intended to make anyone angry or upset anyone...most especially you.

    I look forward to your posts and to your wonderful sense of humor. Please don't leave.

  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    CR1954 said:

    I didn't mean to open a can of worms. My thought was to get the conflict out in the open and discuss it.

    Yes, I am uncomfortable about some things, and that is why I brought up the issue.

    But I thought that we could all work things out and I never intended to make anyone angry or upset anyone...most especially you.

    I look forward to your posts and to your wonderful sense of humor. Please don't leave.


    Needed to be said
    CR ... you didn't "open a can of worms." You said what a lot of us have been thinking and it needed to be said ... and out in the open. I don't know about others ... but it has been a relief to get my thoughts off my chest (no pun intended). It was also a relief to read the posts of others and to try to understand their feelings about Mike and his posts.

    We may have different opinions of Mike ... but I'm sure we can all agree that we wish him well. The issue seems to be that there are many of us who are very uncomfortable with his posts. I personally do not care if he reads all of our posts ... and if he gains anything from them ... great. The problem seems to be his posts. Hopefully PMs and his blog will solve that and you can all continue to stay in contact.

    My hope is ... now that we have all had a chance to voice our opinions that we can return to the supportive, caring group we were before all of this. Sure ... we will have different opinions on things ... but nothing is big enough to pull us apart. As Rodney King said ... "Can't we all just get along?" We are a group of very strong individuals ... and we need each other. At least I know I need all of you ... and that means you too ... TASHA! Don't leave me ... I need you and your posts ... and we all need you here!

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    tgf said:

    Needed to be said
    CR ... you didn't "open a can of worms." You said what a lot of us have been thinking and it needed to be said ... and out in the open. I don't know about others ... but it has been a relief to get my thoughts off my chest (no pun intended). It was also a relief to read the posts of others and to try to understand their feelings about Mike and his posts.

    We may have different opinions of Mike ... but I'm sure we can all agree that we wish him well. The issue seems to be that there are many of us who are very uncomfortable with his posts. I personally do not care if he reads all of our posts ... and if he gains anything from them ... great. The problem seems to be his posts. Hopefully PMs and his blog will solve that and you can all continue to stay in contact.

    My hope is ... now that we have all had a chance to voice our opinions that we can return to the supportive, caring group we were before all of this. Sure ... we will have different opinions on things ... but nothing is big enough to pull us apart. As Rodney King said ... "Can't we all just get along?" We are a group of very strong individuals ... and we need each other. At least I know I need all of you ... and that means you too ... TASHA! Don't leave me ... I need you and your posts ... and we all need you here!


    thank you........what the hell are you doing up at this time in the morning?

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    thank you........what the hell are you doing up at this time in the morning?

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Thank god you are staying!
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Nuff said.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    thank you........what the hell are you doing up at this time in the morning?

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Love the new pic, dear. At last, we all get to see you wearing your beloved color, turquoise. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    Love the new pic, dear. At last, we all get to see you wearing your beloved color, turquoise. :-)

    Kind regards, Susan
